Donut Whole: Simple Grand Jury Template for Michigan, Etc.

Simple, Practical Grand Juries
By Brian R. Wright

Note: This column is the standin for my book until it’s done: The Accountability Project, which addresses the the problem of political corruption in Michigan with a simple, practical rollout of people’s First Principles’ independent grand juries. Most of the key ideas for implementation are included here, but not the heartwrenching personal stories of a mere handful of the thousands of living, loving, peaceful human beings crushed by public officials running amok on their abuse of power and unspeakable crimes of corruption.

When the book is complete, the above paragraph will include the hyperlink to it.
[From ‘notes on a napkin,’ 03/18/18. The idea is to proceed from our country’s First Principles and have the states, then the federal government, enable, facilitate, and obey (not own, control, and dictate) the people’s institution of grand juries. Note: This grand jury template and federal derivatives will be featured in my upcoming advocacy book,
The Accountability Project. — bw]

First Principles’ Grand Juries
Phase 1 Implementation–State-County Level Jurisdictions
To be written in form of a bill for the Michigan legislature to pass:

[Name: The Accountability Act… additional verbiage]
[Purpose: Uphold the people’s First Principles against corrupt government]

It is anticipated and hereby accepted by the legislature that:

  1. Each of the 83 counties of Michigan shall accommodate a continuously sitting people’s independent grand jury (SIGJ) for exercising the people’s authority to directly monitor, investigate, and indict gross misconduct in office, violation of oaths, and abrogation of American First Principles (“We hold these truths…”) by public officials.
  2. Each sitting independent grand jury shall be composed, voluntarily, of 25 good and lawful persons who are not government employees or solely beneficiaries of state largesse, and who are Constitution-knowledge-and-fealty tested, randomly selected by lottery, acting with supreme authority over all state justice officials in the jurisdiction.
  3. The SIGJ grand jurors shall be compensated from the state treasury at 80% of the governor’s prorated salary for each session, and shall select a foreman, who shall select an independent counsel (IC) and private investigators (PIs) as needed; foreman and ICs/PIs shall be compensated at 100% of governor’s prorated salary.
  4. Session length, hours, working conditions, workflow, security and meeting requirements, empaneling of additional special grand juries, interface protocols to state and county officials, and so on shall be the prerogative of the SIGJ and developing common IGJ practice, except that as a general requirement it is anticipated grand juror identity will not be publicly known and full cost to the state treasury for all SIGJ and subjury sessions shall not exceed <$2 million> per year [January 2018 USD].
  5. The SIGJ of each county, as its primary mission, shall hear and rule on consideration of all reasonable complaints of corruption or criminal behavior of public officials and accomplices; it is the civic duty of all adult residents to report violations of oath of office and gross misconduct in office to the SIGJ.
  6. The SIGJ of each county, as its secondary mission, shall hear and rule on consideration of all reasonable filings by state justice officials alleging a crime by one individual(s) against another individual(s); the SIGJ for such person-to-person cases may either decide to itself investigate and send indictments back to the justice officials or set up a special SIGJ composed in the same manner as the primary SIGJ.
  7. State/county justice officials–judges, prosecutors, police, executives, etc.–work at behest of the SIGJ; when ordered or requested by SIGJ foreman and ICs/PIs to assist in investigating a case they do so as top priority; these officials, as a top priority, also promptly effect any public official indictments by bringing such individuals before a suitably composed and informed petit jury.
  8. The SIGJ retains full authority over the formation and function of the petit jury(s), assuring that all individuals–public or private–are accorded a fair trial, also by their peers, which shall have the same composition requirements as people’s grand juries, i.e. “not government employees or primarily beneficiaries of state largesse, and who are Constitution-knowledge-and-fealty tested, randomly selected by lottery…”
  9. Petit juries, like grand juries, do not belong to the state justice system, they belong to the people themselves, independently; judges, prosecutors, cops, etc., and defense attorneys are subservient to the petit jury via the foreman, who shall have the benefit of selecting independent counsel for aid and assist in assuring state officials conform to First Principles’ protocol and practice. Petit juries render verdicts based on conscience; they may judge law and fact, and nullify a prosecution at will.
  10. Any county SIGJ or SIGJ-designated special grand jury shall have authority to investigate and indict state public officials for malfeasance applying within their counties. However, the Accountability Act anticipates formation of a sitting state-level grand jury by the same means and adhering to the same founding principles as the county SIGJ. It is anticipated the State SIGJ will also serve as referee for conflicts among county SIGJs or cross-county acts of public official corruption.[1]

Note: Three sources so far in order of my awareness of them are vital to grasping the importance and historical/prospective reality of people’s independent grand juries: The Hidden 4th Branch by Kelly Mordecai, Consent of the Governed by Jason W. Hoyt, and What is the Foundation? by Diane McGilvery. Also, please read my always being updated America’s Restored First Principles’ Grand Juries brochure here.

