Brian’s Column: The (USS) Liberty Meme

Probably a major tool to hard stop the Men of the Power Sickness
By Brian R. Wright

Many of my readers know I have taken up another vital cause recently, at least to the extent of spreading the word for truth and encouraging justice for all parties: the USS Liberty incident of June 8, 1967… this being the 50-year anniversary of the blatant Israeli war crime that officials in Washington and their Israeli masters have hushed up. Let me first give you the context for further reading and viewing, then make the killer meme proposal and offer reasons why such a meme does promise to be killer:

Basically, I’ve done a lot of reading and writing, and discovery, so far, on the USS Liberty incident, and am in the process of becoming even more knowledgeable on the subject. Moreover, I have my own life’s mission and self-created universe in progress represented in my work and writings on the site. As individuals self-liberate by raising themselves as Independents—ref. my novel, The Truman Prophecy—it will be necessary to put an end to the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) once and for all.

The Meme—The (USS) Liberty Meme

These full-spectrum MOPS are hard at work orchestrating a Orwellian/Huxleyian ‘Big Sibling’ 🙂 world where our individual freedom will become a quaint, naive memory—and most people, frankly, will rather enjoy the tyranny—within a few years. To unravel the MOPS (I also call them the BAPs: Barnacles on the Ass of Progress) requires an equally full-spectrum Grand Strategy, being formulated as we speak. No need to go into all the pertinent aspects of that strategy here, only to point out that:

  1. The Zionist/Israeli Construct has displaced the British Empire as prime mover of the modern Matrix (i.e., the MOPS/BAPs) that we the people find ourselves assaulted by and embedded in 24/7/365.
  2. Any effective MOPS antidote must strike at this Zionist/Israeli root structure, preferably from a subtle, benevolent, grassroots, ALL-AMERICAN emotive end run en masse


Hence, the (USS) Liberty Meme. It’s the perfect ship for the perfect storm, having the following strong points (just a handful off the top of my head):

  • cheap, virtually no startup costs
  • most materials already made
  • slam dunk to demonstrate what really happened
  • very easy for meme supporters to spread the idea
  • most Americans are flag wavers and love the military
    • pro American military as defenders of the Constitution
    • meme shows American military was severely wronged
    • meme shows American military warrants rapid justice
  • meme shows Zionism and Israel as malevolently anti-American
  • shows Zionism and Israel as malevolently anti-Liberty, anti-liberty
  • leads Americans to investigate their own government for high treason
  • leads world community to seek and bring justice to Israel
  • strikes at the root MOPS Matrix construct
    • exposes Israel/US global terror deep-state operations
    • Israel/US deep state put on defensive
    • promises to end Israel/US global terror deep-state operations
  • leads naturally into people’s independent umbrella grand juries

The final item is an integrated project with the Worldwide Trumanism Movement of Global Spring: resurrection of people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere (PRIME) grand juries. The concept is very simple and is laid out in preliminary fashion by Kelly Mordecai’s book The Hidden 4th Branch and in his Independent Grand Jury Action Plan, located here. I intend to expand and simplify what he has documented in my upcoming Independent’s Guide and Field Manual (est. 2018).

A proper people’s grand jury is simply the ultimate tool for the people/taxpayers rooting out corrupt/criminal govern-ment behavior. [The GJ belongs to the people, NOT to the state, and its resurrection, esp. on an international scale for, say, bountiful Israeli (and American) war crimes—such as the USS Liberty attacks—will quickly clean up and expunge wrongdoers from any such rogue terror states… or end the states themselves.]

Meme Description and Launch

This segment of the column will revisited iteratively as the project becomes mature. Every Meme launch participant needs to go through the following steps (I am already out there doing these steps, and I tell you, this is a powerful, winning project for truth, liberty, and justice):

Note: We need to be able to state succinctly what we wish to happen, what is the purpose of our meme. What I propose is this (to be expanded and clarified):

