Brian’s Column: ‘The China Bug’ Official Story Epidemic (OSE) II

Latest ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ syndrome devastates US sporting world
From BW Fog Cuts, Brian R. Wright (

Candidly, my native optimism suffers the slings and arrows of near-universal mass unconsciousness  — both routine and exceptional — poorly.  This latest bombardment from the oligarchy to its seemingly unbounded cannon fodder regarding the virus du jour, 2019-nCov, has gone from the sublimely ludicrous to intravenous-heading-toward-Pluto.

Especially if you’re a sports fan.

This morning the PGA Tour announced the ‘postponement’ of The Masters Golf Tournament, which was to have been held April 9-12. This weekend’s highest-purse ‘fifth major,’ The Player’s Championship was cancelled yesterday.  I had heard Wednesday night, March 11, that the National Basketball Association (NBA) was going on a minimum 30-day hiatus. The NCAA tournament was cancelled Thursday. Baseball, hockey, schools closing, NFL draft impacted, “dogs and cats NOT sleeping together,” etc.

For what? Because a few athletes had some cold symptoms and “tested positive for Covid-19 (latest name:  2019-nCoV.” What exactly does it mean to test positive for Covid-19? Does the medical establishment even know what the Covid-19 virus IS, much less whether anyone HAS it?

As to what it IS, at least in the field in someone’s body, I don’t think so. From my previous Notes from the Front ( the HighWire expert has a picture of what the virus’s genetic structure is and that it likely came from an intentional act in a laboratory — then got out of the laboratory and into humans.

But we have no evidence that THIS virus (named 19-nCoV is being tested for with the prevalent PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test method. [Authorities are expanding the numbers via “presumptive cases” or simply not testing at all.]

We also have no confidence that the PCR method in any particular test of an individual was not contaminated — tremendous care must be exercised. And there is no evidence of accuracy of the PCR test.  Finally, the PCR test itself has never been scientifically, clinically validated .

What this means is we have no idea in general whether any particular individual anywhere in the world HAS nCoV or something else — most likely routine coronavirus (yielding cold and flu symptoms) for which doctors say there is a 99.7% recovery rate for people under 50: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Tweet City on the Covid Op

A series of Tweets with support verbiage pertinent to Operation Covid
By Brian R. Wright

The general knowledge of what is coming down to show that the establishment’s latest global tyranny effort, Operation Covid, is growing like a marijuana plants in a Phototron. This is my personal effort to keep up and share the latest with my readers. [All of these should fit inside the limits of a standard Tweet, feel free to reword as desired.]
