Book Review: The Terror Conspiracy (2006)

Deception, 9/11, and the loss of liberty… by Jim Marrs
Review by Brian Wright

terror_conspiracyA highly informative book but as with all such exposés, you need to be prepared for your ‘Tory’ friends to pooh pooh the central argument and the mountainous evidence adduced for it. [Which to those of us in the Truth and Freedom Movement is grist to the mill of our demonstration of mind control by those in power.] What distinguishes The Terror Conspiracy from other tracts concerned about 9/11 and the crimes of the Ownership Class is the more general theme that 9/11 was a key part of a broader conspiracy of false-flag terror designed to put the world, and Americans, in particular, under the heel of that would-be tyrannical global financial oligarchy.

Jim Marrs is the author of Crossfire, reviewed in the Coffee Coaster a few weeks ago. That book shows that JFK was certainly not murdered by a lone assassin, based on evidence found and evidence destroyed or corrupted. Rather by a conspiracy of some number of men and agencies who had reason to kill the president. These men/agencies sat at the peak of the military/intelligence power apparatus… and still do.

Crossfire and The Terror Conspiracy (TTC)—my edition was the first (2006), so readers should definitely upgrade to the more recent edition (2011)—are vital links in the knowledge chain that will one day bring down the insidious ‘Unspeakable’ written about so cleanly by James Douglass, also in connection with the JFK assassination. TTC does focus on the Big Mama of crimes against humanity, 9/11, and lays out what has come to be the elemental consensus in the Truth community about the problems with the official conspiracy theory:[1]

  1. A wide variety of standard defense mechanisms designed to prevent an attack systematically failed on 9/11. Especially notable are the atypical failures which occurred simultaneously within the FAA, the National Military Command Center (NMCC), and NORAD, all charged with protecting American airspace.
  2. Interceptor jets were not scrambled for more than 30 minutes after it was obvious that four airliners had gone off course and were presumably hijacked. In the case of Flight 77, which reportedly slammed into the Pentagon, an hour and 45 minutes elapsed with no interception.
  3. Missile batteries designed to protect Washington, DC, failed to stop the strike on the Pentagon, one of the world’s most protected structures; and fighter jets on constant alert at Andrews Air Force base just 12 miles away were never scrambled.
  4. President Bush proceeded with a ‘photo op’ at a Florida elementary school even after he and his aides knew that three planes had been hijacked. He lingered in and around the classroom for nearly 20 minutes after being informed that a second plane had struck the WTC.
  5. Not one steel-framed building in history has collapsed solely due to fire. The free-fall speed collapse of the TC towers, with attendant melted steel and powdery dust, exhibited all the characteristics of a controlled demolition.
  6. Just such a controlled demolition apparently occurred about 5 p.m. that same day when according to Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, he instructed that the 47-story Building 7 be ‘pulled,’ collapsing the building in only eight seconds into its foundation.
  7. Vital evidence, including the buildings’ structural steel, was destroyed through rapid removal and destruction by US Government officials with no investigation.
  8. An 8-mile-long debris trail indicated that Flight 93 was destroyed in the air rather than in the Pennsylvania crash reportedly caused by an onboard struggle between the hijackers and passengers.
  9. More than a dozen countries tried to warn US authorities that an attack on American soil was imminent, some only days before the events.
  10. A growing number of whistleblowers within the federal government have pointed to evidence that various agencies were well aware of the possibility of attack but were prevented from mounting investigations by senior officials.
  11. In 2005, the public learned about a secret Pentagon intelligence operation code named Able Danger. The officers within this unit had identified Mohammed Atta as a potentially dangerous member of al Qaeda a full year before the 9/11 attacks.
  12. Far from being a reaction to 9/11, the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were the culmination of longstanding plans, which only awaited a provocation such as 9/11.
  13. The official explanations for the invasion of Iraq, such as the need to capture weapons of mass destruction, have proven false while the public release of the Downing Street memo proved that officials were well aware of the weakness of this argument more than six months before hostilities in Iraq.
  14. Within a few hours of the 9/11 events, the FBI released names and photos of the suspected hijackers although later many of those named turned up alive in the Middle East.
  15. Also within hours of the attacks, FBI agents were scouring the houses, restaurants, and flight schools the alleged perpetrators had frequented. If no one had foreknowledge of the hijackers or their activities, how did the FBI know where to look?
  16. Far from ordering a full and objective investigation to determine who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration dragged its feet and actually took actions to impede a swift and truthful probe into the events of that day. It was nearly two years after the events that mounting pressure from the public led by the families of 9/11 victims finally forced the creation of an investigatory commission. But this commission’s final report left most of the questions of these 9/11 families unanswered.
  17. No one in government has been reprimanded or even scolded for what we are told was the greatest intelligence failure in US history. In fact, the very agencies which failed the nation watched their budgets increase dramatically.
  18. No person in government, except former National Security Council counterterrorism chief Richard A. Clarke, has felt the need to apologize to the American people for the 9/11 security failure.
  19. President Bush himself declined to apologize for the 9/11 tragedy to either the American people or to victims’ families during an April 2004 press conference, despite being presented with the opportunity for doing so at least four times.

There are so many other routine observations of official behavior and knowledge of the alleged perpetrators’ behavior, as well as incontrovertible physical evidence, that body slam the official fairy tale. Marrs presents most of these, too, in due course: e.g. the devout Muslim hijackers frequenting strip clubs and using cocaine, inability of the hijackers to fly aircraft of any kind, the fact that the president’s man Phillip Zelikov was executive director of the 9/11 investigation, a passport identifying a perp that floated to earth from the fiery impact of the planes into the Twin Towers, cellphones being inoperative at that time from airplanes at altitude, war games on 9/11.

Marrs also brings out innumerable facts that most readers will not be aware of, showing the crucial roles of key officials in the crime operation and coverup. Nor does he stop there: the remainder of the book is a compendium of information on emerging police-military empire being planned for us. When you realize that the 9/11 attacks are used to justify any and every American government atrocity from torture to presidential kill orders, you realize that 9/11 was a false-flag state terror op, one of many clandestine attacks on the people, whose purpose is to destroy their lives and liberties.

[1] The official conspiracy theory, from the Introduction, holds that “19 suicidal Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists—their hearts full of hatred for American freedom and democracy—used small box cutters to hijack four airliners, crashing two into the Twin Towers of New York City’s World Trade Center and a third into the Pentagon, near Washington, DC. The fourth airliner crashed in western PA after passengers attempted to overcome the hijackers. The whole operation, which defeated a $400 billion defense system, was under the direction of a devout Muslim cleric—suffering from kidney failure and undergoing hemodialysis—using computers and issuing communications from a cave in Afghanistan.”







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