Donut Hole: Take Action for Michigan Analog Meter Choice Bill

The Time to Strike Is Now!
Urgent Call to Action

[From mailing by Smart Meter Education Network of Michigan]

House version will look like this:

Senate version will look like this:

We’ve hit a milestone! A well-written Analog Choice Bill will be introduced in the House this month. It’s time to build a fire under our lawmakers. The bill has a great chance of success if every one of us participates in the actions outlined in this newsletter!

THE STRATEGY OUTLINED IN THIS NEWSLETTER COMES FROM THE MAN WHO IS BEHIND THE BILL. [Gary Glenn, representative of the 98th district (Midland and Bay counties) phone is (517) 373-1791, email Make sure to call or write to thank him for his work.] He says if we follow these instructions, the chances that this bill will be passed by the House and then the Senate are excellent. That requires every one of us to do our part.

If you want an analog opt-out bill to pass, you must participate. The lawmakers must see incredible grassroots support from people all across the state. That’s where you come in. We outline the strategy in this newsletter. Your participation is absolutely necessary if we are to succeed. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Government and Radiation Poisoning

Connecting the dots, do we want to accept the government’s control of radiation?
By David Lonier

New Picture (19)The Department of Energy (DoE) was formerly known as the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The Smart Meter Program was initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy. Congress appropriated $4.5 Billion to the DOE to implement the Smart Meter Program nationwide. The DoE awarded DTE $85 Million toward the cost of installing smart meters in Michigan.

Government has no money of its own. From whom did it get the $4 Billion/$85 Million?

DTE had $9.63 Billion in earnings in 2013. From whom did it get that money? Continue reading

Guest Column: Open Letter to the Governor of Michigan

… and its legislators… regarding saving the environment
by David Lonier

New Picture (15)If our governor is serious about cleaning up the environment perhaps he should take a good look at what government could be doing to stop the pollution our air, food and water.,4668,7-277-57577_57657-326217–,00.html

  1. Air: Place a statewide ban on the spraying of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. Chemtrails: Not a conspiracy theory, but a fact:

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