Movie Review: Forks over Knives (2011)

Now, THIS is a revolution ___ 9/10

Forks over KnivesDirected by Lee Fulkerson
Written by Lee Fulkerson

You are what you eat. That’s the important lesson of this game-changing film, a documentary that doubles as a quiet heroic story of struggle and victory. Victory of the truth over decades, even centuries, of lies and misconceptions about the food we consume. In a nutshell the argument of Forks over Knives—the title is intended to suggest the conquest of the ‘knives’ of surgery by the ‘forks’ of eating the right foods—is that changing from an animal-based diet to a whole-foods, plant-based diet will not only make you dramatically healthier, it will prevent and even cure disease… the big ones: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer—most of the time, and within a matter of weeks. Continue reading