Guest Column: Palestine, South Africa, and the Myth of One State

Exiled Palestinian proposal of a principled solution to the “israel” problem
Reformatted from Nahida, column here

Editor’s note: This marvelous article was referred to me by one of the local regular Ann Arbor protesters of Israel. It’s an inspiring document of the same elevated stature as our country’s Declaration of Independence and First Principles. Just about everyone, most libertarians included, wants to take the easy way out to resolve the Middle East issue.

There’s only one solution: Recognize that Zionist Israel is the 100-year-old psycho-pathic aggressor and ethnic cleanser on the people of Palestine, and these people must be enabled by the nations and people of the world to a) obtain full restitution, b) subject culpable Israelis to war crime trial and conviction, and c) evict and completely undo the invader state and statists of Israel from Palestine, restoring Palestine to the open society—with a substantial minority of law-abiding, peaceful Jews—it was before the invasion.

World peace, international law, and human individual rights around the world are at stake. I have done a bit of editing and formatting and basically transcribed the entire column Nahida has written, hopefully making it easier to read. I trust she will forgive me. — bw

Insisting on squeezing the Palestinian struggle to fit the apartheid model of South Africa or black America is a double whammy:

First, presenting the Zionist entity as a normal state with a few apartheid policies that can be changed is fundamentally false:

  1. What is happening in Palestine is not mere segregation and apartheid, what is going on is ethnic cleansing, wiping a country off the map, and slow genocide.
  2. Racism in the “Jewish state” is ideological, grounded in “sacred” texts, cultural practices, and the inherent concept of “chosen-ness,”—unlike South Africa in which racism was a momentary convenience, reflecting opportunistic fulfillment of self-interest of a white minority.

Second, when activists are intoxicated with the deceptive mantra of “Equal rights, One State, Two People,” offered as the best formula and ideal model of solution rather than other successful models of Liberation, such as Algeria for example, that means they participate in whitewashing and rewarding the century-ongoing Zionist crimes. Such a paradigm gives leeway to the thriving of an illegal genocidal expansionist racist entity… and would mean blessing the expansion of “israel” and granting the Zionist occupier a comprehensive and “peaceful” takeover, and unrestricted control over our land and our lives.

Like North America, South Africa was conquered and subsequently ruled by white Europeans several centuries ago, i.e. before International Law adopted through the Nuremberg Principles right after WW2, explicitly prohibiting land acquisition through military conquest, and clearly defined Crimes Against Humanity—amidst them:

  • Wars of Aggression and Conquest,
  • Genocide and Instigation of Wars and Crimes against Peace,
  • and War Crimes to be the worst categories of crimes

All these have been, and still are in even worse manner, perpetrated by Jewish “israelis.”

Furthermore, this “one-state, two people” approach fully ignores the unbalanced premise of the reality on the ground, and the implication such proposal would have— namely the finalization of the aims of the racist, expansionist and exclusionary Jewish Nationalist experiment called “israel.”

It would de facto annex all residual Palestinian post-1967 Bantustans, and attach them to what would inevitably be “israel” no matter what convoluted name would be attached to. Because indeed, there is no need to be a rocket scientist to know full well who would keep the arsenal, who would keep the apparatus of power, judicial, military, educational, political, executive, financial, etc.

All the while the demand granting equal rights to all, includes supremacists and invaders who have no historic or legal rights to the land, who are still flocking to Palestine as we speak, armed to the teeth by their support networks in US-America, in other words, these are active dangerous psychopathic criminals.

Zionist Jews did not come to Palestine with olive branches to begin with, they did not come with peaceful intentions of coexistence with the indigenous population. They gushed in like savages, terrorizing unarmed peaceful farmers and land tenders, they tortured and imprisoned, they came to destroy, “cleanse,” conquer and dominate.

A century on, their racist ideology, their use of terror, and their abominable psychopathic behaviour has only intensified, and drastically. The vast majority of that artificial “society”—and for very specific supremacist ideological reasons—are unwilling/ incapable of viewing the “other” as equal… and over the passing of time they have shown to be unwilling to become modest or peaceful, let alone remain peaceful.

  • Would any decent human-being force a mother to marry the murderer of her child?
  • Would any decent human-being find it acceptable to force a child to live with his paedophile abuser?
  • Would any decent human-being accuse these people, child and mother, of “immorality” or call them “unrealistic” for refusing to tie their future with their abusers?

Through the delusional “Equal Rights, One State, Two People” proposal, the facts on the grounds would remain unchanged, and probably aggravated, since these facts— lock, stock, and barrel—would remain in the hands of ideological supremacists.

What is wrong in “israel” as an occupation, a political system, and an artificial society is far, far worse than mere segregation and apartheid… What is wrong is the IDEOLOGICAL RACISM and SUPREMACY having its roots at the core of the concept of being “chosen,” then going downhill to hell from there.

So highlighting the “undemocratic” part of that society and trying to “fix” it, when the rot is at the core is like pointing at the a long fingernail of a person dying of cancer and saying, we think it would help to show the doctor that your fingernail has overgrown and needs cutting off.

The problem is not mere lack of democracy, the problem is a disturbed mindset, resulted from multi-generational indoctrination with the illusion of superiority, the delusion of “unique suffering and persecution,” and the fantasy of “entitlement, all this by a majority of a community. (70% of “israeli Jews” believe Jews are the “chosen.”)

It is not the undemocratic system that we need to focus on and to change. It is the MINDSET of a people.

