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Coffee Coaster Beaniegram

September 21, 2014

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Brian's Column-Article
Good Neighbor Libertarian Quickstart Guide
Intended to orient and get affiliates and individuals going quickly
by Brian Wright

This column is based on a two-sided, one-sheet description of the same name, which I’ve uploaded to a pdf file here. The idea behind it is to provide advance information on the Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL,  pronounced genial) political activation system I’m writing a book about. This GNL system is essentially a methodology for generating rapid growth in effective libertarian solutions to the main categories of the massive central corporate-state assault upon real human individuals in the incipient American police state. I also expect to dramatically raise ‘body count’ of caring, effective people monitoring public-official councils and holding them accountable for securing liberty. [Full Column]

Book Review
Atlas Shrugged (1957)
“So this is the little lady who caused all the fuss…”
by Ayn Rand

Those with a historical bent will recognize the subtitle in quotes as what Abraham Lincoln (president of the US, 1861-1865) was purported to have said to Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin—a scathing indictment of slavery that many feel led to the War of Northern Aggression.[1] I’m using it here in a reference to Ayn Rand, who was, as it turns out, a diminutive woman, and to her majestic philosophic ideas… that have and will shake up what commonly has been regarded as proper human behavior for centuries. Briefly, her philosophy, known as Objectivism, stands for objective reality, reason, egoism (enlightened self-interest), and capitalism.[2] [Full Column]

Movie Review
Atlas Shrugged, Who is John Galt? (2014)
Near perfect rendition of the Ayn Rand iconosphere__9.5/10

Sure, I know what you’re thinking, I’m just like a sports’ homey praising his pedestrian quarterback for a performance that gets the job done, but lacks the glittering brilliance of the Hall of Fame QB of a bygone era. Exactly! Atlas Shrugged, Part 3, the movie’s final installment, subtitled ‘Who is John Galt?,’ is not truly a masterpiece, but it is as inspired and imaginative a treatment of the literary-philosophical giant Ayn Rand’s magnum opus as can likely be created under practical contemporary constraints of budget… or realistic access to a full spectrum of creative talent who can convincingly present the essence of what Rand stands for, on film. [Full Column]

The “heroic Ebola doctor” myth
Stopping 'LEOs Gone Wild'
Every psyop needs heroes as well as villains…
by Jon Rappoport

I’m going to give you my raw notes. They tell the story.

  • One: Here’s how the medical matrix is built: “Heroes come to the rescue.” Doctors set up clinics in the middle of epidemics and save lives. They work miracles.
  • Two: These heroes expose the need for more clinics, more healthcare centers, more hospitals. “The grand solution.”
  • Three: Globally, there is great disparity in medical care for the rich and the poor. This disparity must be overcome. This is the great mission.
  • Four: These are all lies.
  • Five: And many doctors, medical bureaucrats, pharma executives, researchers, and NGO organizations know these are lies.
  • Six: No bacteria/virus-epidemic will ever be solved by medical intervention, because those epidemics aren’t caused by germs. They’re caused by weakened and destroyed immune systems, which can’t fight off the germs.
  • Seven: Not long after one epidemic runs its course, a new one begins in the same territory.
  • Eight: It’s all about the terrain, in which debilitated immune systems are a chronic condition.
  • Nine: Any old germ which sweeps through such an area kills large numbers of people.
  • Ten: Widespread immune-system failure is caused by non-medical factors, and can only be fixed by eliminating those factors.
  • Eleven: The true immunosuppressive factors include: severe malnutrition; starvation; war; contaminated water; basic lack of sanitation; overcrowding; fertile growing-land stolen from the people; industrial pollutants and pesticides; toxic medical drugs and vaccines which push already compromised immune systems over the edge into complete failure.
  • Twelve: The image of the heroic doctor is actually promoted as a diversion, a cover story, a false trail, a way to conceal the true causes of illness—and a way to refrain from eradicating these true causes.
  • Thirteen: A debilitated and destroyed population doesn’t have the ability to resist corporate takeover of their countries’ land and resources.
  • Fourteen: If the kill rate isn’t high enough to suit the depopulationists, they can introduce more toxic vaccines. They can insert more toxic elements into those vaccines. They can administer more toxic medicines and spread around more pesticides. They can start a new war.

...[Full Column]

Quote of the Week

“So next time you are in your doctor’s office and you say, “I’m worried about the safety of vaccination,” and you are told, “You don’t understand, you’re not a doctor…” remember that, if you are a doctor and say, “I’m worried about the safety of vaccination,” you will be told, “We’re charging you with serious professional misconduct…” Dr. Jayne L. M. Donegan, MBBS, DRCOG, DFFP, DCH, MRCGP, MFHom

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