Brian Wright Home

Fellowship for the Liberation of Our World

Click here or on image at right for FLOW Fellowship brochure.

FLOW_SymbolFLOW is a worldwide fellowship that seeks to balance the three fundamental qualities of life: spiritual, political, and practical. The qualities are expressed in the FLOW system as three legs of the triangle:

Each of the legs has a link to its introductory brochure, and the summary brochure is located at this link. These will be continuously improved and complemented with supporting material to help in the process of practical spiritual fulfillment. The FLOW system came from the development of my Sacred Nonaggression Principle, the library for which is described below. These are the foundation for this site,, which itself will be continuously improved.

Book of BeingThe Book of Being outlines the doctrine of the spiritual philosophy of Beism, along with plans for its evangelism. Beism and FLOW are the logical development from the political theories and practices of the Sacred Nonaggression Principle. It is a work in progress due for completion end of 2012. Access as it in its current state via the PDF link here and the Amazon page here. To download the PDF a donation of $3 is suggested.

The SNaP Books
"What we have here are the beginnings..."

Liberty Books... of a free, safe, and abundant society.

Eventually this page will become a master site for the dissemination of an entire new technology for creating liberty, founded on the Sacred Nonaggression Principle.

Please patronize one of my main sponsor in the Free State: Jim and Brenda Dodson at Liberty Books and Comics, 75 Allison Street, Concord, NH 03301. Ph. 603 223-0335.

Now, at the beginning, this page contains a
table for the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP) books—aka the SNaP series, aka the Liberation Technology User's Guide—written by Brian Wright. Click on the book image (or the link under Description) in the table to go to the Amazon page for purchase... and/or to leave a comment there after reading the PDF. [Note, the three SNaP- and Free State-associated books written by Brian Wright are found at the bottom of this page: Ex Libris. Highly recommended, and also available as free pdfs.]

The Barrier CloudLiberation Tech #4: The Barrier Cloud
   In Module #4, we discuss the detailed nature of the Barrier Cloud: the singular impediment to a world without coercion. The Barrier Cloud has two causes: external and internal. Understanding the causes enables the cure. This awareness is the highest priority for human-species liberation and flourishing. Book review here.
PDF File here.
Recommended donation $2 via PayPal link below.
Kindergarten RulesLiberation Tech #1: Kindergarten Rules
    Module #1 illustrates the simplicity of the nonaggression idea—thru the “Kindergarten Rules.” The nonaggression principle is shown to be not only the highest ideal in society but to lie at the root of our core values. The module also founds the premise that man’s natural inclination is to live w/o aggressing upon others. Book review here. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2
via PayPal link below.
Nonaggression 101Liberation Tech #2: Nonaggression 101
   What aggression is and what it is not. The SNaP syllogism and arguments. The “Four Horsemen of the NaP,” the foundational nature of the NaP, and the importance of giving it the highest value in society. The psychological context of the NaP, how psychology and intellect and spirituality drive it. The SNaPstrip. Book review here. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 using PayPal button below.
Nonaggression RootsLiberation Tech #3: Nonaggression Roots
   In Module 3, the author presents a three-dimensional scheme for measuring the progress of humanity—or an individual—toward the nonaggression ideal. The module presents the “metaphysics” of nonaggression: how progress toward the nonaggression ideal is manifested in a person’s heart, mind, and soul. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 using PayPal link below.
Breakthru StrategyLiberation Tech #5: Breakthru Strategy
   Module 5 discusses the so-called Grand Strategy for dispelling or penetrating the Barrier Cloud, by moving along all three liberation axes, particularly overcoming mind control. Then some Home Run solutions and street-level tips. Also “Petite” Strategy categories with tactics. Showing the BIG solutions, practical stuff. Priorities and Vision. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 using PayPal button below.
Productive ActionLiberation Tech #6: Productive Action
   A practical 'how to' conclusion to the SNaP analysis. Using the Law of Attraction and creative-motivated action to achieve our goals. Being positive and productive. Think. Act. Persist. TAP the SNaP. The wide wide world of the alternative economy. Agorism. Two dozen productive freedom projects you can do now. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 per PayPal function at page bottom.
Nonaggression FaithLiberation Tech #7: Nonaggression Faith
   Module #7: Nonaggression Faith sets forth key ideas for establishing a religion whose central belief is the nonaggression principle. The quick dissemination of the SNaP as a way of life—a set of religious beliefs that may not be compromised to civil agencies of coercion—will hasten the penetration of the Barrier Cloud. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 per PayPal function at page bottom.
Sacred Nonaggression PrincipleThe Sacred Nonaggression Principle
   The whole enchilada. Original subtitle: Mantra for a nourishing world. This is the book in which I advocate holding the nonaggression principle as the highest social standard—sacred. The concept of nonaggression is identified and thoroughly described. Full solutions to all significant human problems (aggression-caused) are set forth. PDF File here. Recommended donation $5 using PayPal below.

