Guest Column: The Bounce Effect

How the mind treats “impossible things that couldn’t be happening”
By Jon Rappoport [Full original post here]

I recently published an article that highlighted the numbers of medically caused deaths in America.

When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused.

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

Let that sink in.

Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.) Continue reading

Guest Column: The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry

The war on free consciousness
by Jon Rappoport (full original column here)

Rappoport_Psych2“Psychiatry does more than define mental disorders. It purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t. They’re fictions. Fantasies. This is an enormous landscape of consciousness-programming. It’s actually reduction. Like many systems before it, psychiatry tries to reduce the possibilities of wide-ranging free consciousness. Throughout history, people have always been afraid of mind freedom. ‘What will people with free minds do?’ ‘What will society become if people’s minds are free?’ I can tell you: society would change radically, right down to its foundations.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Over the past 30 years, my work has always returned to freedom of the individual.

Not only Constitutional freedom and Bill-of-Rights freedom, but liberation of the power of individual thought and imagination and invention. Because those qualities are unpredictable, open-ended, and limitless. This is where long-term revolution begins. Continue reading

Guest Column: Ebola: 100 people from Beverly Hills starving…

Do you think all bizarre human symptoms must be caused by a germ?
by Jon Rappoport

Full column in here.

Absurd. Insane.

Ever heard of Scurvy? It’s basically a drastic Vitamin C deficiency.

Read this, from the Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 15, 1962, “Have We Forgotten the Lesson of Scurvy?” by WJ McCormick, MD (reprinted at selene river press):

“From the 14th to the 19th century, scurvy took the lives of millions annually in Europe and Asia. From 1600 to 1800, it is estimated that fully a million English sailors succumbed to this disease. In the early history of these pandemics the designations “Plague” and “Black Death” were used…the characteristic symptoms: multiple hemorrhages under the skin (red, purple and black spots and hematoma) and [hemorrhages] from all mucous membranes—gastrointestinal, pulmonary and genitourinary…” Continue reading

Guest Column: What about the Molten Metal

… of 9/11 at the World Trade Center site
Jon Rappoport, February 8, 2014 I began by reading reports of melting dripping metal at the World Trade Center after the attack on September 11th.

Some of these reports come from weeks after the attack.

This seemed quite strange.

Following links, I arrived at Dr. Steven Jones and his famous paper, “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” Continue reading