By now, to the majority of the rest of the world, its pretty obvious that this people’s perspective, education, and understanding of history has been constructed on myths and lies which do not correspond to reality. Their moral upbringing has been encapsulated in the narrowness of tribalism, instead of the vastness of universalism; the illusion of their “chosen-ness” hence, the delusion of their intellectual and moral “superiority;” and the uniqueness and special-ness of their suffering.

Their worldview and perception of the other is twisted and distorted by the scarecrow of “antisemitism” as an inherent quality in the world which necessitates everlasting ghettoization and separation from the “boogy-gentile” who is forever “chasing” after them because of some mysterious and inexplicable reasons the entire people of the world are born with: “intrinsic hatred towards Jews!”

To their utter disadvantage they have been born into a community of many, many myths, which is sad and unfortunate. But I believe that every human no matter how disadvantageous their situation may be, is equipped with an inherent moral compass, therefore would be capable to break away if they so well desire and aspire.

“israelis” who claim to have understood the role of their community in the creation and continuation of Palestinian Nakba, those who claim to be disgusted with the crimes of their society, those who say they feel remorseful and repentant, if they are indeed honest, then the least they can do is to show some signs of sincerity—meaning to show the desire and determination to correct the mistakes of their “people.”

Only then, their victims may investigate the fragile alleys of forgiveness or punishment. The victims should have the last say irrespective of what their judgment may be, they should not be vilified, indicted, or moralized upon, for they have suffered more than enough for almost a century.

The emergence of forgiveness and reconciliation requires certain conditions:

  1. Stopping the crime
  2. Admitting of guilt
  3. Asking for pardon
  4. And, most important, rectifying the wrong

None of these conditions are ever considered an option among that mighty, sick, racist Zionist society as a collective.

Those very few individuals who show some support for Palestinians are rarely, if ever, able to accept even the return of refugees. They never go beyond calling for “equal rights.” That is, they NEVER go as far as total restitution and reinstatement of all property and rights to the dispossessed Palestinians.

Morally blinded (by self interest) and submerged in dishonesty (due to the conflict of interest) they pretend not see that such an approach is fatally flawed from its inception. For it equates between aggressors and victims. It absolves criminals from being prosecuted by laws of justice, and it absolves them from giving back real assets of land and property.

If Jewish “israeli” peace activists fail to see the lopsided morality in such approach, then they need to go back on their knees for some self-reflection and pray to see some light that might help restore their humanity.

In my entire life, I have met personally with one, only one ex-“israeli,” Gilad Atzmon, who calls himself Palestinian Hebrew. He vehemently rejects “israel” with all its aggression, violence, theft, and supremacy. He took the most admirable stance by imposing exile upon himself even though he was born in a settlement near Al-Quds/ Palestine, because he morally refuses to be part of that racist criminal society.

Such is my brother, such is a person of moral rectitude who is worthy of Palestinian citizenship upon liberation of Palestine.

Make no mistake, the fate of Palestine will be the forbearing sign indicating the shape of the future of International Relationships. By failing to liberate Palestine, we forfeit International Law, and that unambiguously opens the gates to an abyss. Any predatory group equipped with some military, would be vindicated to conquer and destroy whatever they want, wherever they want, on the primitive basis of military force. Basically a staggering regression back into the Stone Age methodology, expanded globally by contemporaneous weaponry’s range and effect, which is biocidal, and instantaneous.

In conclusion, in this war-ridden era it has become a matter of acute urgency and prime importance, that Nations reconvene as a Community, to fulfill their responsibility to Restore International Law, as well as to affirm universal principles of ethics, in order to stop the bloodshed and destruction of our beautiful planet, by stopping predators and warmongers by all means necessary. Generally unknown, ignored, dismissed, and unspoken of by activists in the West, but these are the true aspirations of most Palestinians:

  • FULL LIBERATION of Historic Palestine. The Holy Land must be free from racists committing atrocities. A way must be found, to bring reason to the Holy Land, and there is no other way than to evict foreign criminals. Keep in mind that before the invasion by Jewish foreigners, Palestine was characterized by the harmonious coexistence between, respectively, a Palestinian Muslim majority, a Palestinian Christian minority, and a Palestinian Jewish minority. To restore this harmonious cohesive fabric is the only way forward.
  • FULL SOVEREIGNTY of the Palestinian Nation over their ancestral country: Palestine, with a constitution and a political system of their own independent choice. For the sake of International Peace and Security.
  • PROSECUTION OF WAR CRIMINALS, plans of which should start without delay. A Palestinian judicial and immigration system will, respectively, prosecute former “israeli” criminals and their associates, and/or grant or decline on an individual basis, a Right to Remain, based on criteria solely to be defined by said Immigration and Integration Services. Anyone who can prove non-participation in the ex-israeli occupation apparatus, and who has demonstrated ability and willingness to a respectable and law-abiding conduct, will probably obtain a chance to gain unrestricted Palestinian citizenship, with equal rights.
  • RETURN, RESTITUTION and COMPENSATIONS: Palestinian refugees have the unconditional Right of Return. Palestine and the Palestinian Nation at large, are entitled to full and unconditional Restitution of their land and property whenever possible, assorted with appropriate Compensation for more than seven decades of deprivation and slow genocide, Cultural Destruction, and a whole array of atrocities and usurpation.

When we talk about RESTITUTION , we mean restoration of property and rights previously taken away, restoration of destroyed villages to the former or original state, and reparation made by giving an equivalent in current value when restoration is not possible, and compensation for loss, damage, and injury caused for the entire period of occupation since 1948.


  1. The act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered.
  2. The act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.
  3. A return to or restoration of a previous state or position.

Now, the question is:

Would you or any “israeli” Jew be interested to join us in our struggle for LIBERATION as one of us, as an ex-”israeli” and a future Palestinian?

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