Dispatches from the war: Mr. Trump, you’re not Tom Paine
Guest Author: Jon Rappoport 13-17 July 2020 Nomorefakenews.com
The following sage words and “call to arms” against STUPID-19 was penned as a series of columns 13-17 July 2020 by award-winning independent investigative journalist and liberty opinion leader, Jon Rappoport, from his columns on nomorefakenews.com
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
What he sets forth in these columns applies today in spades. Any attempt by Trump to retain the election will be futile if this emergency program’s unraveling of medical tyranny and the Great Reset is not simplified, focused, and applied immediately or soon thereafter. What he outlines is an action plan for the president against those who have attacked the foundations of our country.
You’ll note the timing, which is before Anthony Fauci actually was demoted and Dr. Scott Atlas was brought on board to be official advisor. And Trump has not really stopped sitting on the fence. In particular, he’s been a cheerleader for the deadly ‘covid’ vaccine, though no one is sure about his motives or plans for making statements as he does. With Trump, actions speak louder than words.
Note: inserted text boxes are all quotes from Jon Rappoport’s series of columns.
What Jon is trying desperately to do is to reach the President as the last gesture of hope before the curtain falls. My own belief is that what Jon proposes must accompany, as well, a thorough childlike deprogramming primer of what’s true that destroys the official story pseudo-knowledge that vast numbers have been brainwashed with. As a practical matter—and I hope their medical and scientific experts come to realize that ‘covid’ is a complete fake—I would enlist the minions of the Great Barrington Declaration in the federally forced opening of the United States to the old normal… no restrictions.
End the Great Reset once and for all
This composite column of mine I intend to be appreciated along with Foster Gamble’s exhaustively researched article on the ‘covid’ crime against humanity: I’m giving you the pdf file on my own servers, as no doubt the mainstream will try to ban and suppress: http://brianrwright.com/Covert-19_Foster_Gamble.pdf. You should also go to the Thriveon.com site, from which the article will be apparent under Media. Here is the current Web version of the breakthrough article “Covert-19: Where the real sickness lies and how we can heal it:”
https://bit.ly/3gZo82Q_Foster_Gamble_Covert-19 Continue reading