Initially this site’s title (BreatheUp) was intended to promote demasking and breathing free from ‘covid,’ now I’m using it to build the Independents movement, particularly by first dismantling and curing collective-brain syndrome (CBS) in human society. My The Decollaring Book is now published by KDP Amazon.
[For questions and to reach the author, please email me, Brian R. Wright, courtesy of FreeManPubCo at]
- Paperback version TDB $12.95
- Kindle version TDB $3.99
Keep track of latest NEWS BULLETINS under the
Great Decollaring Project heading.
Note that the Kindle version may be the best version to acquire because the graphics will be in color and your navigation to the Web links of the Links page only requires a single click.
[BTW, everything you wanted to know about ear loop masks, from independent experts, I have provided at: (That was the original idea behind the BreatheUp page.)] The free pdf files also have the color graphics of The Decollaring Book:
- TDB Cover—will probably have a couple more iterations on design
- TDB Front Matter—Title Pages, Preface, and Foreword
- TDB Table of Contents
- TDB Introduction—Lays out the purpose and plan of the book. Also key ideas of what would be anyone’s motivation for curing or undergoing treatment for CBS.
- TDB Chapter 1—”Independents, FLOW, and Thrive.” Showing the big picture of what healthful psychology and living philosophy can be.
- TDB Chapter 2—”Discovery, Origin, and Nature of CBS.” How I stumbled on the discovery from Howard Roark’s speech in the Fountainhead, what CBS is and how it has been cultivated as a root high-crime of opportunity by the predatory ruling class (PRC). How we got to where we are.
- TDB Chapter 3—”CBS Roots and Traps.” Limbic system roots, also Julian Jaynes’ bicameral mind; psychological defects inflamed by the PRC: two major: social metaphysics and the perceptual-emotional (see, hear, feel) form of consciousness.
- TDB Chapter 4—”CBS and the ‘covid’ Op.” Major citings in a table drawn from Foster Gamble’s (of Thrive) paper “Covert-19.” Then my own experiences on the front lines, losing my part time job as a medical technician for refusing to muzzle. How CBS infiltrates and enables the success of the STUPID-19 Great Reset con.
- TDB Chapter 5—”CBS Special Case.” This was the chapter I did not want to have to write, but it’s highly vital to the overall modern cure in the real world, because this particular incarnation of an exclusivist CBS is a dominating prime mover in the overall PRC and its totalitarian collectivist/communist plan for humankind.
- TDB Chapter 6—”CBS Therapy and Cures.” I’m making this available in pdf to enable readers to get right to the job of working the problem. There’s the 6-12 Step Program along with an innovative implementation and marketing approach that I’ve laid he groundwork for. Soliciting feedback and input on the latter.
- TDB Epilog—Disclaimers and Deep Thawts that I missed in the chapters, important spiritual framework observations as well.
- TDB Glossary of Terms—Acronyms expanded and special terms defined.
- TDB Links Page—Web links to relevant reference pages in the book.
- TDB About the Author
You can see the links that are active to the pdf files. I especially wanted to provide the STUPID-19 chapter (4) for free access, as it is so timely now with the Stalinesque attempts by Biden and company to impose a communist witch-hunt dictatorship on America. I’ll update this particular page with the latest carnage from the Frankenshot front, while focusing on the best potential cures and remedies for people who have mistakenly, or from coercion, taken the poison-death jab:
The Great Decollaring [Project] (GDP)
Important note on personal medical issue(s). I, Brian Wright, have been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease (PKD)… which has led to end stage renal failure (ESRD) which requires a hemodialysis program to keep me alive. Thus a large part of my cause-related activity—including the Great Decollaring Project—I no longer can devote as much time to. I am looking for a younger individual of full health to champion many of the causes I’ve identified, especially the GDP.
If you fall into that full health, youth, and vigor category and if what I write here excites you to the point of wanting to lead that effort, please contact me at FreeManPubCo at The world does need the GDP in the worst way.
This comes from some work I’ve done to create a 4″x4″ bumper sticker: Leave Herd Mind Behind. You may obtain these sharp-looking stickers at the following link:
A corollary of The Decollaring Book is the so-called Great Decollaring [Project]—the project carries out the program identified in TDB Chapter 6: CBS Therapy and Cures. Specifically, I’ve created the program in conjunction with my FLOW philosophy and fellowship… seeded at the FLOW Fellowship crowdfunding site. My ultimate purpose with the book and project—in fact, my life’s purpose in general—is to propagate FLOW at a worldwide neighborly level, a community of kindred Independent “sovereign- freedom” souls… or at least heading in that general direction.
