

An Open Letter to Mitch Albom
And related thoughts on the Post-9/11-Truth world


I'm not trying to single out any particular media personality as unmindfully adhering to
a 'managed-news,' mind-control orthodoxy. But for some reason— perhaps just another exasperating day when the 900-pound gorilla of the United States imperial government continued its rampages on lives and liberties worldwide—this seemingly innocent column by Mitch Albom in the Detroit Free Press rubbed me the wrong way.

IMHO[1], Mitch Albom is one of the best journalistic writers on the planet; his output is prodigious. He's branched out into books and movies, e.g. the highly acclaimed Tuesdays with Morrie. He's done sports biographies, writes a regular syndicated sport-as-culture column, and does radio hosting, playwrighting, music composing and playing. A true Renaissance Man, and Motor City Maven. Plus an all around great guy, for sure.

His column on June 7 was mainly a commentary—in light of Obama's recent speech to the Muslim world—on the insanity of Islamic fundamentalist extremists who blow things up (notably a suicide bomber in Pakistan killing 40 in a mosque). [Primary subtext: Muslims are crazy people you can't reason with. Subliminal subtext: Support the Zionist government in Israel and don't mention the ongoing occupation.] Albom then slides over to a supposed audio tape from Osama bin Laden blaming the United States for the problems in Pakistan. [Subtext: The 9/11 Attacks by Muslims justify imperial-state Christian-Jewish crusades against Muslims and wholesale violations of liberty... to protect reason and civilization.]

Anyway, whether I read too much into it or not, it's undeniable that Mitch shares the orthodoxy of the official government story of 9/11, that Osama bin Laden is alive and responsible for 9/11, and that Western intelligence agencies—the CIA and the Israeli Mossad, in particular—would never orchestrate false-flag operations to generate hatred of Muslims and cement the control of "the Oligarchy" over human lives. Since all these premises of the Oligarchy's orthodox view of the world are demonstrably false, I feel it's important that caring, literate world citizens calmly present the reasonable alternative. Hence the following letter:


The Letter

Dear Mitch:

It appears, from your column of a few days ago (Sunday, June 7, 2009) in the Free Press, that you truly believe the official story of the attacks of 9/11, that they were caused and carried out by Islamic extremists intending to fly (and flying) airplanes into buildings. As a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and someone who has read and written about the 9/11 attacks extensively, I’m absolutely convinced the official US government story is deceptive to the point of being abjectly criminal.

Further, in the absence of a genuine impartial investigation of the attacks, all evidence (and reasonable inferences from the evidence) indicates the attacks were false-flag, black operations of the US government in cooperation with other Western-government intelligence agencies. In the case of the World Trade Center buildings, I don’t think it is possible for any rational human who simply looks at the physical, scientific evidence and scholarly argument to deny that the buildings came down through controlled implosion.

The qui bono question about the attacks points directly to Zionist and American-MIC (military industrial complex) groups of men. As a “wholistic libertarian” Web columnist for and proprietor of, I have written several pieces dealing with the general activities/characteristics of that fateful day:

I realize that many in journalism regard any discussion of Zionism as anti-Semite, and truthfully I can understand how you might feel that way. But it’s also becoming increasingly clear that just as there are Christians and the KKK (and other barbarous or racist organizations) there are Jews and Zionist “terrorists.”  Here is a guest column by Dean Hazel that explains extremely well, IMHO, the distinction between benevolent Judaism and malevolent Zionism

By no means am I an expert on Zionism, but I’ll wager Zionist financial interests dominate the government of Israel and are behind the Israeli government’s expropriation of Palestinian property and the recent Israeli-government massacre (and ongoing humanitarian crime) in the Gaza Strip. Though non-Jewish—I would characterize myself as a neo-Randian, Tolleian Buddhist rational humanist—I’m personally a member of Jewish Voice for Peace. Whether or not you are Jewish, here are some other organizations that favor peace and prosperity in the Middle East: 

It’s also important to recognize that Islamic-fundamentalist terrorism is itself predominantly a false-flag project of the Oligarchy that justifies continued massive wealth transfer to the military (and, yes, to the Zionists), not to mention death, destruction, and blatant rape of civil liberties worldwide. (That this is so is demonstrated on a simple level by the fact that not a single Neocon has been assassinated… and that Osama bin Laden was a CIA operative for years, and that he died years ago, that the FBI and Israeli government do not list OBL as a threat… and many, many other hard facts of reality.)

