"Percolations" is emailed as a newsletter to the list of Coffee Coaster subscribers. (Normally, this newsletter-ette is sent Wednesday night or Thursday mid-day.) Percolations usually begins with the movie review for the weekend, then opens a brief general whassup section. — bw
Movie Review for the Weekend |
Excerpt of Review
The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
A Tour de Force by Eastwood, Streep __ 9/10
"I had thoughts about him I hardly knew what to do with, and he
read every one. Whatever I wanted, he gave himself up to, and
in that moment everything I knew to be true about myself was
gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself
than ever before."
I believe you can see from quotes like the above, that come from the book, the writing of Bridges is on another level of fiction. Yes, despite what the critics may have harped about, Waller's verbiage expresses the soul of pure romance. As Kincaid puts it later in the story, "This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime." If you read Francesca's words slowly and out loud, you realize they bypass the conceptual faculty, like music, you hear them with your emotions, with your soul, in a wordless language of love. [Full Review]
Guest column for the week:
Room at the Top
Volatility trends indicate market still has a way to go
by Steven M. Zimberg, CFP
[Mr. Zimberg is the restorer and modern founder of a concept and social movement identified as Societism. I (Brian W) will be writing a column for Monday, October 25 on that subject. You may visit his site at www.societism.org.]
In the mid eighties, I was fortunate to have an old-time chartist work with me in my investment consulting practice. This was ideal because it was before computers were monitoring stock market indices or other traded securities and helped us considerably with our money management services. His charts included research dating back to the turn of the century. They each gave logical predictions of future market direction. He would always carry his wares guarded in a full length black portfolio.
In one of his charts he called, "The Circle of Volatility", it characterized a period of time similar to the 1929-1930s when stocks moved much the same way as commodities. Its purpose was to trace classic patterns that, when charted, closely resembled those of some commodities that encountered disaster in the past, like silver during the Hunt debacle. [Full Article]
- Bo Keely: Refers to a column in the Christian Science Monitor, by Vladimir Shlapentokh, that argues Ayn Rand figures prominently in the Tea Party movement. According to him, that's a bad thing. From my point of view, I only wish it were true! The Tea Party is a mixed bag, and I don't think anyone knows what anyone identifying himself/herself as a Tea Partier believes in. Here's a background piece you can believe in from the Austin Statesman.
- Speaking of Tea Party ideology: Dean Hazel sends a reference to a video he's trying to get honchos in the Republican Party to pick up. It's a Ronald Reagan classic, yup, straight from the Gipper himself, back when when he gave truly principled and inspirational speeches, before he was coopted by the right wing keepers of the Oligarchy. Some uneven claims, but vintage stuff. If the Tea Party truly believes in what he says—and in Ayn Rand—everything is coming up roses.
- From our friends at Natural Health: Two weeks ago they told us how coconut oil is showing great promise in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. New studies show that other natural substances are also offering big breakthroughs, and the drug industry is trying to jump on the bandwagon—rushing to patent the natural substances as expensive drugs—to deny access to the cheap remedies.
- US Government's Voice of America: A spokesman v oicing concern with all the alternative points of view on world news coming from Russia's Russia Today (RT), Iran's Press TV, and China's CCTV referring to these media outlets as "our enemies." Tell you what, let's let the people decide who's telling the truth. Watch this excellent video commentary on RT from Peter Lavelle and enjoy a breath of fresh air... a respite from the corporate-state propaganda ministry of the Anglo-American Finance Oligarchy.
- The Vaccination Fog Machine rolls on: The US Supreme Court is currently hearing a major vaccination case.
Meanwhile, the US news media is providing no relevant context about the issue for people who want to follow the story in an informed way.
The scant info the media does provide is heavily biased and outright distorted in order to put the pharmaceutical industry in a good light.
Here's a real story about ethics of these companies and the people who control them.
Continuing in the vein of major vaccination dangers: Gardicil. Fraudulently presented as prevention for a rare (and declining) form of cervical cancer.
You have probably seen television ads suggesting it's a miracle vaccine that all girls should take. It's now implicated in at least 8,000 documented injuries, some fatal and many very serious.
The drug company/government response?
"Hey, that's not as bad as some of the other garbage we peddle."
The John Lennon Assassination: The Wikipedia article about Mark David Chapman claims he worked with refugees through the "YMCA" at Ft. Chafee in Arkansas and that he did "similar" work in Lebanon. This is BS cubed. He worked for the CIA front, World Vision. Here's a remarkable YouTube vid that the people at Brasscheck are worried won't stay up long.
Amazingly, two years before he visited NYC, this then young twenty-something year old janitor took a world tour which brought him to Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Delhi, Israel, Geneva, Paris and London...in 1978 as a 23 year old...when air fares were sky high...and kids didn't get credit cards.
Give me a break: The official story about Mark David Chapman as reinforced by the slime balls at Wikipedia is pure fantasy.
The truth now begins to seriously close in on its enemies on virtually every front.
My constant reminder of the need to help Pete Hendrickson enforce the federal income tax law: Please check out a recent open letter from our valiant leader in the educated tax movement, Mr. Pete Hendrickson. I have posted under this title: "Tax Truth from the Front:
Timely clarity on income tax from Pete Hendrickson." You can branch off to other sites, but we must free Pete Hendrickson and liberate all the other political prisoners if we are to enjoy a benevolent, free society based on the Sacred Nonaggression Principle.

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