Book Review: Sacred Nonaggression Principle (2010)

Second Edition: “Mantra for a Nourishing Planet”
by Brian R. Wright
Reviewed by the author

Copyright 2010, Free Man Publishing Co.,
175 pages

Reposting the review from 2010, with a forenote. Namely, the general mission of the book remains as it was originally: to create a groundswell of understanding of and passion for the only principle that is worthy of human beings with independent consciousnesses, wanting to live naturally, with others as we choose, in peace and abundance. An idea whose time has definitely come and we must not let go. [All links to the inexpensive Kindle edition for easy download. Except, if you do wish to purchase the paperback, use this link here… as Amazon seems somehow to have got confused in its cataloging and linking.]

Yes, the second edition—or as I prefer to call it, the “second-first” or “kindergarten” edition (SNaP II)—of the book, the Sacred Nonaggression Principle, is finished. In this incarnation of the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP) I start with things we all learned from kindergarten: don’t hit, don’t steal, don’t lie. These “Kindergarten Rules” are the nonaggression principle (NaP) libertarians have been talking about, like, forever. But the important thing from a book-reception perspective is, “EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS IT.

The progression of ideas in the book is as follows:

    • Foreword and Prologue—The audience of the book breaks down into two natural groupings, those who are freedom-receptive and those already committed to the libertarian cause. A society without coercion is possible, and will be achieved as we solve the Big Universal Problem (BUP)—of political-economic tyranny.
    • Chapter 1: Kindergarten Rules—Leading off with notions that hail from the simplest tenets humans learn from childhood. Robert Fulghum’s book Everything I Know I Learned in Kindergarten spells out: 1) Don’t hit. 2) Don’t steal. 3) Be honest. These “Kindergarten Rules” are the nonaggression principle. It makes sense to hold them in the highest regard in all of society.

    • Chapter 2: Nonaggression 101—This chapter describes what aggression is and what it is not, the “Four Horsemen of the NaP,” the foundational nature of the NaP, and the importance of making it highest valued. SNaP syllogism and arguments. The psychological context of the NaP, how psychology and intellect and spirituality drive it. The SNaPstrip and the Nonaggression Vector.
    • Chapter 3: Nonaggression Roots—In Chapter 3, I present a three-dimensional scheme for measuring the progress of humanity toward the nonaggression ideal. A discussion of the “metaphysics” of nonaggression: how progress toward the nonaggression ideal is manifested in a person’s heart, mind, and soul.
    • Chapter 4: The Barrier Cloud—We see that the progress along the Nonaggression Vector is natural, that people are generally against aggression. Then why does humankind suffer so much aggression? This chapter describes the external and internal causes—both are diseased or defective psychology—that impede progress toward the NaP ideal. Outline of the solution.
    • Chapter 5: Breakthru Strategies—Chapter 5 discusses the so-called Grand Strategy for dispelling the Barrier Cloud, by moving along all three liberation axes, particularly overcoming mind control. Then some Home Run solutions and street-level tips. Also “Petite” Strategy categories with tactics. Showing the BIG solutions, practical stuff. Priorities and Vision Quest.
    • Chapter 6: Productive Action —A practical ‘how to’ conclusion to the SNaP analysis. The objective for knowing the truth is that we may act truly so good things come our way. Liberation of the planet starts with each of us liberating ourselves, now. Using the Law of Attraction and creative-motivated action to achieve our goals. Being positive and productive. Think. Act. Persist. TAP the SNaP. The Wide Wide World of the Alternative Economy. Agorism.
    • Chapter 7: Nonaggression Faith —Sets forth key ideas for establishing a religion whose central belief is the nonaggression principle. The quick dissemination of the SNaP as a way of life—a set of religious beliefs that may not be compromised to civil agencies of coercion—will hasten the penetration of the Barrier Cloud.

You can see the progression of SNaP II is beginning with Kindergarten Rules as a premise, following with “proof of NaP” and importance of making the NaP the highest value in society, i.e. SNaP. Then a full description of the NaP concept and benefits, an observation that humans are naturally inclined toward nonaggression, followed by an explanation of why there is so much aggression in the world. Chapters 5 and 6 show reasonable strategies, tactics, and practical actions for overcoming the Barrier Cloud and realizing the nonaggression ideal. And Chapter 7 develops some ideas for incorporating the SNaP into sanctified belief systems.

