Original Update #2: Mind-Control Environment

Update #2. Movement #2, ICM

This update comes from my writing under the chapter “Independents Rising” in my book on Pete Hendrickson’s Discovery regarding the US federal income tax, American Gumption-Catharsis (http://bit.ly/2VHwK6d_American_Gumption-Catharsis).

The attached image is a video up on YouTube (still there) called Rule from the Shadows:


It’s probably the best single, brief description of how the MOPS (Men of the Power Sickness) are inculcating collective-brain syndrome and psychosis (CBS, CBP) into the minds of men. Collective-Brain Syndrome and Psychosis is a concept I came up with to describe those who seek to submerge their consciousnesses into the mass mind:



Jon Rappoport coins the term ‘consensus reality,’ referring to the real-world side of the same phenomenon. In the old days of Ayn Rand and her then protégé, Nathaniel Branden, coined the term, social metaphysics, which is the psychological affliction of… 

“…one who holds the consciousness(es) of other men, NOT objective reality, as his ultimate psycho-epistemological  frame of reference.”

What Rand, Branden and the Objectivists argue—I do, too—is that a majority of men walk around with sponges on their heads, soaking up, sans reasoning, whatever bilge water their consensus authority figures tell them is healthful and good.

Such minds have two primary, and related, qualities:

    • Compartmentalization—your thinking works OK in familiar day-to-day areas, or in your profession, but not so in the political realm.
    • Perceptual-Emotional Mode—substituting feelings elicited by percepts (images, words) for conclusions reached by conceptual reasoning.

My chapter continues to describe the phenomena and then points out how the exclusive reliance on the perceptual-emotional mode of consciousness causes us to be super-susceptible to manipulation by the MOPS. Here’s the classic quote from Edward L. Bernays:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who run this unseen mechanism constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.” — Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who run this unseen mechanism constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.” — Bernays, Propaganda (1928)


Namely, that if, in a society, individual human beings do NOT develop and assert their Independent consciousnesses, then a group of powerful men (the MOPS) WILL assume control of those consciousnesses. And in the modern world,  THEY ARE DOING SO… deeply, widely, and with horrific antihuman effect.

In the “Independents Rising” chapter of American Gumption-Catharsis, I continue with solution strategies. These will be expanded in the FLOW book and become healthful practices in the unfolding of the FLOW Fellowship. Find my TheCoffeeCoaster.com column where the Independents Rising chapter contents is transcribed. http://bit.ly/2YJnRrD_AGC_Independents_Rising.

Image produced inline

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