  • Recognition and Realization—USS Liberty Remembrance Day, June 8, as a national holiday, all survivors properly awarded and officially appreciated for their actions, with pomp and circumstance. Simple, final realization of the truth.
  • Justice—Two actions: 1) Formal Congressional investigation of the incident, war crimes investigation by the Department of Defense (these proposals are already in the works). 2) Upon failure of 1) convene special people’s federal grand jury to investigate and bring indictments of all US government officials suspected of treason; convene similar international people’s grand jury to investigate and bring indictments of Israeli officials for crimes against humanity.
  • Penalties—People’s special trial jury determines humanitarian punishment for convicted individuals who are still living and public disrespect for convicted individuals who have died. Governments of the US and Israel shall be assessed by the petit jury to generously compensate all Liberty victims and their families.
  1. Become informed—I’ve listed several books, movies, documentaries, and presentations above, which will get you started. Get to know what happened and how to respond to occasional objections. The raw truth of the matter is well established and beyond dispute; any legitimate people’s investigation body (e.g. grand jury) via subpoena power and testimony will quickly ascertain the truth.
  2. Buy a hat and/or other public display paraphernalia—I’m going to describe what I’ve been doing here. For the time being buy the hats and t-shirts from the Liberty Veterans Association Website. I can tell you that the hat I purchased is well constructed and stands out; you will receive many comments thanking you for your service, I’ll discuss how a Liberty-supportive civilian may respond shortly. [I also have designed and purchased a 4″x4″ bumper sticker shown above right. Flooding bumpers with such insignia is a key part of the meme for the mass market.]
  3. Now get a supply of business-card sized descriptions of the USS Liberty injustice, put out by Alison Weir’s site, If Americans Knew. These are wonderful two-sided 2×3.5 handout cards about the USS Liberty, telling what happened and directing the holder to the IAK site and to the allied site, Council for the National Interest ( On the other side, Chairman of the Independent Commis-sion, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral, Thomas Moorer is quoted: “There is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew. In attacking the the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against US servicemen and an act of war against the United States.”
  4. You have the hat and the bumper sticker—I’ll take an action item to design and produce a fetching USS Liberty Justice coffee cup or Yeti-surrogate thermos—and perhaps a t-shirt. These shirts are very sharp, especially the blue and deep orange 50th Anniversary shirt. Now what happens is people will come up to you, especially if you’re a older guy like me, and say, “I want to thank you for your service.” Or something along those lines to convey appreciation to you as a veteran. Believe me, when it happens I feel 10 feet tall and all warm inside, proud to be what they think I am. But I’m straight with them, I say, “No ma’am, I a just civilian all-American supporter of the men of this fine ship who have been betrayed and want justice. Here’s a little card that gives you more information; please lend us a hand if you can.”
  5. Other simple activism steps. The site If Americans Knew has a couple of fine booklets that speak clearly and succinctly to the USS Liberty war crime. One of which pictured above-right, one about the media’s coverup shown on right. These make excellent handouts at public meetings, say, when your federal legislator is doing a Meet ‘n’ Greet back home. Just raise your hand to be recognized then stand up and ask your senator or rep, “<Legislator>, I’m wondering what you’re doing to bring the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty 50 years ago before a full Congressional hearing and investigation, also can you report any progress on the Department of Defense’s initiation of a war crimes investigation of that incident as demanded by the Liberty Veterans Association in its 2005 report.”
  6. You’ll note that each of these bullets contains more material that you, yourself, may become informed with as you bring it to the attention of others. Finally, we need to build the meme by typical social media networks, e.g. Twitter and Facebook… which will modify and hopefully enhance the meme as time goes on. But the main thing right now is for YOU to take a simple step to draw attention to yourself via hat, t-shirt, bumper sticker, lapel pin, jacket because official society has chosen to completely ignore you on this issue of justice, as with so many others. Let’s ram the cause down official society’s throat. Like the scene from V for Vendetta where, all the people are wearing Guy Fawkes masks and capes: instead we show up in public with USS Liberty caps and jackets… or caps and .45s 🙂 .
  7. One more thing: Ted Arens and the USS Liberty Plaque. I met Mr. Arens at the 50th Anniversary Liberty reunion. I believe he is in the development business and is willing to help you install the Liberty Plague pictured here at a park or public area in your city, village, township, or community association. He was successful in Muskegon, Michigan, and I plan to be working with him in my own city of Novi. You may reach him by sending me an email message and I’ll hook you up.

