Indie Prophecy Fulfillment

For most bona fide prophecies or predictions that come true, a good deal of self-fulfilling activity has to take place. The adage ‘God helps those that help themselves’ applies. Self, in the context of the Truman Prophecy, is everyone who, along with the Prophet Chance, believes in the Billion+ Points of Light society and takes action to achieve it.

So this section contains some specific guidelines on how to become a Truman-Indie Fulfiller. [These are more down to earth instructions than the more general steps described in conjunction with building a society of Independents, which have been described in the body of the book.]

For the Cause-Oriented…

First, determine what it is you want to do, and what you’re good at. Second, don’t bite off more than you can chew. The Truman Prophecy, as all good movements or projects, is an authentic swing sort of activity where ‘many hands make light work.’ Key to full and effective consciousness is the realization that a) you can’t do everything at once, and b) you can’t do everything yourself.

The Prophecy unfolds using three Websites:

… with the integrating Website being the latter for the (worldwide) Society of Independents that we’re building.

The Truman Prophecy was effectively published the first day of spring of 2016; the detailed operations and nuts and bolts of facilitating the CtC educated tax remedy, pursuing (First Principles) grand jury-based truth and justice, identifying the concrete steps to effect one’s Independence, and all the related liberation activities will take a few weeks to plan out. The SOI site has the latest information on helping.

Briefly, we’re always going to need plenty of Toto Correspondents and organizers, writers, teachers, legal aides, historians, experts on grand juries, grand jurors, spiritual teachers, and so on.

The single best thing to do: Share The Truman Prophecy!

For the General Case

The Independents’ Field Manual, a companion document to The Truman Prophecy, condenses the operational information from the novel. The following ‘What You Can Do’ listing prefaces that field manual and is targeted toward those who want to help move the cart forward—with minimal hangout:

  1. Practice the Spiritual Magic Move—To paraphrase ol’ Jessie Jackson, “The most important thing you can do to help the unconscious is not to be one.”
  2. Read and practice Cracking the Code—Another priority for you, your family, and your country is to understand what is federally taxable income… and to not pay taxes you do not owe—deny Leviathan.
  3. Publicly declare for the truth—For any of the Toto projects that you are now convinced of, let people know your stand… at least friends and family.
  4. Become informed—Read and view further to enhance your understanding of the truth(s) you’ve become convinced of. Chip in when it feels right.
  5. Take part in SnowMan16—Whether it’s only to sport a bumper sticker and wear a t-shirt, use the campaign to make friends and stand for justice.
  6. Declare as Independent—Either privately via affidavit and/or ‘registration’ on the SOI [1]site, assert your natural rights as an Independent being.
  7. Define your stand as Independent—Optionally, customize the Affidavit of Self Governance (on SOI site) to express what actions of rogue government you will no longer accept or abide. Then stand up!
  8. Join Independents’ Day festivities—Enjoy the activities planned for 2016 and implied for successive elections; embrace the fellowship of kindred souls.

Currently, only #7 results in any real risk of state-coercive response. And the risk becomes vanishingly small as those denying consent reach into the millions. Be a patriot. Join the strike. You have nothing to lose but their reins!


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