Brian’s Column: Going on the Offensive with Virtual Grand Juries

Some thoughts how ‘we the people’ can eliminate[1] corrupt public officials…
and those complicit in their crimes

LibertyLadyMy first thoughts—especially having attended on May 11 a judge’s peremptory dismissal of Dr. Georgetta Livingstone’s countersuit vs. the homeowners’ association that is driving Georgetta out of her Clarkston home (for working around DTE’s outrageous shutoff of her electrical power)—were “Aren’t they all?” Corrupt, that is.

No, I can name ~half a dozen current or former state legislators—say, like state rep Tom McMillin from the Rochester area (who was ironically term-limited out)… and reps Gary Glenn, Jim Runestad, Martin Howrylak, Sen. Patrick Colbeck (all maybe 90% proliberty record from what I can tell)… and I’m sure there’s another one or two that just don’t come to mind—and perhaps a couple of dozen honest and mainly libertarian local officials. Can you say drop in the bucket?

As I left the courthouse, chatting with a few of Georgetta’s supporters from the anti ‘Fry & Spy’ meter cause (also here, and here), it dawned on me once more, strikingly, how the system is antihuman. [Just walking into the courthouse, as when I go to the state capitol, I feel I’m walking into some Medieval torture chamber administered by priests high and low, who mainly just go through the motions, follow a domination script set in stone by some unapproachable, ancient deity.  Continue reading