End the Maskteria—References and Tools
Brian R. Wright
Updating most recently, December 2021, with an excellent short video from a UK source: https://bit.ly/3xGN2N9_Masks_Harm_UK_Video. And while I’m at it, for context, let’s also not forget Dr. Anthony Fauci’s original, authoritative disparagement of public masking: https://bit.ly/3kg9uaf_Fauci_Masks_NFG.
Latest outstanding links 1:
- Dr. Lee Merritt: https://bit.ly/3dG6fGA_Lee_Merritt_on_Masks
- Dr. Judy Mikovits: https://bit.ly/3oXJ3pt_Contra_Masks_Mikovits
These are recent as of February 2021. I particularly appreciate Dr. Merritt’s lively even entertaining presentation, which won’t be banned because it’s directly provided by the America’sFrontlineDoctors.com site. But Dr. Judy has a short 68-page book that skewers the main myths. You can get it via Barnes&Noble’s Nook application, eventually expect Amazon to lift the ban. The med establishment is quite afraid of the truth spreading widely and quickly.
And a great summary two-sider from John C.A. Manley showing just how awful masks are in every way “20 Reasons Mandatory Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral.”
Latest outstanding links 2:
Mandated general-public face coverings
- i) Jet and Plume make ideal disease spreaders
https://bit.ly/3dh84YB_Russell_Blaylock_Masks_YouTube - ii) No effect on viruses
https://bit.ly/3cVC0JA_2020_August_Confirm_Rancourt - iii) Damage health and brain
http://bit.ly/2TsraSx_Facemask_Brain_Damage - iv) Irrational fear, control purposes
https://bit.ly/3iie582_Mark_Dolan_Cuts_Mask - v) Stifle freedom
https://bit.ly/3iUkkzv_Masks_Far_Worse - vi) Rot your teeth
Here’s a focused link showing how the surgical mask uses the Bernoulli effect to expel medium-sized and small-sized particles at high speeds way up into the top layers of a room’s atmosphere where they circulate and infect others for days:
Latest Outstanding Links Tweet
The following bullets form a Tweet that describes the situation we are facing with the ‘covid’ high-crime against humanity operation:
+ PCR tests mean nothing:
SARS CoV-2 does not exist:
cure exists for serious symptoms:
Prosecute the fakers:
The above links are listed in an announcement to store proprietors and managers to make them aware and encourage them to stand for the truth. These announcement forms are located on the following pages for copy and distribution:
For Michigan
http://brianrwright.com/Attention_Customers_2.pdf. [Michigan]
http://brianrwright.com/Attention_Customers_2.doc [Michigan]
[Word doc file, source document for tailoring to your circumstances.]
For Western Democracies in General
http://brianrwright.com/Attention_Customers_3.pdf [Western Democracies]
http://brianrwright.com/Attention_Customers_3.doc [Western Democracies]
[Word doc file, source document for tailoring to your circumstances.]
And the image for the worldwide one looks like this:
Latest Outstanding Images
Throwing these pictures into the mix, since they go to where we are wrt likelihood of death and the end of the “epidemic” and where we are on the scale of rights.
The CDC’s Infection Mortality Rates Have Not Changed
The Bill of Rights Still Applies, esp. 1st and 9th Amendments
Covtardia is the Only Real Disease We Have to Deal With
Covtardia (the ‘mass-batshit-crazy disease’) = gullible acceptance of the mainstream ‘covid’ official story that a meaningless positive test for an unidentified virus => an infection that will kill you [when 90% of the positives have no symptoms and a cheap, 99% cure(s) exists for serious symptoms mistakenly called‘covid’] so governments lock down, isolate, and mask everyone to bury businesses, livelihoods, and lives.
This column started out as a letter to my state senator, just to convince him that general public wearing of masks is both harmful and useless. But it’s become much more than that: now the landing page for a url forward of masks-harm.com… covering both the uselessness AND harm of the public donning of symbols of slavery and submission. Further, masks-harm.com is a sister page to my more recent covidfactsheet.com, where I provide a foundation to my imminent booklet, The Thinking Individual’s Guide to ‘covid’. This ‘covid’ masks-harm page has two sections: 1) Masks and 2) Other.
