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Coffee Coaster Percolations

Proprietor Brian Wright ad hoc comments on issues/events
of the 'Week that Was'... plus a movie review for the weekend (9/25-26/2010)

Note: This is the first issue of "Percolations" and will be emailed as a newsletter format to the entire list of Coffee Coaster subscribers. (Normally this newsletter-ette will be sent Wednesday night or Thursday morning.) It succeeds the Midweek Meander and replaces the private "Friday Update" for Coffee Coaster VIPs. I figure we're all VIPs and in the interest of brevity and succinctness, let's make all our lives easier. Percolations will usually begin with the movie review for the weekend, then open a section for whassup. — bw

Movie Review for the Weekend

The Green Zone
First class war story, war for the truth __ 9/10

The Green Zone is an Iraq movie that gets right to
the point. Director Paul Greengrass is a veteran of the Bourne movies, specifically numbers 3 and 4: The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum. So right from the gitgo—immediately following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003—we see Army boots on the ground as Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller (Matt Damon) and his men are tasked with quickly finding weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)... the existence of which was the Bush administration's main pretext for the invasion.

... You'll find yourself getting all tensed up and saying, "How could we have done such a horrible thing on such a massive scale to millions of fellow human beings FOR NO VALID MILITARY REASON WHATSOEVER?!!! [Full Review]

The Week that Was

My practice with the Midweek Meanders and then with the Friday Wrapups was to

  • first refer to whatever output I'd placed on the Coffee Coaster site—such as a movie review, column, book review, or guest writing—then,
  • write about a few items that came my way, often these days from Brasscheck TV, but from other freedom-cause-oriented organizations as well. And I'm going to keep that tradition alive here... only be briefer.

So that's what I'll do now (I already referred to the movie review). And in probably one of the bigger guest contributions I'm going to have on the Coffee Coaster, my former sister-in-law, Maria (Hercher) Struck, located a human-interest piece she'd written long ago about the joys of growing up in the multiethnic neighborhoods of the east side of Detroit in the 1950s. I gladly posted her scintillating prose, and I believe you will completely groove on this one:

Especially for Garlic Lovers
James Ricci's incredelicious pasta sauce recipe
by Maria (Hercher) Struck


Let me go down my Perk List, keeping in mind the newfound incentive for brevity:

  • Let me lead off with a very brief video from Max Steiner, courtesy of Brasscheck. It's actually quite humorous how he puts the policies and plans of the Oligarchy for us little ol' humans: Fungool! You die in the mud!

  • I like to keep up to speed with this Alliance for Natural Health, which continues to show what the federales and their corporate sleazebags are doing to keep us barefoot, destitute, and sick. Sen. Leahy (Criminale-VT) is urgently pushing a bill that puts you in jail for any statement that the FDA doesn't like... for 10 years. Also, showing the need for separation of science and the state, Scientific Tyranny's editors now advocate that statements about food and drugs be government approved. Say, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," go to jail.

  • And eventually the FEMA camp on the other side of the country. Gary Franchi lets loose on Pennsylvania for spying on its citizens and tells us how the CIA has its footprints all over the "Mosque in New York" red herring. The Reality Report, #62.

  • Ever wonder how much money the average federal government employee "earns?" Well, read it and weep: Liberty for America Update tells us the federales make about twice what the private citizens do... when the private citizens haven't been put out of work paying for the federal employees.

  • Finally, the Department of Homeland Security was not designed to protect Americans from terrorists. It was designed to protect politicians from Americans, as this retread from 2009 makes clear enough. It's just a matter of time. Camp FEMA, here we/you come... barring the 100-years-overdue 2d American Revolution.

So that last Percolations bullet should assure yours truly goes to the front of the line as they march us away. But, trust me, you'll be right there with the leaders of the Patriotic Resistance if the feds decide they can get their act together and round us all up. I used to think such an idea was farfetched, now I wonder whether American Lockdown will occur this year or next..

Final Perk

In the same vein as Camp FEMA, I happened to have had the pleasure of viewing the 2009 DVD, Daniel Ellsberg: The Most Dangerous Man in America, and it brought up more agonizing thoughts of how so many Americans travel to the beat of the "Blind Obedience to Authority" drummer. Highly recommended.

Finally, I must provide an advance reference to a recent open letter from our valiant leader in the educated tax movement, Mr. Pete Hendrickson. I have posted under this title: "Tax Truth from the Front: Timely clarity on income tax from Pete Hendrickson."

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Quote of the Week

War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end; it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes. — Thomas Paine

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