Guest Column: Some Wiseman Activity on Eve of ‘Tax Season’

It All Starts With A Return

CtC_SantaEditor’s Note: The following is written by Pete Hendrickson in his outstanding newsletter, Lost Horizons, and corresponding Website, Pete is responsible for what I call ‘The Hendrickson Discovery,’ namely the fact that the so-called federal income tax is not a direct tax—if it were it would have to be apportioned—rather an excise on the exercise of federal privilege (via employment by the federal government or a federal corporation, or receipt of funds via federal property). Thus, the vast majority of individuals who pay this tax are not required to pay this tax, and in fact are entitled to full refund of government-withheld amounts.[1]

If you do not know these facts, if you have been paying the income tax in ignorance, now is the time to stop doing so and prepare yourself for a 2016 Christmas present this year—and, as everyone stops feeding the federal beast, everyone gets an enormous present of causing Leviathan to disappear in a pool of its longstanding hubris… and abject criminality of deception. So Merry Christmas, and thank you, Pete! [And to Doreen, Pete’s wife, who has been temporarily taken from him, and us, by corrupt and actionable machinations of the federal Mafia.][2

MANY YEARS AGO, SOME TAX ATTORNEY OR IRS OFFICIAL made the unremarkable observation in a trial brief or in testimony that, “It [collection of the tax] all starts with the filing of a return.” The reference was to the filing of an “information return,” [IR] such as a W-2, 1099 or K-1.* Continue reading