Practical Issue #1: Masks Do No Good against Viruses
The above right image shows a manufacturer’s warning on the ineffectiveness of their ear-loop masks against any virus, ‘covid’ included. Since these ear loop masks are the masks that several jurisdictions are making mandatory, simple logic tells the most simple of simpletons that your ear loop mask is NFG, no ‘covid’ prevention need whatsoever. Case closed and #masknot. If you want the science…
The most recent RCT (randomized control test) study was performed in May 2020 for CDC and the WHO (World Health Org). This study
was reported by Ben Swann on the heels of another study he cited, which was fact -checked away by YouTube, that said the same thing: namely, that all the RCT studies are coming back that public masking has no effect on virus infection. I’d like to spell out the three conclusions explicitly, which I transcribed from the podcast:
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings–and Environmental Measures
Jimgy Xiao et al, University of Hong Kong May 2020
Study was conducted in preparation for the development of guidelines by the World Health Organization on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for influenza pandemics in nonmedical settings. [10 randomized control tests.]
1) We did not find evidence that the surgical type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility. However, as with hand hygiene, face masks might be able to reduce the transmission of other infections and therefore have value in an influenza pandemic when healthcare resources are stretched.
2) Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids. There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.
3) In lower income settings it is more likely that reusable cloth masks will be used rather than disposable medical masks because of cost and availability. There are still a few uncertainties in the practice of face mask use, such as who should wear the mask and how long it should be used for. In theory, transmission should be reduced the most if both infected members and other contacts wear masks, but compliance in uninfected close contacts could be a problem. Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission. Thus, education on the proper use and disposal of used face masks, including hand hygiene, is also needed.
Further, the 3d finding above shows that using a cloth mask is worse for a wearer than wearing a disposable mask for a number of reasons. The second of the three findings disposes of the argument that doctors wear surgical masks for purposes of discouraging virus transmission. Similar findings have been reported by many others, most notably Canadian scholar and researcher Denis Rancourt:
Practical Issue #2: Masks cause Harm to Wearer and Spread Disease
The fact that masks pose serious risks to their wearers was first made clear to me by neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s short article here:
https://bit.ly/2y2E6Hq_Blaylock_on_Mask_Hazards. Significantly, masks:
- lower oxygen and raise CO2 in the lungs
- seriously impair; respirator (N95) masks can reduce O2 by 20%
- must NOT be worn by children, lung-diseased, frail individuals
- retain and increase viral load incl. ‘covid’ in nasal passages
- impart fiberglass particles and unknown chemicals to the body
- are flammable, and can cause serious facial burns if ignited
- trap to face and lungs contaminants and dirt from the environment
A number of demonstrations using CO2 and O2 meters have been performed on live subjects on the Web. Government media-social media, e.g. mainstream nooz, Google/YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, has spiked such demos; Googlement -YouTube removed the entire Del Bigtree YouTube channel (including the short video where Del is testing his son on what a mask does to CO2 levels [>10,000 ppm vs. OSHA limit of 5,000 ppm]!
Leaving the technical question for the reasonable adult, why in heck would you even consider putting on one of these sheep muzzles EVEN IF IT DID WORK… AT ALL?!!! The fact is they’re no better than #masknot at preventing viruses, even if ‘covid’ were in fact caused by a virus—http://covidfactsheet.com shows you no one has identified a causal virus. [covidfacts also say 90-95% of those who have tested positive on the random-number-generating PCR test have no or mild symptoms; hydroxychloroquine-zinc cures 99% of those with severe symptoms.]
Add to the risk of harm the psychological and spiritual aggression masks imply, most rational human beings do not choose to wear face diapers.Criminals and hold up artists, on the other hand, like nothing better than to conceal their identity. The average fellow, however, prefers to breathe free and live free.
Practical Issue #3: My Governor or other PUblic Official Says I Have to Mask Up
You’re in a store now and the governor of your state has gone off the rails of legal authority and issued an edict mandating mask wearing. The proprietor or manager tells you it’s against the law to let you in the store without a ‘face covering.’ NO… IT… IS… NOT. No chief executive of any state of the union can “make law.”
That function belongs to the legislature exclusively and may not be abdicated… per every state constitution in the United States. [I want to take a moment to commend Mr. Pete Hendrickson for drawing everyone’s attention to this fundamental principle and, further, his work in providing the applicable constitutional provisions for several states. Michigan makes a good example thanks to Dictator-Gov Whitmer:
Pete further maintains one of the more comprehensive pages on the Web wrt the ‘covid’ phenomenon—The Hysteria Supplment—with insights particularly into how it has Humpty Dumptied our real economic lives:
But to the issue at hand. No, the unconstitutional edicts issued by any state official are null and void, as having never occurred. Which is certainly true. But our store proprietor has already drunk the Koolaid and won’t budge.
What’s below may be dated, or are thoughts to build upon.
