Brian’s Column: New Political Party

A realistic option for real people?


Santa Botzi Boy

My column tonight is dedicated to my Rose’s ever so unique and adorable cat, simply named Botzi, or the Botz, who at nine years young, succumbed on Christmas Eve Day to various ailments. Here he is in a healthy, happy time spreading Yuletide cheer to all the good little kits and kids. I’ll miss you, little guy. Sigh.

How is the Botz connected to the need of American humans for a common sense, non-warlord political party? The Botz, bless his little heart, suffered from nervous system disorders that grew more stressful as the years passed—internal conflict causing one part of him to be in discord with another.

I see his condition as analogous to the Democrats and the Republicans fighting each other, when they’re both symptoms of the same fatal disease of the global state. Continue reading