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Truth Jihad
2007, Progressive Press, 211 pages This is a book I picked up (purchased) from the 2007 Porcupine Festival courtesy of the peripatetic communicator of 9/11 truth and ruling-class treachery, Mr. Steve Goodale. He also provided some DVDs that I aim to get around to eventually.
The still diffuse 9/11 Truth Movement has been making quite an impact on public awareness over the past two or three years, with many significant works emerging. Dr. Barrett, as a writer and an organizer of seminars, ranks right up there in the pantheon of intellectually and physically courageous leaders devoting their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor" to bringing the lies down and bringing the liars to justice. "When I realized that 9/11 had almost certainly been an inside job, and that clear, obvious, overwhelming, in-your-face evidence made this obvious to anyone willing to take an honest look at the matter, I knew that this was not like the other issues."—Page 22 His writing is poetic. Here's one of my favorite newfound rousing paragraphs in all literature, and I trust Kevin will not mind my quoting it in its entirety: "If the German people had figured out that Hitler was behind the Reichstag Fire, they might have risen up in rebellion—even though nobody died in that blaze. If the American people understood that top officials in their own government had orchestrated the destruction of the World Trade Center and the murder of thousands of Americans in pursuit of a criminal agenda, they would certainly rise up in rebellion, and turn their nation's policies 180 degrees away from that criminal agenda. They would cut the military budget to a tiny fraction of what it had been before the 9/11 Reichstag Fire. They would withdraw not just from the imperial wars 9/11 had incited, but from empire itself, reclaiming the great American anti-imperialist tradition of 1776. They would arrest the super-rich criminals who were complicit in 9/11, and institute the mother of all trust-busting eras to shatter the monopolies, especially the media monopolies, into thousands of tiny, locally controlled pieces and redistribute the criminals' wealth to the people. They would put their money into roads, schools, housing, and other life-supporting activities, instead of death-dealing ones. They would concentrate their energies on developing technologies to cope with the coming economic-energy-environmental crisis, and build railroads and alternative power stations rather than new kinds of bunker busting nuclear weapons. They would embrace international cooperation and demilitarize first outer space, and then, gradually, the planet itself, leaving locally based militias, and maybe a couple of nuclear subs per nation for insurance against invasion, as the only form of military power. And they would reclaim their freedom of speech and expression and dismantle the police state that has been riding America's back like an evil spirit since the National Security State replaced constitutional democracy back in 1947. — Page 23. Kevin is also combative and funny, having appeared on Sean Hannity and his drivel-generating twin Bill O'Reilly, among others. He's given these two blowhards much better than they gave, and is a thorn in the side of all those who receive exorbitant salaries for writing or speaking power to truth. 2007 July 11 |
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