USS Liberty Screenplay Flyer
By Brian R. Wright

Note: The information on this html page is laid out similarly to the flyer I composed for myself to announce and promote the marvelous screenplay about the USS Liberty incident written by Clint Burnette and now available on Amazon at this location. The actual flyer you may download to tailor and use is one of the following pdf files, all prefixed with
EW_Flyer.pdf (flyer author w/my contact info: Novi, Michigan, area),
EW_Flyer_CB.pdf (screenplay author Clint Burnette: Sydney, Australia, area), EW_Flyer_EG.pdf (Liberty survivor/advisor Ernie Gallo: Palm Coast, Florida, area)
EW_Flyer_RK.pdf (Liberty survivor/advisor Ronald Kukal: Sheridan, Wyoming, area).

The flyer source MS Word file is linked on the pdf file, so you may tailor your own pdf flyer [by modifying the source Word file] to yourself.

Available for Purchase at

Typical Review of Enemies Within

“I’ve just read Enemies Within and am ready to read it again. It seems the more I read the more I want to know. I’ve been following the USS Liberty for approximately 24 years and never imagined I’d be reading something as chilling and riveting as this! So realistic that I was in tears, and actually felt as if I were there, terrified and slammed into a wall. I did not want this to end. I want more. I want to read more, know more and see more in FILM! A blockbuster film! Almost forgot to mention that my partner Wayne Kyle was aboard the USS America and witnessed some of the after effects of that incident.” — Rose Marie Higgins

What We Can Do to Help Turn this Screenplay into a Movie

We want to bring the screenplay to the attention of a film making team of excellence and courage in the face of hostile opposition who desperately want it squashed. So:

  • Send this flyer or link (via friend in the business) toward such producers/ directors.
  • If you are P/D w/serious interest, please email to
  • Generate buzz socially. If you’ll positively review on Amazon, notify me for free pdf.

[1]  An individual who wishes to make subsequent use of this flyer for advertising the film to public gatherings should change the contact information to his own before circulating, and arrange for free pdf promotion via the FreeManPubCo email address.

Page 2 of Flyer

What Happened and Why We Should Care

On June 8th, 2019, patriotic Americans will mark the 52nd anniversary of a day of infamy for our naval forces and for our country. The harsh realities of that day will never leave the crew, and can only be assuaged by service to and victory of truth and justice.

For on that day in 1967, during the Six-Day War, the Israeli military launched a deliberate, unprovoked, full-scale attack against the  defenseless American Naval intelligence ship USS Liberty—with unmarked jet fighters, followed by Israeli Navy torpedo boats and Israeli Army boarding helicopters with commandos. The US ship was steaming in international waters on a cloudless day with flags unfurled and other identifying features fully visible.

Two hours of pure hell ensued: For 25 minutes a minimum of 12 Israeli jets from all directions struck the ship with 100s of 30 mm cannon and rocket rounds, dropped napalm canisters on the Liberty’s bridge, and jammed/destroyed five American emergency communications channels. Then from the PT boats six torpedoes were fired, one striking the Liberty starboard side leaving a 35-ft. diameter hole, killing dozens. The Israeli PTs machine-gunned stretcher bearers and others, as well as life rafts for survivors. Objective: annihilation of the ship and all crew.

Miraculously, heroically, Liberty survived: 34 dead, 174 wounded (of 294)… and the story of Israel’s premier war crime and top US official coverup and treason began…

…and has not yet ended. For 52 years, justice for the Liberty has been delayed, hence denied. The patently absurd official story that “Israel mistook the Liberty’s identity, sorry” has thwarted any investigation or prosecution of the aggressors, leaving the heroic victims hanging out to dry… BY THE COUNTRY THEY PROUDLY SERVED. The dishonor of their top brass and government has our Founders rolling in their graves.

In 2011, surviving Liberty veterans reached out to obtain the services of a sympathetic, accomplished screenwriter, Mr. Clint Burnette, to tell their story—in hope of seeing it take form with the enormous cultural impact of a feature film.

Mr. Burnette worked tirelessly with these good men over three years, interviewing in depth and great detail every aspect of the Israeli attack against the USS Liberty. He questioned them repeatedly to be absolutely certain the information was error-free. Every scene was examined by the men for, at times gutwrenching, accuracy. ENEMIES WITHIN is THEIR story as witnesses of the highest integrity.



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  1. I was stationed at NAF Naples Italy as a load master on the C-117. Rumors started with Israel attack on the USS Liberty, but the ship survived. When it got to Malta Dry Docks I made 3 flights to Malta to collect the 34 American Sailors murdered by the Zionist State of Israel. One sight of the USS Liberty it was very obvious that Israel lied all along. Every single gun had a direct hit from their Helicopters’ missiles.

    Yet they claimed they didn’t see the two large American Flags flying one on the mast and another on the stern. Israel Torpedo boats stayed out of the way while the Helicopters destroyed the guns. Then came in on runs firing Torpedos. Only one hit due to the ship’s command excellent control avoiding the other hasty shots taken. That day the Israel sent 8 Jets to intercept the ship at that position calling it an Egyptian ship (False Flag). All 8 flights identified it as a US Navy ship and its number. The last intercept was one hour prior to the attack. The real reason for the intercept was the Zionist mapping its course for the attack. Torpedo boats and Helicopter convergent had to be very well planned Torpedo boats would have been on there way for the attack at least two hours prior.

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