FLOW may be thought of as the “first religion of the Independents;” the Great Decollaring, then, for my purpose, is the grand strategy or toolbox for facilitating the FLOW way of Being. The Great Decollaring (GD) starts with a Six-Step Program (ref. Chapter 6) for individuals self-diagnosed with serious CBS addiction/affliction. The process of diagnosis (journey of self-discovery) is conducted as part of the GD methodology.
That methodology is premised on the observable fact that serious CBS manifests itself in individuals, particularly, in their susceptibility to official stories (OSs). Thus, I’ve devised a positive, programmed-learning method to expose, by and for an individual, the major OSs to 10 undisputed facts (and other key reference material) that show each OS/Sacred Cow as truth-free—thus subtly turning prospects toward reason, love, and Independent consciousness. The process is captured in this flow diagram:
The diagram illustrates how FLOWers, or DECOLLARers, can inevitably grow as a distinct fellowship. It’s a cellular growth method based on powers of seven, and it naturally leads from the GD objective—turning prospects into persons sufficiently Independent to start thinking for themselves—toward full Independent consciousness inherent in the FLOW philosophy.
[I’ll be working on this section imminently. I wanted to provide a contact and signup page location for anyone who’s interested in either the FLOW Fellowship or the Great Decollaring. That signup link is here.]
Promotional Material for TDB #1—Single-Panel Handout
To share the word on The Decollaring Book, and move away from collective-brain syndrome and toward Independent consciousness, I have constructed a single-panel two-sided handout here:
This is for simply leaving in public places, and has the link to this site and page for further access. To make 60 of them, FEDEX-Kinkos will charge you ~$12.00 and with the cutting it will take you 10-15 minutes.
Instructions: Use the two-sided, color—recommended, but you may consider black and white for large quantities because of the expense of color. Good idea to run one sheet to verify, then have the copy machine print 9 additional. Use the Kinkos’ cutter to make six copies of each two-sided sheet—I cut on the long side first, it will be 8.5′ divided by 3 = 2.83″. Then cut horizontally at 5.5″. Photo shows long side cut.
Promotional Material for TDB #2—Minibrochure
To share the word on The Decollaring Book, and move away from collective-brain syndrome and toward Independent consciousness, I have constructed a three-panel minibrochure shown in the photo below and with the following link:
This is for simply leaving in public places [or mailing to friends who may be interested in remedying CBS], and has the link to this site and page for further access. To make 20 of them (10 times 2 minibrochures per 8.5″x11″ sheet), FEDEX-Kinkos will charge you ~$12.00 and with the cutting it will take you 10-15 minutes.
Instructions: Use the two-sided, color—recommended, but you may consider black and white for large quantities because of the expense of color. Good idea to run one sheet to verify, then have the copy machine print 9 additional.
Use the Kinkos’ cutter to make two copies of the minibrochure per each two-sided 8.5″x11″ sheet. It’s a good idea to fold the entire 8.5″x11″ sheet in thirds, then to insert them 5 at a time as shown into the cutter to wind up with the final minibrochure.
Note: The full-sized image of the TDB single-panel showing both sides is located here. The full-sized image of the TDB minibrochure showing both sides is located here.
Announcement of Book and Great Decollaring Project
My practice will be to do the announcement individually via various methods: text, email, or even Tweet. In conversation I’ll tell prospects of these invitation formats on the site. Thus, individuals who wish to promote the book and project can invite others by pointing to the same links.
This is a ‘pitch.’ We’re trying to sell something. My friends in marketing tell me a businessman needs up to four different time slots to keep in mind: 5-10 seconds (quick pitch), 20-seconds (Tweet or elevator pitch), 60 seconds (text or dinner-table pitch), and then a two to five minute pitch which will correspond to the formal document of invitation with some detail.
Note: At this point I’m simply trying to get the ball rolling, so the pitch will take the form of an announcement that the book and project are officially launched and we’re soliciting support to get out the word. [It may be a good idea to write down the names and destinations of those you contact.]
Quick Pitch
The Decollaring Book now published. Mission: end collective-brain syndrome (CBS) and promote Independent consciousness. for info.
Generic Tweet:
“End the Great Reset tyranny and its ‘covid’ op by helping our peers (~70-90% today) evolve from serious collective-brain syndrome (CBS) to Independent. Pls read The Decollaring Book and join The Great Decollaring project: Letter:”
Text Short Presumed Favorable
“Ethan, hope you and yours are free and well, thought you might be interested in knowing that my The Decollaring Book (TDB) is out and I’m pursuing The Great Decollaring as a humanitarian project of the highest order and urgency under my FLOW Fellowship auspices: namely, that we, species-wide, need to evolve from serious collective-brain syndrome (CBS) addiction [currently afflicting in my conservative estimate 70-90% of the general population] to at least predominantly Independent consciousness. [Terms defined in TDB.]