The Big If

The human race is on the edge of a grand new stage of consciousness, which will bring peace, freedom, and abundance to all.


if humankind slays the dragon of “systematic aggression”—the kind of “legitimized coercion” that governments claim is good for us. Those of us who have read this book know better. If SNaP II has accomplished anything, it is to show that government aggression, in particular, is THE Barnacle on the Ass of Human Progress, THE Intervening Dragon at the Portal to a world of unsurpassed flourishing.

A Case of Value

Let me reiterate the positive points of what I have tried to convey in this book: new ideas, support for good old ideas, realistic actions people can take to further their precious lives in liberty:

  1. The Kindergarten Rules—facilitating understanding by remembering the lessons of life when we were five.
  2. Elevating the nonaggression principle—creating a moral trump card to counter moral sentiments that require aggression.
  3. Showing the SNaP foundation of core values—liberty, democracy, rule of law, impartial justice, sanctity of home, etc.
  4. Describing thoroughly the nature of aggression—what it is and what it is not, dispelling key misconceptions.
  5. The natural human tendency not to aggress—incl. several counters to standard arguments (e.g. PANG) vs. the NaP.
  6. Connection between local SNaP and global peace—safe streets and peace rely on the same basic premise.
  7. The Four Horsemen of Nonaggression—no prohibitions, no compulsions, no privileges, no exceptions.
  8. The Four Benefits of Nonaggression—world peace, safe streets, abundance, spiritual enlightenment.
  9. Connection between the SNaP and spiritual growth—esp. the “Jesus Salient” for ridding us of addictions… to force, to drugs, etc.
  10. Connection between the SNaP and rationality—if anything is to make sense in the world, it’s to live and let live.
  11. Connection between the SNaP and psychological independence—overcoming the Stuck Limbic System syndrome.
  12. The SNaP pledge for public officials—along with citations, turning those esp. in law enforcement toward nonaggression.
  13. Root understanding of nonaggression spectrum—building from the Nolan Chart, showing the psych. basis of freedom.
  14. The World’s Smallest Meta-Political Quiz—a potential tool for accelerating toward the nonaggression ideal.
  15. The Barrier Cloud—first conceptualization of the reason nonaggression has not spread through the world already.
  16. Hypothesis of the root external cause of aggression—exposing the <central controlling entity> as a disease model.
  17. Hypothesis of the root internal cause of aggression—understanding the role of a stunted limbic system in tyranny.
  18. Vision Quest—continuing the great conversation of what a world without aggression means to us personally.
  19. Grand Strategy—setting the higher parameters in the strategy for success: truth and balanced (personal) growth.
  20. Petite Strategy—five good candidates for principles of action to pursue, especially presumption of freedom.
  21. Tactics—five action areas to emphasize, with a set of imminent public-policy options that will save the country.
  22. Breakthru attitudes—drawing from motivational classics and positive lessons to the freedom community.
  23. The importance of action—contrasted to “verbal libertarianism” success comes from directly acting for your freedom goal.
  24. Solutions 24—at last doing work you can be proud of, that stokes the freedom train and gets you well; Alternative Econ 101.

Most of these are 100% new and improved ideas you can use to live your own life productively and help create a world of peace, freedom, and abundance.

Joy Worth Having

In the SNaP book, I’ve been speaking mainly about e-volution—mostly from a spiritual and personal perspective. We who value freedom as life vibrate at a high frequency and learn how to disconnect from the dark side of ego. But as the walls of ignorance fall, deeper-diseased aggressors may maim and even kill fellow good humans. Joie de vivre is why we risk it all:

V: “Would you… dance with me?”
Evey Hammond: “Now, on the eve of your revolution!?”
V: “A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.”

I believe the SNaP as book and as idea can become a road map for the restoration of the Republic and spreading nonaggression around the world… help us to the next stage of evolution: an amazing world of peace, freedom, and abundance.

[Coffee Coaster Review link]

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