Book Review: The Hunt for Zero Point (2001) and Behind the Flying Saucers (1950))

Inside the classified world of ‘antigravity’ technology
By Nick Cook, reviewed by Brian R. Wright [my rating 6/10]

Reviewer’s Note: Beginning today as 2019 approaches, I’ve decided to shorten significantly most of my new book reviews and movie reviews. This will no doubt please a number of readers, who typically have not the time to spend reading long discussions of what someone else thinks of a book or movie that they may consider taking in. There will be exceptions, of course, mainly when I feel a book is so important that it needs a thorough under-standing. The fact is, that generally I lack the time as well. — brw

It did take considerable time to read The Hunt for Zero Point; I was determined. Mainly, I was kept on the hook by a series of tantalizing research cycles from the author, Nick Cook, as he traveled around the world. English journalist Cook is, or was at the time he wrote the book, the Aviation Editor of a prestigious aerospace magazine, Jane’s Defence Weekly. So he could knock on doors many other researchers wouldn’t even know about.

At the same time, I felt a certain repetitiveness as he kept referring, then back and forward, to one line of investigation and personnel or another… many of the individuals looking into antigravity phenomena being renowned scientists, high corporate and defense officials, offbeat geniuses working out of garages and basements, etc. The other main problem, as I see it, is right from the gitgo, Cook also doesn’t bring up antigravity propulsion or power systems as originating from other intelligent beings (OIBs or ETs). His focus is on human engineering and skunk-works—for example, he spends an inordinate number of pages on what the Germans were doing in WW2.

Many of Cook’s forays produce fascinating information on experimental results as well as antigrav technology being incorporated in stealth aircraft today. But nothing that I can see that accounts for sightings of numerous craft that can stop on a dime from thousands of miles per hour, make a right angle turn and head off at the same speed. These are definitely OIB craft, and my sense is that more ‘mainstream’ ufologists—e.g., Dr. Stephen Greer and Richard Dolan—believe the ETs have mastered antigravity, and humans have reengineered some antigravity tech for the super-dark so-called Secret Space Program.

But Cook’s book is a worthy effort that I do recommend to all interested in the subject. The fact is that most of us who find the subject of OIBs and their technology fascinating, not to mention reengineered uses of that technology that our Dark Side humans are applying, stay well away from the depths of that Rabbit Hole. Pick a couple of individuals you trust, then try to keep abreast is my policy. I’ve mentioned Greer and Dolan, also consider Dolan and Zabel’s book, After Disclosure (2012). Further, Foster Gamble in the Thrive enterprise is a good source of information, too. I trust them.

Behind the Flying Saucers (1950) by Frank Scully [my rating 10/10]
… and the truth about the Aztec UFO crash (w/ other authors)

What I want to do now is touch on another book, one from an author few of you will have heard of, but I checked out based on a recommendation in a recent Richard Dolan video. That is Behind the Flying Saucers (1950) by Frank Scully. What you see here includes his original publication, along with an apologia for or justification of the discovery of an OIB craft in Aztec, New Mexico, 1948.

The serious student will learn a lot from this book, my recommendation: go straight to the stellar writing of Frank Scully, himself, of the core book. THEN, go back and read the setup from other authors. Some confusion there. But Scully is a master wordsmith and demolishes the military-political class’s (he refers to them derisively as Pentagonians) approach to OIBs and their craft.

His discussion of magnetism and its probable role in propulsion of these craft is deep and solid… a wonderful place to spring from into further research and discovery. I wish I had more time and inclination to deal with such an important subject… but the Secret Space Program and other Dark Side activities bear down on humanity from many angles, and I can only focus on one higher priority dragon at a time.

A passage on the Scully ‘tude

“Is it any wonder therefore that I advise readers to treat any official comment as no more to be considered than old news papers blowing in the wind? In fact, if such faceless men should say that the objects are (a) newspapers or (b) not newspapers but fragments of flying saucers, they are not to be believed either way. Not until we, the people, we who, have names, addresses, and the courage of our convictions, not until we say there are such things as flying saucers, is it authentic. And we have been saying it for sometime.”

Intro to Chapter 13: From Lodestone to Einstein

“To understand at all how magnetic energy could be the quiet one behind all the current sound and fury concerning the presence and propulsion of flying saucers, it may be necessary to point out historically how this primary force got lost in the shuffle. The Pentagonians obviously were ignorant of it. Otherwise they would have included references to it in their various communiques to us, their paymasters, before closing down Project Saucer.

“Scientists in related fields may know a little more than the Pentagonians, but because the former no longer enjoy the free exchange of ideas under the bugaboo of “security” they are either reluctant to give the devil his due or ignorant of his activities. The cell-by-cell method of research, further sealed off by the military’s forceful phobias, has developed modern science into a self-limiting disease, as physicians would call it.”

Thus, one can see that the Scully book is a gold mine. Highly recommended.

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