


Corporation Man

The tune Secret Agent Man was going through my mind, and I came up with the following lyrics that could apply to our arguably coercive centralized system of wealth generation (and distribution).  Or at least the wretched excess of same:

To the tune of Secret Agent Man:

  There’s some folks who lead a life o’ plunder
  They will tear your open fields asunder
  Communities can’t stay, the fat cats gotta play
  They ain’t got to feel your neighbors’ sorrow

  Corporation Man, big Corporation Man
  Dealing out the heartbreaks, and passing on the pain

  We put all our lackeys in the guv’ment
  They pass what we want and it’s no wond’ment
  If ever there’s a hitch, we SLAPP that silly bitch,
  use the law to keep the people silent

  Corporation Man, big Corporation Man
  Dealing out the heartbreaks, and passing on the pain

  Our mission is to scorch the earth for profit
  We’re legal persons, too, so just get off it!
  Do everything we say, and don’t get in our way
  Then if you’re nice, our mess we’ll let you mop it

  Corporation Man, big Corporation Man
  Dealing out the heartbreaks, and passing on the pain

  One day folks will see the strong connection
  Be-tween the central state and our affliction
  The good times may not last,
  when all the 'hoods be gassed
  Odds are we won’t be around tomorrow

  Corporation Man, big Corporation Man
  Dealing out the heartbreaks, and passing on the pain

Let me know what you think.  As far as I’m concerned you can use this so long as you point people to the webpage you saw it on.  Probably if you want to sing it in public, you need to pay somebody royalties.

Obviously, this song suggests I’m not a big fan of the corporate concept.  Certainly I’m against any special privilege (Jack Shimek informs me privilege is Latin for private law) in our political system.
It does seem the largest national/international corporations work against liberty in the real community and climb in bed with the central state to the detriment of real people.  This becomes a serious problem especially when the state maintains a money and banking monopoly. 

The money monopoly is in effect a license to steal, and the main recipients of the booty are these politically connected business “gangs”—i.e. power-elite corporations.

At other locations on the site we discuss the whole subject of the legitimacy of corporations and what we can do about it.  In particular, check my review of Thom Hartmann’s book: Unequal Protection.



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