...a badly wanting year is waning!
Remembrance of 2009 from Gerhard Fuerst
Another timely poem from Gerhard Fuerst, who does not forget the ravages of the "Ripofflicans." Gerhard
is a welcome voice for peace and tolerance in a world gone crazy for the opposite. Was it all the fault of the Neocons and the torturers?
If so, it would be a fair expectation to see the "Dumbocraps" to put some serious change into effect, at least in the areas of peace and civil liberties. Well, we truly ain't seen nothing yet. But Gerhard is one to give the "new" president time.
Me, I'm done like a dinner with hoping for change from O and Co. Whatever. G makes poetry and it works for me. — ed.
...and a badly wanting year 2009 is waning!
I had to give it one more review
of proven or assumed cause and effect.
Greetings, Gerhard
2010 approacheth...as 2009 gets dunked...
Will the now nearly ending
decade of disaster
ever be debunked?
Alas, it is history,
we can't ever live it down,
Bush's damnable deeds,
earned him scorn
and many a frown.
Both he and his side-kick,
scowling sour puss
Chinny-Chin Cheney,
should have been
summarily kicked out.
Alas, there were plenty
of feisty fundamentalist fools
and a wild assortment of deceived souls,
who in their support
far too long
very loudly did shout.
Then there were the powerful types
with insider connections,
the callously concealing profiteers,
who labored long
to avoid public detection.
However, their hollow house of cards
suddenly collapsed and crashed
into a ruinous heap,
and all thieving rip-off rats
tried to run and hide,
jump though protective hoops
with a trickily legalistic leap.
However, they could no longer hide,
because their infamous faces
are now known country wide.
Corporate tycoons in executive jets
flew to Wishington-Wantington
to plead and to beg,
hoping to siphon more dollar drops
from the tax payer's keg.
Demanding bail out money,
badly bawling big banker bums,
came to the Wishy-Washyngton well
cozying up to their congressional chums
Alas, we all ended up paying
a very costly price,
It's too late to reflect,
and too late trying
to be clever and fair folksy wise.
We're left forever and a day
with their shameful deeds.
They had soiled our history,
with their legacy of lies!
Alas, their mess is accomplished,
the permanent damage is done.
They ultimately departed in defeat,
In the final analysis:
they had not won.
Politics, of course,
as many a thing in life,
is an uncertain bet.
However, in this case,
I simply cannot forgive,
and I most certainly
will not forget!
Forever and a day
we are many trillions of dollars short.
and over our freely spending
credit card "wazoo" in debt.
Alas, while Cheney
most nastily and annoyingly
still regularly spouts in public
and dares to show his ugly face,
GWB, his Tex-ass partner in crime,
is silently hiding in shame and disgrace!
Only on rare occasions
has he huffed and puffed.
But his goose is cooked,
too tasteless and unstuffed.
Stupidity and arrogance,
with him still go hand in hand.
No matter if he tries to fudge the record,
for all his follower fools across the land.
This despicable & dastardly duo
did things which even now appear beyond belief:
One was the alleged commander,
and the other, the reigning coward in chief!
The truth has been uncovered,
but what they did, can't be undone
Just be glad that they had departed in defeat,
and that in the end, they had not won!
Gerhard A Fürst
And now all the hooters and howlers
And now all the hooters and howlers
are hooting, hollering, shouting, and howling,
because President Obama had not yet produced the miracle cures
for all that ails this country and the world.
The Ripofflicans are still dirty-dealing,
and the Dumb-oh-craps
are not doing what needs to be done.
Is democracy dead?
Are we all the victims
of a ruling and reigning plutocracy elite
of self-dealers?
... and "what needs to be done?" That is the question. — ed.