Mitch, I regard your work in sport, human interest, and commentary as generally without peer.

Thus it is troubling to see your political commentary burdened by so much of the Oligarchy’s ‘party line.’ I know your independent consciousness can penetrate the fog of our standard-media mind control environment, and I invite you to do so by checking out the genuine truth—much of it available through the books and organizations referenced above—uncrushed by the giant electronic-print grist mill from which you draw a paycheck.

May the SNaP be with you.


Brian Wright
 “The Freedom Rider”
Author: The Sacred Nonaggression Principle
Author: New Pilgrim Chronicles
Author: There Must Be Some Mistake
Member: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Member: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Member (and early mover): Free State Project
Member: New Hampshire Peace Action
Simplicity blossoms when coercion dies.
— Lao Tzu

The Post-9/11-Truth Millennium

Recently the efforts of many 9/11 truth scholars and activists—especially Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Professor Steven Jones, and literally hundreds of professionals who have had the simple courage to respect hard physical/forensic evidence in the face of unprecedented controlled-media propaganda, dishonest government authority, and incredible peer pressure—have produced a growing body of work that cannot be much longer denied. Polls show approximately half or more North Americans and even greater percentages of Europeans believe the US government official story of 9/11 is a lie. And they want a new investigation.

Three things cannot long remain hidden:
the sun, the moon, and the truth.
— the Buddha

The question isn't if, it's when the vast culture of the West comes to accept that agencies of its own supposedly legitimate governments planned and executed the attacks of 9/11 as a contrived-terrorism pretext for war. Virtually the entire freedom movement—which is always distrustful of big-government authority—has come to the obvious conclusions. The truth will break through the mind-control barriers (of Oligarchical media and politics and academics) to the general public fairly soon. Probably within a year or two. And when it does, the world will change... imminently, for the much better. We will arrive at a "society without coercion."

We will have cleansed our souls of blind obedience to malevolent authority for all time. As Ken Jenkins puts it in his DVD, Overcoming Psychological Resistance to 9/11 Truth:

"In part, we are currently doing some collective shadow work, exposing the darkness to light.  Besides moving toward greater truth, we are challenged to move toward more love and more healing, more forgiveness and more wisdom. We are enough and we will succeed."

"We won't get fooled again." — The Who

According to Ken, 9/11 is part of a much bigger evolutionary spiritual awakening that is accelerating throughout humanity. Dealing with the truth—i.e. that a relatively small hierarchy of psychologically defective powerlusters have been preying on humankind in the worst way... for decades, even centuries—and taking the small first post-9/11-truth steps toward psychological independence and full political freedom will ennoble us as a species.

Another author I've reviewed, Jon Rappaport, has even come up with a beautiful, healthful vision of this imminent future:

The President has concerns] about the emerging New Citizen who has essentially graduated from the collective power grid of the planet into a status of freedom unprecedented in the history of Earth.  [It's happening with people of all nations.]  This development, coupled with the triumph of infrastructure-technology as usable by small companies, has made it possible for the most elementary of communities to own land in the secure knowledge that they can afford to maintain the infrastructure of that land in excellent condition, without reference to, or reliance upon, large corporations, power utilities, or government officials.  This has made much of government obsolete....

Imagine that. Anyway, the reconciliation with the truth about 9/11, and with the truth in general, is part of what many are envisioning as an emerging consciousness. None too soon I might add. [In my opinion, 9/11 truth can break thru the immense number of barriers as no other single phenomenon... which is why I relish the thought of its imminence.] In my previous column, I comment on the synthesis of the freedom movement and the consciousness movement, all wrapped up in The Sacred Nonaggression Principle.

The light at the end of the tunnel.


[1] in my humble opinion

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