Thoughts on an Aspect of Spiritual Consciousness
By Brian R. Wright
It’s Sunday morning, and I’ve awakened after a decent sleep. Immediately, my mind turns to the despair conveyed to me from a good friend and 9/11 Truth and Justice ally, Rudy. Via email he has brought to my attention Robert David Steele’s amazing and powerful, united-front Citizens’ Intelligence Briefing on 9/11 Truth for the President. [And earlier in the week I brought to his attention the hugely popular appealing video that has received more than three million views: Anatomy of a Great Deception, by David Hooper.]
Me: “Why the despair, Rudy? This is fabulous news. On two fronts.”
Rudy: “Sorry to be so cynical, but…No matter what we say and what authority we claim, nobody will listen. Has anything about this brief appeared anywhere other than in notifications from We live in a bicameral society. America is the greatest. America is the freest. Etc.” Then, Rudy ricochets toward the end as negative as I’ve ever seen him.
Countering the ‘depressive funk’ is why my mind turns to the Rudy matter… and to my own sense of just being ‘overwhelmed by circumstances…’ and the ‘what I need to do RIGHT NOW OR ALL IS LOST’ syndrome. When one is in such ‘compulsive-mind-mode’—ref. Eckhart Tolle—so to speak, then every little perturbation of what Buddha calls “the 10,000 things” has the potential to rattle one vigorously one way or the other. Like the tail wagging a dog into fine dust.
The immediate thought I had in the half-sleep before rising was that we’ve reached a point in our research of key truths, where all we need to do is state them calmly and matter of factly, as Jesus would do… and it’s icing on the cake if we can muster a parable or two from our Sunday School lore. In other words, Rudy and myself and so many others have gotten into the habit-oft-addiction of letting our minds trick us into this illusory dragon-slaying mode. We need a change.
Higher Love
Then while rising, the vision came of the way out—of the feelings of despair and futility we all run into in the truth movement, as well as our compassion fatigue for those poor souls, such as the Palestinians and Yemenis, suffering the ravages of diabolical, seemingly invincible foes—that vision being walking the walk of Jesus, bringing into ourselves the higher love of which he spoke. It’s all about presence. What follows is a collection mainly of Jesus’s sayings from Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual blockbuster, The Power of Now:
- You “become as a branch cut off from the vine.” (p 39) Identification with the mind, the basic mechanics of the unconscious state. {In Tolle’s world, excessive mind is “monkey brain,” a compulsive word-generator that obscures rather than enlightens.}
- “Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” “Nobody who puts his hands to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Per Tolle: “No one seems to realize that (the sayings of Jesus) are meant to be lived and so bring about a profound inner transformation.” (p 43)
- The Now is central to the teaching of Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. Meister Eckhart, 13th century spiritual teacher, sums it up: “Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time.” (p 44)
- You do not seek permanency where it cannot be found. Everything is honored, but nothing matters. Forms are born and die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms. You know that ‘nothing real can be threatened.’ (p 58)
- Why are you always anxious? Jesus asks his disciples. “Can anxious thought add a single day to your life?” (p 63)
- “What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?” (p 74)
- Jesus uses the idea of waiting. “Be like a servant waiting for the return of the master.” He stays awake, poised, alert, because he does not know. He is totally present. The five careless (unconscious) women who do not have enough oil (consciousness) to keep their lamps burning (stay present) and so miss the bridegroom (the Now) and don’t get to the wedding feast (enlightenment). Even the men who wrote the gospels did not understand the meaning of these parables; these are parables not about the end of the world but about the end of psychological time. (p 79)
- Jesus’ parable of the lost son, who leaves his father’s house, squanders wealth, becomes destitute, and is forced by his suffering to return home. Father loves him more than before. Journey from unconscious perfection to apparent imperfection and “evil” to conscious perfection. (p83)
- Christ the divine presence. “Before Abraham was, I am.” {and so are we} Zen-like. Great profundity. (p 86)
- “Your whole body will be filled with light.” Belief that Jesus never relinquishes his body but remains one with it and ascends into heaven. Pro inner body, the means for spiritual realization. (p 95)
- As long as you are in conscious contact with your inner body you are like a tree that is deeply rooted in the earth or a building with a deep and solid foundation. The latter analogy is used by Jesus in the generally misunderstood parable of the two men who build a house. One man builds it on the sand, without a foundation, and when the storms and floods come, the house is swept away. The other man digs deep until he reaches the rock, then builds his house, which is not swept away. (p 99) {Same page: before you enter the body, forgive. Jesus: “Before you enter the temple, forgive.” In Tolle’s lexicon, to forgive means to accept reality as real.}
- The Unmanifested does not liberate you until you enter it consciously. Jesus does not say: the truth will make you free, but: “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” This is not a conceptual truth. It is the truth of eternal life beyond form, known directly or not at all. (p 110)
- … you feel the God essence in every creature, every flower, every stone, and you realize: “All that is, is holy.” This is why Jesus, speaking entirely from his essence or Christ identity, says in the Gospel of Thomas: “Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up a stone, and you will find me there.” (p 111)
- If some cosmic convulsion brings about the end of our world, the Unmanifested will remain unaffected. A Course in Miracles expresses it: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” (p 115)
- If you remain in conscious connection with the Unmanifested, you value, love, and deeply respect the manifested and every life form in it as an expression of the One Life beyond form. You also know that every form is destined to dissolve again and that ultimately nothing out here matters all that much. You have “overcome the world,” in the words of Jesus, or, per the Buddha, you have “crossed over to the other shore.“ (p 115)
Meditate on these for a moment, Rudy and Brian. Particularly, #5. I like to merge that saying with the parable of the lilies of the field—suggesting that worries of the exigencies of life pale to insignificance by comparison to achieving a potent and eternal presence. A presence other beings sense, and want to stay connected to.