To facilitate notice and sales of the SNaP and its key modules, I make this limited time offer: Anyone who accesses the Amazon or Lulu sites where the books are being sold and leaves a constructive comment (hopefully positive), I will send, in the mail, a signed copy of the book for free. [Please, one book per comment.] Notify me via email of the comment and of your mailing address.

Note that all of the above booklets may be downloaded in PDF format for free, though a small recommended donation is posted, with a PayPal button (you do not have to have a PayPal account to make a donation). You will definitely get your money's worth. For quantity prices and shipping of larger quantities to bookstores or to others interested in spreading the word, contact the author at

The general audiences of the SNaP series of books are as follows:

  • Module 1 thru Module 3—newcomers to the idea of liberty, as well as (with Module #3) psychologists, ethicists, and spiritual teachers looking for a framework of understanding the psychological foundations of liberty
  • Module 4 thru Module 6—liberty activists, i.e. those who have dedicated a significant part of their lives to achieving a benevolent society without coercion.
  • Module 7—the Nonaggression Faith module, which has appeal to anyone seeking a strong philosophy of life or 'religion' that incorporates the nonaggression principle as a central pillar and basis for moral behavior in society

Every SNaP series module is full of discoveries and insights that have not yet been articulated in the popular culture. They are small books with a high density of clearly outlined new ideas and reconsidered-and-revamped older ideas: as such at $5 or $6 ea., they are priced reasonably. They will soon be prepared for Amazon Kindle and other electronic readers. Additional works by Brian Wright may be located at his general book and writings catalog page here (

Nonfictional Narratives and Essays from Brian Wright

At the time of this initial column page, the Sacred Nonaggression Principle and the works below are available through the self-publishing house, Lulu.

New Pilgrim ChroniclesNew Pilgrim Chronicles
   The first and, so far as I'm aware, only, travelogue of an early mover to the Free State. [Several individuals have confided these weekly diaries were a reason they, too, came to New Hampshire.] Describes a critical time in the Free State movement from the first Porcupine Festival of 2004, thru the heroic battles of '05 and '06. PDF file here. Recommended donation $3 per PayPal button at page bottom.
There Must Be Some MistakeThere Must Be Some Mistake
   A cross between Forrest Gump and Midnight Express, Some Mistake is a short take on what can happen when one takes the drug prohibition laws too casually. It will have you laughing in recognition and railing in outrage. In any case your blood will quicken; highly stimulating impulse for ending the War on Drugs and Liberty. PDF File here. Recommended donation $2 via the PayPal icon below.
Don't Throw Mama off the TurnpikeDon't Throw Mama off the Turnpike
   Four fun narratives of memorable occasions, including: a) I travel to Syracuse, NY, to sell my "Free State" Audi (Mom is my 'wing man'), b) early victory over anti-smoking Nazis in the Free State, c) Libertarian Party convention 1987, where Ron Paul was first nominated for Prez, and d) a personal Woodward Dream Cruise experience. PDF file here. Recommended donation $2 using the PayPal icon below.

The books in this table will eventually be republished, with ISBNs, and for ebook publication. I'll continue to maintain the pubs on the Lulu site, which does provide PDF versions with cover art. My books are described in greater detail on my author-profile page, here... or the PDF version of my author-profile page here.

Toward a World of Nonaggression

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace. — John Lennon

John Lennon's immortal music and lyrics reach into our hearts and give us hope. Every human being can imagine a world without war, where superstition and statism (and the spiritual poverty that accompanies them) are no more.

Moreover, such a world will be one in which we all will be free from the burden of old systems of domination that deprive us of our lives, liberties, and property—systems of legal aggression and privilege that leave us unable to enjoy our existence as nature intended.

The Deaggression Movement, like the site, follows on from the book, The Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP). The idea behind this book is to morally elevate the simple nonaggression principle—which is the tenet that society must not condone or accept the initiation of force by one person (or group of persons, especially governments) upon another—into our special (sacred) mission as human beings.

2011 March 11
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Barrier Cloud | SNaP | Liberty | Society w/o Coercion | Brian Wright

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