Brian’s Column: …Shall Convene…

American Restored First Principles’ Grand Juries
by Brian R. Wright

The content of this column between the ‘The Brochure’ stop and start headings is exactly that, an html summary of the online pdf brochure about my latest discovery qua argument re: grand juries at this address: Please read and give me feedback of your thoughts and feelings here—either via comments to this post or via email:—about the whole notion of American inherent, constitutional, ‘open source’ PRIME (people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere) grand juries. As herein described ⇒ and ⇓.

The name I have given to the recovered institution I’m proposing is America’s Restored First Principles’ grand juries or simply First Principles’ grand juries (1stP_GJs). The idea for such an easily individual-accessible shield and  sword against public official violations of The People’s natural individual rights, as stated in the “We hold these truths” paragraph of the Declaration of Independence came while I was writing my novel, The Truman Prophecy.

[What you see in this column and the brochure is definitely a first cut. Many issues remain to be worked out in application. See below the brochure section under ‘Implementation’.]

In my novel, I imagine a humane world of peace, freedom, and abundance, where the tens of thousands of corrupt, unjust, outrageous instances of gross public-official misconduct are immediately hard stopped and justly punished by ‘The People.’ This would occur as affected individuals routinely invoked a grand jury of their (nongovernment-employed)[1] peers to investigate and deliver indictments to their respective peer trial juries (1stP_TJs). Consider the yet fictional outcomes for rectifying several recent notable real government crimes against humanity: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #6

GMOFrom Toto: Curtain #4, Frankenfoods, Inc.

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. — Aesop

_______________________________4Q 2015

Birmingham, Michigan. “My god, that was ‘one spicey meatless ball!’” exclaimed the famed ‘alternative foods’ cook, and activist-author, Rudy Zabala.

Diana, his wife and confidante/muse/helpmate thru his years of struggle laughed in agreement. [That was another reason they’d stayed together thru thick and thin: she continued to be amused at his child’s sense of humor.]

She asked, “Isn’t this pasta recipe from your most recent cookbook, Doing Well by Eating Good… and Vice-Versa?” Continue reading