Guest Article: Post-Election Notes to the Donald and to the CtC Community

Comments from Pete Hendrickson on the occasion of Trump’s amazing feat

trump_t-shirtWhat a night, November 08, 2016. “What were you doing on the historic evening, Daddy?” Or Grandaddy? Yours truly had bounced back and forth between support for Trump or support for the LP Gary Johnson ticket. You can read my columns here, here, and here, for example (from most recent to least recent)… and you’ll see I did agonize over who to vote for or to advocate voting for. What ultimately put me squarely in the Trump camp was a) he targeted the global mob in a comprehensive fashion and b) all the Wikileaks and other info coming out on Hillary just so totally blew her out of the water as to make the choice a #HillaryForNevermore one.

Well, to answer the question, “I showed up at the local election party of our conventional Republican Congressman, Dave Trott (MI, 11th District) to enjoy the company, partake of food and adult beverages, and watch the TV coverage. [For more than a year now, I’ve gone without cable TV in my home.]  I’ll insert some emphasis and comments of my own into Pete’s analysis. — bw

Word To President-Elect Trump

CONGRATULATIONS! Now comes the serious part.

As you make your plans over the next few months prior to taking office, I hope you’ll keep firmly in mind that you don’t “drain the swamp” by putting swamp creatures into positions of power and responsibility. As you consider people for your cabinet you must eschew everyone aligned or associated with the policies of the status quo which we just rejected.

We elected you to execute that rejection. We want no more welfare state, and no more warfare state, and this means no Chris Christie; no Rudy Giuliani; no neocons, no big-government types, no “terrorism” floggers, no “made” men or women of any kind in any office of trust and power.

By picking you, the American people just un-made the “made” thing. Please keep this firmly in mind going forward.

BW Note: One of the most amazing outcomes of the election that simply has to be dawning on every observer or commentator with the IQ of a banana is how absolutely corrupted the mainstream media—print, broadcast, Web—let itself become… to the point of ushering in its own demise. The MSM, in this case by shilling for Hillary Clinton no matter what the facts, just committed suicide before our very eyes: not only does nobody believe them anymore, nobody BUYS them anymore. Bye Bye.

BUT NOT TO WORRY! You have plenty of good “un-made” people to pick from. Let me suggest a few: For State think about Pat Buchanan. For Defense there’s James H. Webb, Jr.  For Treasury, Ron Paul (or David Stockman if Paul declines due to age). For CIA Director there’s Philip Giraldi. For Homeland Security, ABOLISH THIS HYDRA.

I’ll post more suggestions over the next few days. Check here regularly.

I know your own people will have lists for you, too, but be wary on that front. Too many of “your people” have ended up being “their people” over the past year—that is, swamp creatures.

Keep your eyes clear and your BS detector on full power. Focus on what you promised: draining the swamp. You can do it.

Word To The CtC (Cracking the Code, Educated Tax) Community

Cracking the Code, CtCBREXIT. DONALD TRUMP elected to the White House. The Cubbies taking the World Series. A Clinton or two on the road to prison.

Does anyone still doubt that we are in a transformational moment? Don’t doubt it. We are.

The status-quo house of cards is reeling and rocking like it has not done even once for a moment in the 75 years of systematic, institutionalized misapplication of the income tax. Now is the time to stand up and make things happen, people.

I URGE YOU ALL to re-visit and re-read the words posted here. Do what you are asked to do there.

Truman_Front_NewBW Note: My novel The Truman Prophecy [here’s the pdf package for relevant text] presents the Hendrickson Discovery as a prime mover for whatever truth and justice we are likely to soon realize in the American experience. The simple fact is that without the roughly $3 trillion in property extracted from Americans incorrectly, annually, Leviathan would melt into a steaming heap of you know what. The moral is, “Whether or not Donald Trump wants to continue Empire and thrash civil liberties under the false pretenses of a contrived War on Terror, without funds, he cannot do so.”

Visit this page, too, and go full-bore at spreading the word directly.

It IS a transformational moment. It’s a Restore the Republic moment. The principles of CtC are a necessary component of that restoration, and it is up to us to see to it that this is understood across America.

The bad guys are reeling and rocking. Let us get rocking and rolling.


Other Impressive Post-Election Analyses Today—bw





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