"Percolations" is emailed as a newsletter to the list of Coffee Coaster subscribers. (Normally, this newsletter-ette is sent Wednesday night or Thursday mid-day.) Percolations usually begins with the movie review for the weekend, then opens a brief general whassup section. — bw
Movie Review for the Weekend |
Excerpt of Review
Executive Action (1973):
A ageless, fantabulous family film ___ 8/10
What Executive Action does is fill in the blanks, show what likely occurred from the assassins' perspective, on the ground... and the politics of the operation. When I say assassins, in this context I mean basically three sets of men: 1) the actual shooting teams and the men who trained them, 2) the operational executive overseeing all facets of the 'executive action,' played by Burt Lancaster, and 3) hidden business and political chieftains who led the plot, played by Robert Ryan, Will Geer, and a few others. These men's actions would have all been initiated by the General 'Y' analog in the movie JFK, the CIA's man in the Pentagon.[1] [Full Review]
Guest Column
OWS 'r' US
Once in a lifetime opp to drive out the Controllers
by Dr. Robert M. Bowman
Many of us believe that nonviolence is the morally superior path. Others may not. But we must ALL understand that in a grass-roots movement like this, nonviolence is absolutely essential because it WORKS and because it is the only way that can. (All those guns did not help the Branch-Davidians.) The forces we are up against have not only great wealth, but also access to enormous firepower… but only so long as the police and armed forces will obey their orders. Once our nonviolent resistance and our reaching out in love reminds the young folks in the police and armed forces that they too are part of the 99%, they will not take action against us. Once our nonviolence wins the hearts and minds of the mayors and generals, they will use their power to PROTECT US! Most important, once our nonviolence wins the support of the people of this country, we cannot lose! [Full Column]
"To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men."
— Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- It's official, the federales can throw your ass in jail: ... and very likely will. On December 14, the House passed the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). On December 15, the Senate followed suit – ironically on Bill of Rights Day.
Obama will sign it into law. The measure ends constitutional protections for everyone, including US citizens. Specifically it targets due process and law enforcement powers.
With or without evidence, on issues of alleged terrorist connections posing national security threats, the Pentagon now supplants civilian authorities. It’s well beyond its mandate. The Stephen Lendman article on infowars.com.
- Keeping the Christ out of Christmas: I know a lot of Christians and other partisans of supernatural-Jesus belief systems are upset that we often forget the Christian origin of the holiday Christmas. As it turns out, the origins of the holiday we celebrate as Christmas—by the way only made a US holiday in 1870—are everything but related to the birth of Jesus. Watch this enlightening little video.
- New Campaign 2012 launches:
I guarantee subscribing (to americanpoliticstv.com) will give you more insight and depth of knowledge on the race than you'll get from watching any 20 news channels.
First topic...a feature lampooning one of the great egomaniacs in American history.
If you like it, please share it. That's how we grow.
- Speaking of fantabulous RP videos: Here's a vid courtesy of Ben that lays waste to the absurd claim that Ron Paul is weak on defense. Truth is all his opponents on the Republican side, and the would-be opponent on the Democratic side, are as doltish children to Dr. Paul's incisive understanding of military and security state history, especially on the threats of the month: Iran and Pakistan. Active duty military support RP 4:1 over all the other candidates combined.
- The best short video on the Web: Vote for Dr. No. (Here's an oldie but a bestie, I'm keeping this in Perkville until RP is elected president.) In just two minutes...
In case anyone needs a reminder of
what an epic train wreck Bush-Bama has been
for the nation, here' a short video that sums it all up.
It happens to have been made by a
Ron Paul supporter. Ron Paul has faults, but his election would be revolutionary.
- Top government expert reveals Osama-9/11 Truth:Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents still working with the Defense Department, has told Alex Jones that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.
- Why would a young person in school starting shooting?: Prozac and other SSRIs kill kids—and not just from suicide. A judge now agrees. Scientists and integrative doctors have been aware of these drugs leading to violence for years, but now it is also the ruling of a Canadian judge, who found that a teenager killed his friend because of a reaction to SSRI antidepressants. Meanwhile more and more kids are being “screened” and pushed to take these prescriptions. Story from Alliance for Natural Health.
- How fiat money strangles the world: A staple of Perkdom. This is a lovely video that everyone must see and resee. Where the rich get richer and the poor get angry. Watch this fab little video, and share it with as many as you can, because it's the way things work. It also tells us exactly what we need to do to fix the global problem. Personally, I'm ready for my $30K reparations check from the banksters.
