

Live Free and Flourish, 2010
Free State Project Liberty Forum and Porcfest '10

The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are. - Marcus Aurelius


For the 2009 FSP Liberty Forum, I stayed fairly current and had a diary of the (my) experience of that rather extraordinary assemblage. The work paid off, too, as my site traffic to that page has been consistently the highest for the past several months. But this year the FSP Liberty Forum and the FSP Porcupine Festival (PorcFest) were held close in time—one at the beginning of spring and one at the beginning of summer—plus I dawdled. Therefore, I'm writing up two for the price of one. Hope you like it.

Also, let me note at the outset that ol' Bri, while not running out of gas by any means—and still boyishly passionate about that freedom thang—has crossed into the 60s

2010 Free State Project Liberty Forum, March 21-24

1, 2, 3, 4

1: Wouldn't That Be Nice—Transit and Thursday Night

2010 Free State Project Porc Fest, June 25-27

1, 2, 3, 4

1: Wouldn't That Be Nice—Transit and Thursday Night

Shall I break this down to include the transit back and forth? Sure. But I'll be brief. Qua diary, I'm trying to keep the entries relevant to the whole process of world liberty, etc.

Day 1

Just from the tape recorder, as I'm entering the E-Way from the starting gate in Novi, I'm thinking how incredibly miraculous it is that people

Day 2

Starting off a little bit late from the Syracuse area, but negotiating the slight change of direction well enough to arrive at the DMV.

Note that, plus the telecon w/Robin about where the SNaP can fit. Actually a wonderful conversation, and I was feeling very centered from the beginning of the day and from yesterday. Like, wow, being on a high where you think the tiniest things are totally frigging amazing; I so get it.

Arrive Lancaster, feeling all right. Make my phone calls. Walk down to Puleos, and Bobbi behind the bar with the new owner, too. He lives in Grafton, has a generally good opinion of Free State idea. Also, Tim at the Inn.

Day 3: Friday

Now I'm officially here. Start with a Falun Dafa morning, pretty full. Taking my time. Checking out the great little grill suggested by Bobbi. Probably the best ham and cheese omelette combination I've ever eaten. Toast, potatoes, the slightly browned eggs.

Down to the fest, Friday's not a big day during the day, anyway. Was able to get a whole table from Bill Domenico for a good rate, then I returned the favor by helping him jump start his van. Bill even placed my table right in front of the entire vendor table area. But I demurred and told the young author Eric Cram we should trade places; he was cool and I like being not so forward.

Let the pictures lead me here. But ran into Linda and others. Some gathering of info, mostly big tomorrow.

Long talk with Gavin, from South Africa, on where we think we are, in range of the pavilion, but out of sound-deafening effects. Basically touched all the bases, he shares some wine.

Also, Art Haines, the inventor of the solar-renewed electrical vehicle, who has also read my SNaP and very much liked it. I'm honored by that. We talk a bit. Perhaps as writers and readers, we're only just managing to keep the faith alive, like a Neil Postman. This life of nous is important to me, but I'm finding the pull of addictions and "ego" dies hard.

Day 4: Saturday

To Joel Winters' campsite #17 for fundraiser breakfast. Left him a LD. Got some photos of the Winters and the Keyes. Great material. MacGuires per Margot, esp. Carol, hot stuff for reps. Also Jen Coffey, head of 2d Amendment Sisters, Cal Pratt.

Joel, from Florida, Amy from here, Lakes region. Not really political. Dems carried both houses and governor. NHLA service, which was coincident with the Free State. Takes him about three days work to do his rep stuff.

Brad and Margot, Brad starts his own business, has to fess up the SS#s it seems, not risking the exposure. Margot from New York, they moved to Minnesota for 3-M. Guy named George

Pass by Altexpo, Antonio Musemacer (blog of bile), speaking out for FIJA? Talked to Carol. Follow pictures.

Per Varrin, title change, Moving Liberty. Met Brandon, nice guy. Agora Alley. Dick Marple, "sedition by syntax." Check out 1932 June 10 address by Louis T. McFadden against the central banks. Later: Joe Vignoulo:

Then bailed, kind of wet. Dining at Subway, not much meat. Work on things. Kind of a borderline guy tracks on the 9/11 stuff, brings up some interesting data, but he's a strange one. Dirty clothes. Someone behind the BP oil spill, too.

Day 5: Sunday

MX7: followup with Steve Cobb and Lydia Harman. Several conversations with people and some photos (yesterday).

Golf at Waumbek, kind of pricey, $31 + $7 for the pull cart. He said it was consistent with the resort prices. Claude, Judson, and Fletch. What a foursome!

Shaw, where I got a break with a Shaw card then didn't leave a tip for the bag girl. Felt bad. NH people are great. See notes.

[1] Check out my book on the Free State, New Pilgrim Chronicles. I'm a committed Free Stater and a legal resident paying rent, only as yet I have been unable to swing the finances to stay more permanently. When the new book takes off...

[2] Dave is starting an "enclave network" named December 11 (which is the day the Libertarian Party was founded in 1971 in David's living room in Colorado). He tells me the Website should be up at imminently.

[3] Not to mention the two setup monographs: New Pilgrim Chronicles and my personal drug war story, There Must Be Some Mistake.

[4] If you watch golf, you think of Tiger Woods' victory in the 1997 Masters as a peak experience, and maybe several others. As a person who values freedom and thinking about freedom and deeptalking about freedom as the breath of life, I've had about 20-40 "golf major" conversations in the course of my life. This one with Devin qualifies. Worth the price of admission.

[5] significant other

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