Letter to the State Senator
Novi, MI 48375
25 May 2020
Senator Jim Runestad
201 Townsend Street
Suite #7500
Lansing, MI 48933
Subject: Masks pose serious risks, please make official announcement!
Dear Senator Runestad:
World-renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock recently explains why “Face Masks Pose Serious Risks…” at
- lower oxygen and raise CO2 in the lungs
- seriously impair; respirator (N95) masks can reduce O2 by 20%
- must NOT be worn by children, lung-diseased, frail individuals
- retain and increase viral load incl. ‘covid’ in nasal passages
- impart fiberglass particles and unknown chemicals to the body
- are flammable, and can cause serious facial burns if ignited
- trap to face and lungs contaminants and dirt from the environment
Please take a look at the manufacturer’s disclaimer about ear loop masks:
[Image above right.]
IOW, the standard masks cropping up on misinformed people everywhere “WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19.” For a more thorough demolition of the mask craze, please watch this 4-minute video from Del Bigtree: https://bit.ly/2XjXkkB_Masks_R_A_Dangerous_Joke. [Spiked by YouTube.]
The video is significant in that major public health figures from WHO, NIH, including Anthony Fauci, are on the record stating that mass-masking is “political theater, not a scientifically sound public health practice.”
Further, antisocial distancing weakens immune systems and must end in parallel with the unmasking:
Shutdown in general must end immediately without restrictions,
AND practical science supported by 600 doctors and scholars. Ref.
Senator, please exercise due diligence and put out the word to our public health officials and lawmakers that they need to issue a news release or advisory on these facts, e.g.
(Your) Master Brian
PS: Instructions for making a #MaskNot name badge and handout:
W.H.O. Says #Masknot
- The W.H.O. has come out against general public wearing masks:
https://bit.ly/2Y8CRzz_WHO_Says_MaskNot - Other professional organizations also nix general public wearing of protective masks:
https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/06/09/citizens-wearing-masks-whacko-conspiracy-theorists/ - The solid science from 21 papers showing masks are ineffective against ‘covid;’ interview with Denis Rancourt:
Medical Malpractice/Homicide En Masse
We also now know that hospitals are denying known proven treatments to patients exhibiting ‘covid’ symptoms, e.g. hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) w/zinc, and instead subjecting these patients to known-to-be-90%-fatal aggressive artificial ventilation machines that explode the patients’ lungs. Insider whistleblowers in New York City, from a Tweet I posted a few weeks ago:
- How many ‘covid’ deaths are murders?
Stops Social Security payouts.
Real reason for no hospital visitors?
Covid diagnosis=$13K; w ventilator use=$39K
1) Dr. Kyle-Sidell:
2) RN Erin Olsznewski documentary:
https://bit.ly/3d2cy3B_Erin_Olszewski_HighWire - Such murders are known to be occurring in Michigan and several other more controlled states, as well, where known cures (HCQ w/zinc) are disallowed.
- Ref Tweet. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has filed a lawsuit:
against the Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely and effective access to HCQ.
Three Revealing Articles about the ‘Covid’ Op You Won’t Read from Mainstream
- A Tweet: Two of the best columns or articles on CovOp from a scientific and spiritual perspective come from 1) a senior writer for RFK, Jr.’s, Children’s Health Defense organization and 2) Dr. Kelly Brogan, respectively:
1) https://bit.ly/2YgxyPZ_CHD_Article_on_Covid_Op,
2) https://bit.ly/3723hH5_CV_Wakeup_Message.
Please read. - Then a more comprehensive fact sheet from the Swiss Research Institute:
Human Costs of ‘Covid’ Shutdown
- From Del Bigtree, HighWire excerpt, citing UN reports and mainstream sources:
https://bit.ly/2AahPIX_Lockdown_Costing_Lives_Highwire - From The Hill: The Covid-19 shutdown will cost Americans millions of years of life:
https://bit.ly/3dDP0SI_Lockdown_Causes_Millions_of_Years_of_Lost_Life - Several studies show that for every increase of 1% in American unemployment, 58,000 Americans will die as a result within a period of five years. [Unemployment is up roughly 10% since December 2019 => 580,000 Americans will die within five years. Round down to 500,000 due to unknown variables of how sustained an individual’s employment is.] Bottom line, the ‘Covid’ shutdown will kill half a million people. Compare that to the CDC official number, discounted by at least 90% for CDC inflation of deaths and refusal of proper treatment: US ‘Covid’ discounted deaths, to date: less than 12,300.
Go to Dr. Toby Rogers on cost of quarantine.
