Biggest global hoax in human history—excerpt
By Chuck Baldwin (full column in Lew Rockwell:
I’ll say it straight out: The propaganda about COVID-1984 is the biggest global hoax in history.
Corona poses zero threat to 99.9% of the population.
- Masks are a joke. Social distancing is a joke.
- Business closures are a joke.
- Church closures are a joke.
- Theater closures are a joke.
- Sporting event cancellations are a joke.
- All of the corona-based television commercials are a joke.
- All of the fearmongering by radio disc jockeys and television news broadcasters is a joke.
- All of the theatrical grandstanding by politicians on Capitol Hill is a joke.
Of course, by joke, I don’t mean funny (it would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly serious). I mean stupid, idiotic, moronic, asinine, senseless, imbecilic, dumb, etc. Then again, what it really shows is the pure evil and wickedness of the people fomenting all of this fear and the crass gullibility and slavish spirit of a sizable percentage of the American population.
The one lesson we have learned from the corona hoax is that virtually everything BIG is in bed with the forces of global tyranny. I’m talking about big business, big media, big medicine, big pharma, big entertainment, big industry, big technology, big politics, big government and big religion. It’s all controlled by the forces of global tyranny.
The corona scare has absolutely nothing to do with health and safety and everything to do with money, politics and power. And almost everybody wants in on the action. And almost no one gives a tinker’s dam about Liberty.
I have already documented in this column how hospitals and medical professionals are being paid to NOT treat people; how they are being paid to keep hospitals empty; how they are being paid to fabricate and exaggerate corona cases and deaths; and how they are being paid to go along with the phony CDC narrative.
Here is Dr. Ron Paul exposing the lies about corona. Continue reading