Guest Column: Boston Terror Behind the Scenes

“All terror attacks are psyops”
by Jon Rappoport, 4/16/13,

Rappoport_on_PsyopAs my guest column today, I’m publishing a long excerpt of observations about the recent terror bombing by noted self-empowerment journalist and author, Jon Rappoport, truly at the top of the list in my pantheon of true heroes—and truth heroes—of the species. Jon has blown the whistle on every crime of the Men of the Power Sickness, from AIDS to psychiatric drugs. But his central mission in life appears to be liberating individual human consciousnesses from the ‘Matrix’ created by these defective controllers. Who seem to be behind every recent act of mass terror in the US… time, and independent journalists like Rappoport, will tell whether the Boston Marathon bombing is another piece of their work. — ed Continue reading