- Time to be thinking of system alternatives: Introducing RealSurvivalTV.com. The last ten years have awakened most thinking people to the fact that if there is ever a serious breakdown of systems and/or society
- locally, regionally, or nationwide - we're on our own. This introductory video provides a sane and sober look at our survival needs. Here's an idea of mine: how about a people's movement for Self-Sustaining Townships? Anyway, no question we need to think of community-based survival, IMHO.
- Cop(s) speak out agains corporate-state violence on peaceful protestors: Retired Philadelphia police chief Ray Lewis endorses the OWS movement, citing other cops who say this is America. Closing line on a great video, Captain Courageous says, "... we're all victims of Corporate America and Corporate America has got to be stopped."
"The day we see the truth and decline to speak is the day we begin to die."
— Martin Luther King
Very Special Brasscheck TV broadcast: In conjunction with Prison Planet, Russell Means is featured in a 1:30 long presentation entitled "Russell Means: Welcome to the Reservation." What the Oligarchy is doing to us is what it's been doing to the American Indians from the beginning! I have never seen as thorough and incisive an analysis of what ails human society--particularly America--nor a judgment of what we need to do. Starting by enforcing the Constitution and taking away privileges of the money power. ABSOLUTELY A BLOCKBUSTER! If anyone knows how to get the DVD, please, please send me a note.
Russell is in the news from INN (Infowars Nightly News) again, and he is suffering from health issues. Please contribute through the referenced site or through this PayPal link shown as follows:
Continuing War Crimes Perk |
UN calls on Obama to Investigate and
Prosecute U.S. Torture Charges
Wikileaks Documents Prove Torture,
Abuse and Criminal Acts Were Systematic
In the wake of the release of 400,000 documents by Wikileaks, the United Nations has called on U.S. President Barack Obama to order a full investigation of crimes committed against the Iraqi people following the invasion and occupation that was directed by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
UN special rapporteur on torture Manfred Nowak declared that the Obama administration has a legal and moral obligation to fully investigate credible claims of US forces' complicity in torture. Nick Clegg, the deputy Prime Minister in the UK has, in the wake of the recent revelations, also called for an investigation into the reports of mass torture disclosed in the newly released documents. Check out this extremely illuminating RT video outlining multiple horrendous crimes on the Iraqi people as US government policy. Then act!
Latest news from IndictBushNow.org: Protests are greeting Cheney at his book signings and preventing Bush from attending a Canadian university. Former FBI agent Coleen Rowley states: “Is it proper to honor this war criminal [Bush] who launched preemptive, unjustified wars of aggression and ‘shock and awe’ that led to hundreds of thousands of people killed, mostly civilian ‘collateral damage’ and widespread destruction in the Middle East?”
Political Prisoner Appeals |
My personally adopted American political prisoner is Pete Hendrickson. He currently languishes in federal detention for crimes that are not crimes, for leading the freedom cause on taxes, respectively. Please help him financially and by getting out the word to end the federal Mob that would silence him.
Help Pete Hendrickson uphold the tax law on the federal government: Please check out Pete's latest letter above then a less recent one here: "Tax Truth from the Front:
Timely clarity on income tax from Pete Hendrickson." You can branch off to other sites, but we must free Pete Hendrickson and liberate all the other political prisoners if we are to enjoy a benevolent, free society based on the Sacred Nonaggression Principle. Pete's recent News Release. Please distribute it widely among the media.
Please communicate with Pete by mail at:
Peter Hendrickson #15406-039,
P.O. Box 1000,
Milan FCI,
E. Arkona Rd.,
Milan, MI 48160
Then help with the financial end with his family going through an equal if not greater amount of stress from the federal mobsters. Please send donations to:
Peter or Doreen Hendrickson
232 Oriole Rd.
Commerce Twp.
Michigan 48382
Bernard von Nothaus facing many years
The VP (vicious prosecutocracy) is looking for upwards of 20
Bernard von NotHaus (BVNH), the convicted monetary architect of the Liberty Dollar now awaits sentencing. This is a very dangerous time. If the report prepared before sentencing is uncontested or poorly contested (as per the trail) BVNH could very likely spend the rest of his life in prison for introducing a value based currency, protecting the people's purchasing power and trying to return America to a sound and honest monetary system. Please don't let that happen. BVNH as secured a short term $20,000 loan and retained a sentencing attorney to defend him at the sentencing. But he needs to repay that loan very quickly. Would you please help?
Please click HERE to make an anonymous donation. Please note that although givv.org is set up for monthly donations, you can make a one-time donation of any amount.
Or send any donation of value, your check, money order made out to BERNARD and mailed to:
Bernard von NotHaus
527 N. Green River Road
Suite 158
Evansville. IN. 47715
Also write to Bernard c/o Editor@LibertyDollar.org.
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