Donut Whole: Open Letter to Li’l Pard

… on question of whether or not to get the second Moderna ‘vaccine’
By Brian R. Wright [ (while it lasts)]
PDF version here

Note1: “Li’l Pard” is a nickname for a longtime friend of mine. It comes from one of the Eastwood movies of the early 80s, Bronco Billy, as I recall. It was what Bronco Billy called his children admirers.

Li’l Pard,

Note2: FACT-CHECKING: This column has been widely fact checked by the numerous other referenced authors, and of course, by this author—who welcomes and expects all his writings to be fact checked by his readers.

Good thing I did all the checking, bottom line is because the vaccine is such a dangerous cluster-f**k disaster and you should NEVER have gotten the first dose, but you did, that you and Girlfriend MAY wish to get the second shot. I would only ask that you consult with a doctor who thinks for himself. [No, from the latest information I’m getting, DO NOT get the second dose of the ‘vaccine.’]

The reasons are complicated [it’s fortunate that I watched Del Bigtree’s The HighWire episode for this week:

and I’ll explain the reasoning at the end of this rather extensive open letter that describes. Though we have limited data on what the second shot will do… plus the vax makers are having to deal with new variants of the ‘virus,’ so that may mean shots forever.

Here’s a video that has been banned by YouTube that shows dissenting doctors recommending that nobody receive the killer-zombie ‘covid’ vaccine (KZV):

Children’s Health Defense is also sponsoring a Webinar on February 10:

To date (January 22), 329 people have died and roughly 9,000 injuries have been reported to VAERS in the United States, which government studies show is under-reported by around 99%. It’s actually getting difficult to keep up with all the valid, fact-checked alternative news about ‘covid’ or the KZV.

A particularly gripping article w/video comes from Dr. Mercola, where he interviews the brilliant and best-selling-author, microbiologist and virologist, Dr. Judy Mikovits: “How COVID-19 Vaccines May Destory the Lives of Millions [PLS IF NOTHING ELSE WATCH THIS VIDEO:]

Both of these doctor-scholars are targeted by the mainstream Pharma mafia for suppression and exclusion from public access. For instance, if you enter this link on Twitter, you can’t Tweet it.

And here’s another one referred to me by freedom-ally Hayley_A of Nottingham in England, Dr. V. for Victory, Vernon Coleman, with the inspiring title, “Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals:”


From Roark’s Courtroom Speech, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand:

“Everything thing we have, every great achievement has come from the independent work of some independent mind. Every horror and destruction came from attempts to force men into a herd of brainless, soulless robots. Without personal rights, without personal ambition, without will, hope, or dignity.” Continue reading

Movie Review: VAXXED (2016)

From coverup to catastrophe, the film they don’t want you to see
Produced by Del Bigtree, Polly Tommey, and directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

vaxxedWhat hits me just past the credits of this marvelous film is how on earth these hundreds of thousands of clinical cases of autism stemming directly from the administering of vaccines—particularly the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) trifecta from Merck—is somehow NOT a scientific fact. IOW, when one is passing judgment on the value of a medical treatment, why doesn’t one consider its substantial effects on real people as SCIENTIFICALLY RELEVANT?! Real science aims to gibe with the facts of reality, not sweep them under the rug.

VAXXED is a heartbreaking film.[1] The most hardened, unquestioning vaccine enthusiast—not to mention the most passionate advocate of vaccine truth, science, and freedom—will find it difficult not to succumb to tears watching the havoc these substances have wreaked on children and families around the world.

Which is the main focus of the film, it makes two related points: Continue reading