Finally, a word on initial composition and launch. What we’re really looking at is a county-wide lottery selection of juror candidates to kick off the recovered people’s independent grand jury system. Perhaps on Independence Day at a major convention center or public arena, all declared and vetted candidates gather with their supporters, in a party-like atmosphere for the lottery drawing. By vetted, they must declare to the stated requirements by affidavit, also passing a knowledge and loyalty test to the US Constitution.[2]

[1]  Also at the state level (county level, too, but less so) we should anticipate and write into the statutes that an extremely high-priority special state level independent grand jury shall convene immediately and take complaints from all individuals who have been confined or deprived of liberty for acts that do not constitute fraud or aggression against another person. If their acts are so determined by the grand jury to be not ones of aggression, that is to say in accord with American First Principles, they shall be freed immediately, all conditions absolved, their records cleared, and restitution rendered according to a generous schedule largely from extreme fines and liability payments of the state officials who took away their liberties.

All such public officials performing or participating in acts of aggression shall be indicted and prosecuted as common criminals. [Note a particularly egregious heinous public official crime is civil asset forfeiture; anyone participating in a leadership capacity faces life in prison, everyone participating in a system-enabling manner goes to prison for armed robbery for a minimum of 10 years.] Where the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Where the government fears the people, there is liberty.

[2]  This is an important test. Anyone holding juror status must know, for instance, the meaning of the Bill of Rights, especially the 10th Amendment. They must understand that ‘general welfare’ and ‘necessary and proper’ are limiting phrases describing federal power, not enabling terms. A course by Michael Badnarik or KrisAnne Hall seems just the right basis for verifying knowledge and loyalty with a simple test.

[In the near run as these people’s grand juries extend federally, we’ll convene them to investigate and indict false-flag acts of state terror like 9/11 and all the real and hoax mass casualty incidents, the high crime assaults like geoengineering, GMOs, ‘smart’ meters, vaccine poisonings, etc. And have a special grand jury for assessing constitutionality for old statutes, abolishing those that don’t conform, and refusing to implement new ones unless passing muster.  We’ll end Homeland Security, TSA, the surveillance state, and indict myriads of legislative, executive, and judicial officials for clear and present treason.

For that same reason, we shall end all US government aid to, well, all countries, and remove/prohibit dual-citizenship public officials. The Fed, history, end all federal control of money and credit. Corporate privilege, history. Like tomorrow morning. Probably fed people’s grand juries can’t do all these good things, alone, but can make a substantial contribution. And the federal income tax deception and corruption shall go the way of the dodo bird, thanks to the Hendrickson Discovery and GJ action.]

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6 thoughts on “Donut Whole: Simple Grand Jury Template for Michigan, Etc.

  1. Jeremy, yes it was. Here’s a note I should have added earlier:
    Note: Three sources so far in order of my awareness of them are vital to grasping the importance and historical/prospective reality of people’s independent grand juries: The Hidden 4th Branch by Kelly Mordecai, Consent of the Governed by Jason W. Hoyt, and What is the Foundation? by Diane McGilvery. Also, please read my always being updated America’s Restored First Principles’ Grand Juries brochure here.
    Go to the column to get the links. It needs more research, but grand juries were ubiquitous in the colonies: it was a people’s independent grand jury that indicted the soldiers and officers for the so-called Boston Massacre.

  2. Was this type of grand jury ever commonplace? Even 200 years ago?

  3. Thanks, David. I agree it should be thought of as a hallowed civic duty, but the time commitment initially, especially for some of the bigger high-crimes like 9/11 is going to be enormous, and grand jury participation cannot depend on whether one is independently wealthy. A lottery seems the best for now, which also covers the random selection requirement. I do agree that a year’s time limit, and one jury term, is fitting. Regardless of how well they’re paid, they’re going to be the leading edge of the revolution restoring the republic.

    And thanks for your support. 38th district house (, basically, Novi, Northville (Oakland County), Walled Lake, and Lyon Township. I’ll be in the Libertarian Primary on August 7, don’t think I’m opposed there yet, but it can happen, once a few liberty Republicans who don’t like Kathy Crawford figure out it only costs $100 to file. I plan to let the truth ride out, I’m too old to be biting my tongue or biding my time. I’m going to frame my campaign as people taking charge. New concept with old roots.

  4. Well-organized, Brian! I agree with Dan’s comments above, that Grand Juries should be “no-pay” and I’ll add that they should have 12-24 month term limits. It’s almost an “honorary” position based on merit and knowledge of state and federal constitutions, which can be tested in the application.

    If you running for something, you have my full support!

  5. Points granted, this was a first cut. Now that I think of the funding aspect, perhaps a jurisdiction wide public lottery can bring the funds required. I would like to hear arguments regarding knowledge of the Constitution. Knowledge of and loyalty to American First Principles should be satisfactory.

  6. I agree that true People’s Grand Juries are the key to a Justice System, and a government that works for the people. Elected and appointed criminals use the power of government to commit crimes against the people.
    I also agree that each Grand Jury has to be set up on a County basis. The State Constitution should recognize the authority of these County Grand Juries, but should not hold the State responsible for paying the Jurors. Jurors, if paid, should be paid from the County they represent, an amount determined by that County.
    I further agree that all Jurors should serve voluntarily and take an oath to have read and adhere to the (5) principles taken from the Declaration of Independence above. I do, however see problems with any kind of Constitutional knowledge test, and State authority to administer such a thing.

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