Book Reviews

Summary listing of book reviews by Brian Wright (by most recent date of review)
For listing indexed by title and book author, please visit original site here.

The Garner Files (2011) Jon Winokur
Teenage Idol, Travelin’ Man: Rick Nelson (1992) Philip Bashe
Screenplay: Enemies Within (2019) Clint Burnette
The Hunt for Zero Point (2001) Nick Cook
Behind the Flying Saucers (1950) Frank Scully
We Almost Lost Detroit (1975) John Fuller
Fire and Fury (2018) Michael Wolff
The War on Terror (2011) Christopher Bollyn
The Wandering Who? (2011) Gilad Atzmon
Like I Was Saying (1984) Mike Royko
Unacknowledged (2017) Dr. Steven Greer
Consent of the Governed (2015) Jason W. Hoyt
But Not for Me (2017) Jack Kline
Erasing the Liberty (2016) Phillip F. Tourney
Assault on the Liberty (1979) James Ennes, Jr.
Attack on the Liberty (2009)
James Scott
The Bad War (2d Edition 2017), MS King
Hillbilly Elegy (2016), JD Vance
Tribe (2016), Sebastian Junger
Glass Lands (2016), John S. Ryan
Other Losses (1991), James Bacque
Unearthing Atlantis (2017), Charles Pellegrino
Conspiracy Theory in America (2013), Lance deHaven-Smith
Rebooting and Revival of Our Republic  (2016), Brendan Kelly
The Occult Technology of Power (2016), The Transcriber
Alongside Night (1979), J. Neil Schulman
And Nobody Died in Boston Either (2016), James Fetzer et al
The Truman Prophecy (2016), Brian R. Wright
Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015), James Fetzer et al
Fantastic Voyage (2004), Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, MD
The Audacity of Hope (2006), Barack Obama
God and Philosophy (1966), Antony Flew
4 Against the Wall (2005), Mills et al
Introduction to the Libertarian Party (2013), Benedict
What to Think About (2015), Brockman
Zen Driving (1988), Burger
Dave Barry Slept Here (1989), Barry
Ayn Rand and the World She Made (2009), Heller
Astaxanthin: Seafood’s ultimate supernutrient (2013), Sears
America’s Survival Guide (2007), Warren
We Are Not Charlie Hebdo (2015), Barrett
Leaving the Sandbox (2014), Wright
Dewey (2008), Myron
Unstoppable: Left-right alliance vs. corporate state (2014), Nader
Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985), Postman
Nullification (2010), Woods
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004), Perkins
After 9/11 Truth (2015), Wright
Dissolving Illusions (2013), Humphries
The Longest Walk (2015), Meegan
The Appeal (2008), Grisham
Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) (2014), Wright
Against Our Better Judgment: How the US was used to create Israel (2014), Weir
Solving 9-11: Deception that changed the world (2012), Bollyn
Another 19 Suspects (2013), Ryan
Golf, Fun, and Life in the Philippines (2014), Shanks
Democracy Reaches the Kids! (2014), Meegan
A Farewell to Arms (1929), Hemingway
StarTram: Maglev Race to Space (2013), Powell, Maise, Pellegrino
Edge of the Dreaming (2013), Kruhse
Libertarian Lessons of South Park (2013), Simpson
A Terrible Revenge (1994), de Zayas
A Brief History of Time (1988), Hawking
All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (1988), Fulghum
Engines of Creation (1986), K. Eric Drexler
Nonaggression Faith: SNaP Module #7 (2010), Wright
Mother’s Stone (2013), Wright
Charlie Brumfield: King of Racquetball (2013), Keeley
Productive Action: SNaP Module #6 (2010), Wright
Forks over Knives (2011), Edited by Gene Stone
Breakthru Strategy: SNaP Module #5 (2010), Wright
Nonaggression Roots: SNaP Module #3 (2010), Wright
A.D. After Disclosure (2012), Dolan, Zabel
Nonaggression 101: SNaP Module #2 (2010), Wright
Kindergarten Rules: SNaP Module #1 (2010), Wright
The Hot Kid (2005), Leonard
Collapse (2005), Diamond
Libertarian War on Poverty (2012), Robin
The End of Faith (2004), Harris
Natural Cures (2004), Trudeau
Living Deliberately (2011), Butkovic
The Secret behind Secret Societies (2003), Rappoport
The Truth Torpedo (2012), Brian Wright
Classified Woman (2012), Edmonds
Little Pink House (2009), Benedict
Max Perkins, Editor of Genius (1978), Berg
The Occult Technology of Power (1974), The Transcriber
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974), Robert Pirsig
Wanda Hickey’s Night of Golden Memories (1971), Shepherd
A Tan and Sandy Silence (1971), MacDonald
Mayflower (2006), Philbrick
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (2006), Carter
The Terror Conspiracy (2006), Marrs
The Shape Shifter (2006), Hillerman
A New Earth (2006), Tolle
Letter to a Christian Nation (2006), Harris
Th!nk (2006), LeGault
Flying Spaghetti Monster (2006), Henderson