“Information on how to access or promote the book resides at, and here is the full introductory announcement: If you do come to an appreciation, then a short positive 4- or 5-star review on the Amazon book page,, would be a big help. Best regards, Brian.”
Text Short Presumed Unfavorable
“Jack, hope you and yours are free and well, it’s likely we may not now see eye to eye on this, but thought you might be interested in knowing that my The Decollaring Book is out and I’m pursuing The Great Decollaring as a humanitarian project of the highest order and urgency under my FLOW Fellowship: namely, that we, species-wide, need to evolve from serious collective-brain syndrome (CBS) addiction [currently afflicting in my conservative estimate 70-90% of the general population] toward Independent consciousness.
“Information on how to access or promote the book resides at, and here is the full introductory announcement: If you do come to an appreciation, then a short positive 4- or 5-star review on the Amazon book page,, would be a big help. Best regards, Brian.”
Text Long General
I would first send out a text inquiring as to how they are, then when they reply asking how you’re doing:
Here’s my formal announcement of my The Decollaring Book and associated liberation project of the Great Decollaring:
Just wanted to let you know, <First Name>, that my The Decollaring Book is out and available via Amazon KDP. It tackles a psychological syndrome or phenomenon of (un)consciousness that I’m calling collective-brain syndrome (CBS)—based on how I stumbled upon the idea and how it functions. CBS, I’m convinced, lies at the root of all major sociopolitical problems in our lives. Foundationally, it prevents us as individuals from achieving full Independent consciousness and reaching our potential.
Ending CBS will go a long way toward helping activists for all good and noble causes to prevail against government-corporate corruption and high-crime assaults… such as 5G radiation, GMO and glyphosate poisoning, toxic stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), forced water fluoridation, and other weaponizations against our health and environment.
Links to the book [and the associated Great Decollaring project] I’ve assembled at Here is the link to a full introduction to the book and project: I’d like your comments and, if you would, a short positive 4 or 5-star review on the Amazon book page:
Ideally, I welcome your deeper understanding and support, to help me with The Great Decollaring project, which will require many hands to radically shift the paradigm from centralized power and full spectrum dominance by the ‘superiors’ to Independent-ness, Thriving, and FLOWing of the people, individually, as a benevolent, free community.
[If you’re a supporter of The Great Decollaring and using these templates to promote the cause, you can use the above letter template, simply change it to third person.] [Also, if you’re of a mind, you can contribute to the Great Decollaring via my FLOW Fellowship fundrazr: ]
Full Letter
Personalize as much as possible, then here’s what I’m writing template wise… the template I wrote for the text message should serve, as well, for a full email or hard copy mailed letter.
[I spent some time on the initial full announcement, including several linked objects and discussion, particularly dealing with the ‘covid’/Great Reset global police-state threat(s). For the Tweet and text messages I include the following link to the formal document:
The intent is to have mildly to serious interesteds read the book and get out the word, and even to leverage the book and The Great Decollaring project to generate members for the Independents movement and members/contributors to the FLOW Fellowship.]
Other Voices
Under this heading I include some key references to other current sources of knowledge that I find worthwhile to the Great Decollaring [I am but one light, others exist, many shining awesomely brighter than mine; it’s a collaborative venture after all, and I’m honored and proud to be part of the worldwide light bundle that lifts all boats… and your unique vessel in particular.]
“A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.” — V (for Vendetta)
These are some inspirational songs I’ve encountered during our latest fight for humanity, in the case of the Marcy Baruch (Baroosh) tune, “Carry On,” the link is to my column… which will lead you to where to purchase. The others are on TheyTube, so far.
- Carry On—I’ve called it Independent’s Anthem, my personal daily go to
- Am I the Only One?—Aaron Lewis, country genre, how most real people I know feel about the attempts to destroy America and the need to restore
- Home—Special Thanksgiving song from RC the Rapper, featuring Jordan Shingoose, beautiful tenor voice, perfect family-friendly message
- This is a War—Hi Rez and Jimmy Levy, speaking of rap/beautiful tenor, touches all the bases for (especially American) liberty
- Welcome to the Revolution—Hi Rez and Jimmy Levy, closing to the powerful HighWire episode 244, 12/02/21.
- Just Say No—Early broach of the genre, RC the Rapper shakes the junk out of the pipes of anyone believing the official crap-‘covid’ stories
- Pureblooded—Organic classic rock Foreigner remake, stuff the jabs and jabbers with authority
- Step Right up and Take my Juice—Big Pharma Music Conspiracy Guru lays out how Pharma really expects everyone to lie down and take it…
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