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2007 April 02
Please go to the new Coffee Coaster site implemented more gracefully in Wordpress. This page: http://brianrwright.com/CoffeeCoasterBlog/?p=8420 |
Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws. — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
The Constitution is just a goddam piece of paper.
— (King) George Bush II
This is the final installment of a four-part series of commentaries dedicated to healing our world:
In The Morality of Microbrew, I started with a practical illustration of the benefits of living free. Then I reviewed a book The Secret behind Secret Societies that prescribes an antidote to the life-destroying "central power." In the third installment I extolled the liberating vision of The Matrix.
Today I come down to earth with commentary on Aaron Russo's important documentary for resolving two peculiarly American precipitants of tyranny: the income tax and the Federal Reserve Act. Both of these confiscation-and-control mechanisms were set in place in the ominous year of 1913.
Indeed, they were followed by WW1 (1914-1918), Prohibition (1920-1933), and the Great Depression (1929-1939), leading to WW2 (1939-1945), the Cold War (1945-1989), and the post-Reagan full flowering of the national security Cartel in a neverending War on Terror (1980s-whenever).
Nor shall I ignore the rest of the world: The 20th century in Europe and Asia holds world records for mechanized, collectivist genocide. Indeed, the context and the pretext for big centralized, militarized American government has always been other big centralized, militarized governments.[1]
That's 100 years of deadly state poison administered to literally billions of people!
You may view A:FTF online for free—though please make a donation to spread the word—by accessing the Freedom to Fascism site. Aaron starts off with an inquiry as to whether or not the income tax is legally valid, then proceeds to make some scary discoveries:
a) The 16th Amendment (income tax) was not ratified by a
sufficient number of states (The Law that Never Was).
b) The Federal Reserve Act (FRA) was stealth-passed by
Congress; it actually required a Constitutional
amendment. It transferred the money power to a private
group of banking monopolists and resulted in systematic
plunder of all Americans through perpetual expansion of
paper-money indebtedness. (Creature from Jekyll Island.)
c) According to Supreme Court decisions following the 16th
Amendment, any current nonapportioned application of the
income tax, a direct tax, is
d) No statute exists requiring most individuals to pay a
federal tax on their wages or salaries. "There is no law."[2]
e) Some notable results of ceding the wrongful power
inherent in the income tax and the FRA:
• The Patriot Act: secret police searches of your home,
secret wiretaps of telephone or computer, secret
investigations of your library activities, freezing of
assets without notice, secret examination of your travel
and medical records, secret watch lists banning you from
travel, and other powers that remain secret.
• The dollar has lost 96% of its value from 1930. Wanna
guess who got what you lost?
• Asset forfeiture laws are growing dramatically, particularly
with the drug war. Also, eminent domain takings are
increasing, primarily to enable huge land grabs for the
incipient North America Union transportation system.
• Since the US went off the gold standard, nobody really
knows who owns the gold in Fort Knox. Do the banks
own it or do the people own it? Ask your reps.
• New radio frequency identification (RFID) technology
enables implantation of RFID chips in the body. Many
security-state goombas relish doing so universally
without consent.
• Federal Real ID aims to compel everyone to possess a
national identity card, which you must produce upon the
order of authorities. "Your papers, please."
• NAFTA, CAFTA, and the North American Union are recent
developments working hand in hand with the
international money orgs IMF, the WTO, and the BIS.
Their stated goal is one-world government, abrogating
Constitutional sovereignty of our people.
• The IRS without legal authority conducts raids and
confiscations arbitrarily using SWAT-team like tactics,
literally terrorizing citizens with impunity.
• In 2005 a federal judge ruled if the IRS says it wants it,
the IRS gets it. No need for any law. Wanna bet?
Finally, electronic voting has enabled the Cartel to count
the votes its way. The 2004 presidential result was most
certainly electronically predetermined.
In addition to Patriot Act excesses, the CIA routinely kidnaps, imprisons, tortures, and kills any foreigner who threatens the Cartel. Why would anyone think American citizens are exempt from that? The Cartel maintains American military bases in 130 of the 190 countries of the world, yet soldiers themselves are treated as dispensable cannon fodder.
We now have the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which enables the executive authority to detain anyone without trial, without notice, indefinitely, and without writ of habeas corpus. Since the Bushoviks have taken over, literally dozens of presidential executive orders have been issued that can give the Criminal in Chief absolute power over your life.
Russo's narration is highly effective, and he skillfully mixes in his film footage and interviews, as well as some haunting music.
He deftly conveys the terror of state terror with horrifying true stories of outrages routinely committed upon peaceful, honest Americans by the IRS goons and others.
He concludes "What will you choose? Tyranny or Freedom?"
To paraphrase Gatewood Galbraith, "Our fathers did not die on the beaches of Normandy to make the world safe for Federal Reserve bankers."
Job 1 is to repeal the FRA:
If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency... the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until the people wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. — Thomas Jefferson
A grass roots movement—including massive public demonstrations, tax protests, tax strikes, and honest, lawful federal tax payment/nonpayment—will certainly get the attention of the Cartel. And they will defeat it.It is well enough the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. — Henry Ford
Thanks, Henry, let's hope so. People, it's time to step up.
America: Freedom to Fascism needs to be seen by every citizen who cares about our country... and those who don't. So long as government schools exist, every student should watch this movie and write an essay on the Bill of Rights.
A:FTF. Advantage, Freedom.
This is my conclusion to the series, my final QED: we heal our world by living free, by unleashing our individual creative spirits, by defeating the Cartel, and by restoring constitutional government under control of the people.
If you help us it will come.
[1] What is relatively unknown is the international corporate and banking collusion underlying all modern Western superstates, with full recognition that war is "the health of the state," meaning the health of the colluders. For example, it's common knowledge Prescott Bush, grandfather of Dubya, was a major financier of the Nazis; nor was he an isolated case. Ref. Charles Higham's Trading with the Enemy (1983).
[2] More recent discoveries in the Tax Honesty movement have revealed the jurisdiction of the federal income tax applies solely to the so-called federal zone. As I understand it, if you're an American-born citizen living in the 50 states outside a federal enclave or territory, not receiving federal income, not a domestic corporation, then you are not liable for federal income tax. "Tha's a fact, Jack!" Certainly an important area of research.
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