The God Delusion (2006), Dawkins
Unstoppable Global Warming (2007), Singer and Avery
Truth Jihad (2007), Barrett
Age of Turbulence (2007), Greenspan
Evil Genes (2007), Oakley
 Deer Hunting w/ Jesus (2007), Bageant
 Medusa and Snail (1979), Thomas
 63 Documents (2011), Jesse Ventura
 Three Men in a Room (2006), Lachman
 Call No Man Father (1995), Kienzle
 First Strike (2003), Cashill and Sanders
The Celestine Prophecy (1993), James Redfield
Voluntary Simplicity (1993), Duane Elgin
 Crossfire (1993), Jim Marrs
 Death, Life, Cities (1961), Jacobs
 What about gods? (1978), Brockman
 Executive Hobo (2011), Bo Keeley
 Strategic Terror (2006), Beau Grosscup
 Black Tide (2011), Antonia Juhasz
 Rancho Costa Nada (2003), Garlington
 The Third Terrorist (2004), Davis
 Keeley’s Kures (2011), Keeley
 Liberty and Tyranny (2009) Levin
There Must Be Some Mistake (2008) Wright
 WTC7 Mystery Collapse (2011) Griffin
The Patriot’s Toolbox (2010), Heartland Institute
Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (2008), Vincent Bugliosi
Starving the Monkeys (2009), Tom Baugh
Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons (1992), Scott Adams
Rivethead (1992), Ben Hamper
The Conquest of Paradise (1990), Kirkpatrick Sale
The Light of Alexandria (2005), James Maynard
The Weather Makers (2005), Tim Flannery

Two Truthful Books (2004, 2005), David Ray Griffin
Three Nights in August (2005), Buzz Bissinger
Goldie (2005), Hawn
Libertarianism in One Lesson (2005), Bergland
Ladies of Liberty (2008), Roberts
The Age of American Unreason (2008), Jacoby
The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008), Paul
 Incident at Sakhalin (1995), Brun
The Farrah Chronicles (2010) Mahoney
 The Barrier Cloud (2010) Wright
 The Case Against God (1979) Smith
 Truth about Geronimo (1929) Davis
Hannah’s Revenge (2010) Carey
 Left and Right (1965) Rothbard
The Quick Red Fox (1964) MacDonald
Prospect of Immortality (1964) Ettinger
The Deep Blue Good-By (1964) MacDonald
Nightmare in Pink (1964) MacDonald
Atlas Shrugged (1957) Rand
 Wednesdays w/Diether (2003) Haenicke
 9/11 Synthetic Terror (2006) Tarpley
 Riders of the Purple Sage (1912) Grey
 Sovereign Individual (1997) Davidson
Carved in Granite (2008) Several
 JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) Douglass
Jackie and Bobby (2009) Heymann
 No Treason (1870) L. Spooner
 Cracking the Code (2003) Hendrickson
Rise of the Creative Class (2002) Richard Florida
A Cat Named Darwin (2002) William Jordan
 Choosing Civility (2002) PM Forni
Unequal Protection: the Rise of Corporate Power (2002) Thom Hartmann
Moral Politics (2002) George Lakoff
John Adams (2001) David McCullough
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (2001) Toby Young
Sacred Nonaggression Principle (2009) Wright
 New Pilgrim Chronicles (2009) Wright
Technopoly (1991) Postman
Friday Night Lights (1990) Bissinger
 Content of Our Character (1990) Steele
The Lonely Silver Rain (1984) MacDonald
Free Fall in Crimson (1981) MacDonald
 Nobody’s Business, McWilliams
 History Not Absolve, Schotz
 Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond
 Debunking 911 Debunking, Griffin
 The Singularity is Near, Kurzweil
 Creature, Jekyll Island, Ed Griffin
 The Power of Now (1999), E. Tolle
Think and Grow Rich (1937), Hill
 Our Enemy the State (1935), Nock
 Crimes Against Nature, Kennedy
 Bridge to 18th Century, Postman
Chicken Soup for the Soul, Runners, Several
Change We Can (Had Better) Believe In (2008), Obama campaign

Indexed listing and links to all book reviews

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3 thoughts on “Book Reviews

  1. I just read your cogently expressed review of Neil Postman’s last book. Like you, I am an admirer of his work, and assigned his book Technopoly in a course I taught at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI. For most of my teaching years before retiring, I preached the gospel of print, how it always represents a creative act on the part of the reader, how the act of reading is an act of freedom unavailable to those in the thrall of visualizations.
    I will be candid. When I saw you self-identified as a libertarian, I clicked on your site to see what one more bug-eyed right-winger was up to. It surprised me to see Postman’s book on your list, and I must acknowledge a firmly cemented set of assumptions that I was apparently wrong in applying to you.

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