Movie Review: VAXXED (2016)

From coverup to catastrophe, the film they don’t want you to see
Produced by Del Bigtree, Polly Tommey, and directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

vaxxedWhat hits me just past the credits of this marvelous film is how on earth these hundreds of thousands of clinical cases of autism stemming directly from the administering of vaccines—particularly the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) trifecta from Merck—is somehow NOT a scientific fact. IOW, when one is passing judgment on the value of a medical treatment, why doesn’t one consider its substantial effects on real people as SCIENTIFICALLY RELEVANT?! Real science aims to gibe with the facts of reality, not sweep them under the rug.

VAXXED is a heartbreaking film.[1] The most hardened, unquestioning vaccine enthusiast—not to mention the most passionate advocate of vaccine truth, science, and freedom—will find it difficult not to succumb to tears watching the havoc these substances have wreaked on children and families around the world.

Which is the main focus of the film, it makes two related points: Continue reading

Guest Column: Smoking Gun at CDC

Are the Ebola attacks a distraction to let CDC off the hook for murder?

Pyramid_Control_LinesPlease view this original guest column from Jon Rappoport regarding the breaking story that nobody in the mainstream media (MSM) broke, which was that the US Center for Disease Creation and Infection (CDC) fraudulently reported that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine showed no link to autism. In fact vaccine tests revealed a 300%+ likelihood of autism and brain damage in black boys; these test results were simply removed from the final 2004 paper by CDC scientists… by the mechanism of eliminating the black boy data set altogether.  Sweet. Rappoport gives names and faces to the Mengelian medicine practiced, with apparent impunity, at the highest levels of government and industry. Continue reading