Time to Kill the (un)Patriot(ic) Act
Support Downsize DC's
program to undo bad law
by Jim Babka
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
Quote of the Day:
The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but
upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized.
— Fourth Amendment to the Constitution
Forty-five days after 9/11, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act
without reading it. This new law was supposed to protect you from
terrorism, but it has really left you unprotected against lawless
federal agents.
The Patriot Act contains numerous violations of the Fourth Amendment.
It gives federal agents vast new powers that have been abused to
investigate innocent Americans.
In 2001 and 2006 concerned members of Congress urged expiration dates
on some of the Patriot Act's most controversial powers.
Congress has constantly renewed those powers, despite a multitude of
FBI abuses. Last year, the extension was passed with just a voice
Now, another expiration is at hand -- February 28, 2011.
Unfortunately, Rep. Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee, has introduced H.R. 67 to renew the provisions for another
If you support Constitutional government please send Congress a letter
asking for repeal of the Patriot Act, and opposing H.R. 67.
The hardwired letter on this campaign reads:
--------------- START LETTER ---------------
Repeal the Patriot Act. Do NOT renew any of its provisions.
[To this I added the following personal comments, which you may copy
from or borrow for your own letter:]
All of the following provisions of the Patriot Act violate the
- Roving wiretaps, where my calls can be monitored without specific
- The infamous "library provision" where The State can monitor my
reading habits
- National Security Letters (NSLs) that allow federal agents to spy on me
without a Constitutional warrant, and where the service providers who
share my private info can't tell me about it
- Requirements that my bank report my financial activities to federal
cops and bureaucrats
This is only a partial list. Nearly everything in the Patriot Act
violates the Constitution, which you swore to defend.
Please take note -- you did NOT swear an oath to defend me and my
fellow citizens from every threat that makes you nervous. It's the
Constitution that you're supposed to worry about first.
Everyone agrees that terrorists [especially state terrorists—bw] should be caught and stopped. But
before 9/11, the federal government already had all the tools it
needed to prevent that attack. The failure to prevent 9-11 was due to
incompetence, NOT the Constitution.
{Actually we have it on good authority that the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) of 9/11 is no longer valid. It wasn't government incompetence that enabled 9/11, rather, according to the respected Alternative Causality Theory (ACT): [it was a] rogue network serving the Anglo-American MOPS [that] infiltrated and took over key USG functions to execute the attacks and destruction of 9/11. Motive: war/plunder. Means: best-ever military/state-security technology. Opportunity: fan Joe Sixpack's hatred of Muslims and Arabs thru shock-and-awe greater than Pearl Harbor, enhancing police-state- and mind-control of the people. — bw}
Now, the Patriot Act has made federal incompetence more likely, NOT
less. It has caused federal agents to lose their focus. The Justice
Department's inspector general reports that between 2003 and 2006 the
FBI granted itself nearly 200,000 NSLs, but most of these were
directed at innocent Americans, NOT potential terrorists.
What this tells me is that you are endangering me, NOT protecting me.
This kind of abuse is why the Constitution limits State power, because
no mere human can be trusted to use unlimited power wisely.
In conclusion . . .
- The Patriot Act should not be a law because it was NOT read before
it was passed.
- The Patriot Act should not have been passed because it violates the
- The Patriot Act would not have prevented 9-11, and it is NOT needed
to combat future terrorist acts.
- The Patriot Act has been constantly abused, in spite of the usual
worthless political promises that it would not be.
Please obey your Constitutional oath of office. Repeal the Patriot
Act, and OPPOSE any extension of its provisions.
--------------- END LETTER ---------------
You can send your letter to Congress using DownsizeDC.org's Educate
the Powerful System.
And please tell your friends about this campaign. "Like" us on
Facebook and share this: http://www.facebook.com/downsizedc
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
2011 January 31
Posted by The Coffee Coaster™ w/permission of author
4th Amendment | Patriot Act | 9/11 | Terrorism | Downsize DC | Liberty

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