Also my Patreon article
Total Lack of Legal Authority for Emergency orders and Maskteria
Several sources for this information, but the best I’ve seen come from Pete Hendrickson who has built an entire compendium of knowledge dealing with the ‘covid’ op, what he refers to as The Hysteria Syndrome, here:
and Peggy Hall, a bright-burning energy ball from California, whose
site not only educates, particularly about masks, but leads a movement countrywide to stop the insanity. I list key pages I’ve found from both sources, thus far:
- Starting with Peggy Hall, so you can hit the field running (consider becoming an area leader) on the mask issue: check out these key videos:
No governor can issue any order requiring public to do anything:
Masks don’t work:
Can’t deny civil rights:
[You will need to find the applicable laws and codes in your own state.] - Pete Hendrickson’s second magnum opus (after Cracking the Code) may well be the contents of his
The Hysteria Syndrome page, particularly:
Buttressing HCQ:
Cost of house arrest:
Bogus fatalities, destroying liberties:
And the law NOT behind any governor’s edits:
1) General principles:
2) Legal keys to end shutdowns:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Overwhelming Proof of Validity
- Latest was retraction of Lancet article written due to Pharma-induced scientific and literary fraud (Note: Pharma MSM does not mention the retraction):
Lost Horizons (Pete Hendrickson’s article tackles and references many sources demonstrating effectiveness of HCQ) - Lawsuit by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
against Department of Health & Human Services & FDA for “irrational interference by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.
https://bit.ly/2N2jinn_AAPS_Sues_FDA_re_HCQ. - Earlier links:
Gamechanger, Dr. Steve Smith:
Obtain Accurate News
- Find a valuable alternative to mainstream lies about ‘covid’ in Del Bigtree’s Highwire podcasts. I’ve assembled the most recent ones pertinent to the CovOp here:
https://bit.ly/2KAXL3P_Handwriting_on_Wall#1 - Also, consult and subscribe to Jon Rappoport’s
http://nomorefakenews.com. - Several other reliable sources of information on ‘covid’ or other subjects may be located by their references in the above two outlets.
Support Massive Mask Noncompliance (MMN) to Save the (Human) Species
I’ve become increasingly convinced that the shutdowns, masking, distancing, etc.—especially symbolized by the universal masking practice (leading to compulsory vaccine poisoning and compliance)—is nothing less than a mass ritual suicide (MRS) subliminal message, mainly via TV audiovisuals, in the overall global oligarchy program. Thus, we have an immediate need for mass disruption of that cultural message to self-destroy.
Along those lines, for the time being I’ve designed the following bumper sticker(s):
Please click on the image to buy this design, on which you can make your own changes. Or if you want to buy a slightly more dramatic version below, click on this image:
And please kick in a couple of shekels to support my efforts on this and to do more paraphernalia in the cause of the MMN (Massive Mask Noncompliance) movement. PLEASE DONATE VIA MY FLOW FELLOWSHIP FUNDRAZR BY CLICKING ON THE FLOW EMBLEM HERE:
If you are interested in getting the MMN Disruption in progress, please contact me via FreeManPubCo at protonmail dot com. Thanks.
New Breathe-Easy Healing Bikini Mask
Now a separate column
and here to occupy a special place as an assembly diagram for constructing a cheap, disposable, effective (at least as effective as any of the ear loop or bandana masks—with zero of the significant dangers) face covering from ordinary household products, like what the US Surgeon General recently described. It not only has health-and-life-enhancing properties, it virtually distances you (providing at least as much protection as what studies show or don’t show for staying six feet apart).
Looking forward to a second-generation model, to incorporate additional health and protection by means of healing gems and stones. Units currently undergoing field tests in SE Michigan. Readers are encouraged to use the idea as open source to create and deploy one’s own breathe-easy healing bikini mask straightaway.
Note: this Breathe-Easy mask hasn’t worked out as I’d hoped. It was all right until the governor made her edict and the general public went along….
Odds and ends.
[Scientists have not purified or isolated an actual virus but label the strand of RNA they have found as the SARS CoV-2 ‘virus’ because of its 79% similarity to the SARS CoV-1 strand of RNA ‘virus.’ The tissue or biological origins of the CoV-2 RNA strand are unknown; the presence of an undetermined quantity of the CoV-2 RNA strand along with a small list of common symptoms—temperature, cough, radiographic qualities of the lungs, white blood cell count—can yield a positive diagnosis of a disease that medical authorities have called COVID-19. Or by CDC guidelines a doctor can simply “presume” a patient has “COVID-19” and write that down as a case… and off to the kill ventilators! The PCR tests and antibody tests are wholly arbitrary, signifying nothing.][1]
[1] PCR tests:
Antibody tests:
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