By the way, the plaque is beautifully composed and reads as follows:


Oddly enough, part of me being a Ron Paul Republican, I am a Republican precinct delegate in the great state of Michigan. At a county convention I attended a couple of years ago, one resolution brought forward from the committee to the general assembly and more or less approved without debate was:

“We endorse the state of Israel.”

Seriously, it was that vacuous and utterly out of context. Israel’s fifth column has actually become the first column. No political figure or political party in America dares to confront or challenge the state of Israel for fear of ending his or her or its career. We the people need to be changing all that, and while I can easily come up with resolutions to bring Israel up on charges for:

let’s just keep it simple and focused on the meme at hand. Here is a template for a general resolution regarding the USS Liberty that you may submit to your political organization or to your legislators at any level asking them to propose it on the floors of the house or senate. Heck, it even works for city councils:

Whereas: The Founders warned strenuously against entangling alliances with all countries .AND. the modern state of Israel is guilty of substantial and repeated crimes against humanity—apartheid, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, torture, indefinite detention, and so on— .AND. before Israel was forcibly implanted into the Middle East by foreign powers, mainly England with help of the United States, we had many friendly nations to do business with, now we have none .AND. the state of Israel, 50 years ago on June 8, 1967, did deliberately attack without cause the United States Ship Liberty with the objective of sinking her and killing all of her crew .AND. the United States Government with the aid of the state of Israel, has for 50 years covered up the USS Liberty war crime and refused to bring justice to the crew of the Liberty or to her attackers…

[Chairman of the Independent Commission (2003), former Joint Chiefs Admiral, Thomas Moorer, states: “There is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew. In attacking the the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against US servicemen and an act of war against the United States.”]

Be it resolved by <name of public body>: A full Congressional investigation panel shall sit and determine the facts of the Liberty incident by examining all the evidence brought before it, via subpoena and its powers to act as the people to prosecute high crimes and misdemeanors of all branches of government. The panel’s investigation shall be fully public and video-recorded by individual citizen journalists who shall be invited on a lottery basis to observe the proceedings. Upon conclusion that US officials or private citizens acted against the Constitution and committed treason against the United States (by cooperating with a foreign power to perform or to enable performance of war crimes), the Congressional panel shall submit such individuals to a grand jury for indictment. The panel shall also provide any leads to the prosecution of foreign nationals or countries for war crimes prosecution to the International Criminal Court.

Be it further or otherwise resolved by <name of public body>: the United States Department of Defense (DOD) shall respond to the War Crimes Report brought before it on June 8, 2005, by the Liberty Veterans Association, by conducting a full investigation of the Liberty incident to determine whether a war crime has been committed. The DOD’s investigation shall be open to all military servicemen and video-recorded by servicemen-journalists who shall be invited on a lottery basis to observe the proceedings. Upon conclusion that US officials or private citizens acted against the Constitution and committed treason against the United States (by cooperating with a foreign power to perform or to enable performance of a war crime), the DOD panel shall submit such individuals to a grand jury for indictment. The panel shall also provide any leads to the prosecution of foreign nationals or countries for war crimes to the International Criminal Court.

Be it further or otherwise resolved by <name of public body>: a special United States people’s independent grand jury shall be convened, composed of non-state-employed citizens to perform the work described above by the Congress-ional panel and the DOD above. Jurors, numbering 25, shall be compensated on a prorated basis at the rate of $500,000 to $1,000,000 each, per year.

Then politely ask for a prompt reply and resolution by <name of public body> or pushed along alacritously by the individual public official to whom you are sending the resolution. Note: the text in red may be, and probably should be, excluded. Especially at this early stage where the great majority of the public continues to believe that Israel is a friend of humanity, much more so the United States. Besides we don’t want to blow the surprise element of the (USS) Liberty Meme by laying all our cards on the table so soon.

So, people, get out there now. Buy those hats and get those cards. Write to your legislators and local officials early and often, pound them into fine dust by spreading the meme and showing up en masse like the people in V for Vendetta on November 5 in front of the Parliament Building. We don’t have many more chances to hard stop the MOPS/ BAPs, especially this particularly vicious, sadistic lot of run-amok international dog f****rs.

[Coffee Coaster Column link]




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