The Truman process refers to the steps needed for an individual to declare and become, ‘officially,’ that is, according to the Society of Independents organization, an Independent in good standing. Also known as the Independents’ Program (IP).
The IP is essentially a set of papers representing an individual’s own Independent ‘coming out’ qualities. [Much like manifesting one’s own Gravity Golf authentic swing.] These become the property of the Independent individual, may be customized as desired, then publicly as official registered documents[1] of the individual on this Society of Independents’ Website.
The initiate affirms either silently or aloud, to himself or in writing, “I am an Independent of sound mind and these are my words of my own free choice.” Then completes the documents in what are known collectively as the ‘Sacred’ Independent Testament. [‘Sacred’ is embraced by quotes to indicate its secular meaning (as ‘of highest quality’) rather than any ecclesiastical meaning particular to a religion.]
The basic idea of the SIT is to serve as a package of testimony that the writer is a human being Independent in body, mind, and spirit, entitled to all respect and natural freedom thereby. The documents are briefly described as follows:
- Affirmation
- Code of Conduct
- Declaration as Independent
- Affidavit of Self-Governance
… and will be elaborated on their own pages.
[1] Note: The Society’s registration requires some base assertions that may not be customized (such as adherence to the nonaggression principle).
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