Job 1 is to build presence, which means letting go of addictions, particularly the root addiction of compulsive mind. Job 2…
Become as Jesus
That’s my take on the Best of the Bible, also per A Course on Miracles, no blasphemy intended: Jesus’s message is to for each of us individually to share in his Christ essence, to partake thereof in our own inimitable manner. Read the Bible as if Jesus wants you to elevate not subordinate your unconquerable soul, to “have what he’s havin'” in the here, now, and forever—not yield or bow to any collective authority… or let their slings and arrows have any effect on realizing your higher love.
How? I see two essential fronts: quieting the mind and cultivating/sharing presence. We have some powerful tools available toward these ends. I’m working on a Big Picture that integrates the spiritual work of the unmanifested world with the humanistic elevation in the manifested ethical-political realm, and it’s all expressed in the diagram on the right. In the meantime I recommend that people:
- read The Power of Now
- embrace the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa: truth, tolerance, compassion
- support one another in Independent being: joy, ease, lightness (FLOW)
- pursue intelligently and civilly a benevolent world of truth and justice
- enjoy the result, across the globe, Popsicle Index = 5
Then share it forward. Soon I’ll be creating a half-sized three-panel brochure with the Big Picture image on the cover; this will summarize what I hope leads to the next step—namely the FLOW gathers, which I envision as the sociospiritual (Fellowship for Liberation of Our World) ‘religion’ for FLOWer (pronounced GROWer) children of all ages worldwide. With ‘what Jesus would do, how Jesus would be’ as the inspiring image of how to conduct oneself thru life.
Did Jesus engage in anxious worry? Did he drink too much, let his body go to pot on carbonated beverages and pizza, gamble his money away at the camel races? Did he hurry, lose his sense of surroundings and fail to smell the roses? None of the above. He embodied presence, leaving no room for any false-god cravings. He certainly did not concern himself over the broad ignorance of the masses at hand.
So, Rudy, in particular, remember on the Cross Jesus is reported to have said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” And perhaps no one was there to record his followup comment, “They’ll come around eventually.” They will, soon. The Wheel turns.
As for my own sense of being overwhelmed, I’m going to do what Jesus would do and sit down and make a schedule, then stick to it. [I send a shout out to my former boss, Cathy, who 25 years ago, working for an IT company, when I was all kerfuffled in the face of having to do several data communications manuals, calmly sat me down and taught me to create and abide by a simple work schedule. The results were extraordinary, and from the point I adopted the new practice I was more productive than I’d ever been.]
[Unfortunately, it’s as easy to fall out of good habits as it is to fall into bad ones. I really haven’t worked to a written schedule since that time. Now’s the time to reup.]
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I met Jesus today
His name was Palestinian
Issa… Jesus he was called
On the altar of “chosen-ness” he was crucified
Time and time and time again
His face was Palestinian
Olive, with a hint of agony
Years of torture fail to conceal the glow
The purity of his soul peeks through
The sparkle in his eyes invites you to dive in
His pain was Palestinian
The colour of his words
Grips your guts
And squeeze… squeeze … squeeze
Until you lose consciousness
You fall on your knees
Begging for forgiveness
His faith was Palestinian
“Their sadism too much to bear
In the street I waited for a car
No way out but to kill myself
Twilight hour the fall of night
The call to prayer woken my heart
Healing balsam caressed my soul
Maybe…. In this life… still…there is something worth living for”
His heart was Palestinian
Carved with sorrow
Filled with love
Flames of rage and roars of thunder
Hound his torturer to his grave
His tears were Palestinian
His first crucifixion… he was only fourteen
On the second, he was nineteen
From then on
He was crucified every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year
His dignity was Palestinian
Anguished by his rapists
With his broken back he stood tall
His wounds run deep… his head held high
He saw the rainbow in the horizon
When all gave up he gave them hope
His smile was Palestinian
It has been said:
“To smile when confronted with most severe oppression
Is an act of Resistance
In unparalleled beauty” *
The smile of Issa
Was Palestinian
His resilience was Palestinian
“As he punched me in the face
I felt stronger
As he kicked me in the stomach
I felt stronger
As he slashed my arm
I felt stronger”, he said
His hope was Palestinian
Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah
Bouncy words sprinkled around
Buds of trust bloom and grow
His broad grin whiffs you to life
His nightmares close their eyes
His tales of horror lie to slumber
When all lost hope he saw a future
I saw Jesus today
“I see two essential fronts: quieting the mind and cultivating/sharing presence. We have some powerful tools available toward these ends. I’m working on a Big Picture that integrates the spiritual work of the unmanifested world with the humanistic elevation in the manifested ethical-political realm”
I think we have so much in common