Article: Two Quickie Pickmeup Tweets on the ‘covid’

Also with profound repercussions…
by Brian R. Wright


1st, Howard Beale’s advice:
…to Thrive I
and Thrive II (coming 9/26/20)
People power now:
Plandemic I
Plandemic II
Keep Carlin ‘tude:


STUPID-19 quickie:
‘sole-cause’ virus not ID’d
PCR test no workie:
90%+ w/+test have no/mild symptoms
HCQ-Z cures 95%+ of w/symptoms
CDC ^ cases/deaths >10:1
officials w/0 right:
end lives-lihoods
inflict and herd-mind.
Say NO!

A couple of my key Tweets for you [Note: please share widely, these will also serve independently as eminently Facebook postable (though you may run into censorship and/or suppression via “fact checking”… especially on the Plandemic videos. (from Tweet 1).] The ‘covid’ Death Star minions are in flat out panic mode from these truth and justice photon torpedoes. 

The STUPID-19 “quickie” Tweet #2 has a lot of potential, and offers two key links to the way things really are. and serve up the reality in some detail, both citing impeccable references that demolish the official story that is driving “herd-mind.” ( is preparatory for my booklet, The Thinking Individual’s Guide to ‘covid’, due 10/1/2020, Free Man Publishing Co.

[Note: “herd-mind” aka herd mentality or collective-brain syndrome ( is THE fundamental consciousness trap enabling destruction of humanity. We cure “herd-mind,” we live; we do not cure herd-mind, we die.]

Article: The Thinking Individual’s Guide to ‘covid’ Fact Sheet

From The Thinking Individual’s Guide to ‘covid’ publication
Scheduled 11/1/20, Free Man Publishing Company

It will be a short booklet, to include a listing of the 10 basic facts with references and a bit of discussion from all the indie experts—scientists, scholars, doctors, journalists, citizen-journalists and so on. As a matter of practicality I’ve done the fact sheet first, with a list of 10 statements of reality, at least as I’m honestly seeing it after months of serious reading and research. Each of the statements is posted with two technical references, which I’m including with additional content in the writeup below. This page will serve as the spot where I create the remaining text for the booklet; it has a forwarding url of The location of the actual pdf file that you can download and use to print off fact sheets is

The ten pertinent facts on ‘covid’ [references in brackets [ ]]

  1. ‘Covid’ op was planned under auspices of Bill Gates’ World Economic Forum, Event 201 (10/2019) and UN Agenda 21/2030 [1a][1b]
  2. Official Story is that SARS CoV-2 (CV2) “VIRUS” is sole cause of “DISEASE” COVID-19. In actual fact, CV2 is a small strand of RNA of unknown origin. [2a][2b]
  3. “Gold-Standard” test for ‘CV2’ is RT-PCR (PCR), which test’s founder states that PCR cannot successfully diagnose infectious disease. [3a][3b]
  4. 90% testing positive for “‘CV2’ RNA STRAND” have no symptoms or mild cold for short time. [4a][4b]
  5. Severe symptoms (esp. hypoxia, dry cough) named COVID-19 (C19) ~100% cured by timely, proper use of hydroxychloroquine-zinc, worldwide. [5a][5b]
  6. Exact cause of severe symptoms labeled C19 remains unknown; leading indie scientists think it unmasks environmental toxins: 5G@60GHz, pollution, glyphosate, vaxxes, etc. (abundant in Wuhan). [6a][6b]
  7. Nos. of cases of “‘CV2’ RNA strand” have no meaning, deaths labeled C19 inflated >10:1 [most real ‘murdered’ by ventilators, other causes]. [7a][7b]
  8. Med-State response to ‘covid’ = per Agenda playbook: illegal unprecedented life shutdown, 30% US GDP decline last Qtr., millions of lives lost. [8a][8b]
  9. Med-State response: sustained psychological torture prog. for all, per Amnesty Intl. defn. [9a][9b]
  10. Public masking = symbolic ctr. of psych torture: I submit, “Me slave, you massuh.” [10a][10b] Submit2mask says u will submit2KillerVax. Human consciousness: epic decision. [10c][10d]

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