Guest Column: Remember the Liberty!

From an “If Americans Knew” mailing
by Alison Weir

Republished from May 22, 2017 original.

Dear Brian,

June 8th will be the 50th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.

On that day Israeli forces tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship with all men aboard. They failed in that but succeeded in killing 34 Americans and injuring over 170.

Later, reluctantly, Israel gave the US $6 million “compensation” for the $40 million ship it had damaged so severely that it had to be scrapped.

When surviving crew members have called for a full, honest investigation of the attack, Israel and its partisans have called them “antisemitic.”

We urge you to help make people in your area aware of this attack!

  • Distribute our fact-sheets and in-depth booklets that give the facts and that expose the media and American Legion cover up.
  • Write letters to the editor and op-eds for your local newspapers, campus newspapers, etc.
  • Speak about it at Rotary Clubs, to friends, neighbors and colleagues.
  • Give the booklet exposing the American Legion management’s cover up to local Legion posts. Ask members to support their fellow veterans by calling on Legion leaders to support the Liberty survivors and the families of the fallen.
  • Wear a USS Liberty button
  • Go to the USS LibertyVeterans Association website and get a USS Liberty hatjacketshirt, etc, and wear it! Buy the books and give them to local teachers, etc. Ask local libraries to put it on their shelves. Ask local bookstores to feature it.
  • Put a USS Liberty bumper sticker on your car.

In solidarity to support all victims of Israeli violence 
and to oppose and expose all Israeli falsehoods.

For more information, please refer to my movie ‘review’ of The Loss of Liberty and Dead in the Water, here. — brw, ed.

[Coffee Coaster Column link]







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1 thought on “Guest Column: Remember the Liberty!

  1. This ties into the 9/11/01 events. Like a criminal’s MO, it leads to those that are responsible.

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