Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #6

GMOFrom Toto: Curtain #4, Frankenfoods, Inc.

[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy,
due for publication 12/25/15.]

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. — Aesop

_______________________________4Q 2015

Birmingham, Michigan. “My god, that was ‘one spicey meatless ball!’” exclaimed the famed ‘alternative foods’ cook, and activist-author, Rudy Zabala.

Diana, his wife and confidante/muse/helpmate thru his years of struggle laughed in agreement. [That was another reason they’d stayed together thru thick and thin: she continued to be amused at his child’s sense of humor.]

She asked, “Isn’t this pasta recipe from your most recent cookbook, Doing Well by Eating Good… and Vice-Versa?”

“That’s the one,” he replied, “with a generous foreword by our famous neighbor Elwood… who in his salad days was prototypical hard-drinking, hard-living, red-meat-eating author and Hollywood screenwriter.”

“… then had the metaphorical ‘Come to Buddha’ crisis that led to a more benign—sober and vegetarian—lifestyle, becoming the long-lived and acclaimed author and Hollywood icon,” Diana finished.

“All I know is that his positive review of the book and its recipes, in 2004, helped me to keep my seat at the national table, so to speak.”

It was an assuredly alternative one. With the explosion of ideas and choices with the flowering of the Internet in the late 1990s, all players big and small acquired voices—in food, as in everything else. Yes the big boys surely dominated, ultimately gobbling up major competitors. But lesser lights—especially in the inherently diverse universe of people’s culinary tastes, worldwide—could carve out comfortable niches.

Which is what Rudy had done, secured a niche… in the world of food and cooking. Not a career culmination he would ever have anticipated.

Showing that history is rife with recurring intersections of meaning, Hiram T. Chance and Rudy attended Wayne State University together—Chance as a mechanical engineering student and Rudy as an electronics lab technician. In fact, with three other young persons of an Ayn Randian persuasion, they rented a home in Detroit near Greenfield and Grand River in the early 1970s.

Rudy admired the naïve 22-year-old Chance, who, no doubt fashioning himself as a potential John Galt, burst on the decidedly collectivist WSU campus scene with a column in the January 1972 issue of the Wayne Engineer. It was entitled, “The Case for Economic Freedom,” and it lambasted the current mixed economy in moral terms… ending with:

The danger of controls [i.e. by the state vs. the market] is practically observable, but until men stand up and say, “This I have earned is MINE,” until they begin upholding individual rights, discarding the evils [note: obligatory moralizing] of altruism and collectivism, and achieving instead of sacrificing, there will be no amelioration [50 ¢ Rand term du jour which means improvement] Controls have brought this country to the strife-torn edges of a totalitarian abyss. Our brutal descent and crash shall not be averted short of radically supplanting the premises that got us here.

This country, this world, needs an intellectual renaissance—a rebirth of the concept of man the hero and thinker. Only if men are free, will this dream be realized.

Thought Rudy: The main part of the three-page column was as well-written and descriptive as anything you might read by Alan Greenspan or Robert Hessen in Capitalism the Unknown Ideal. Yes, the ending was pure hyperbole, but you had to be there. The Left was sooooo dominant back then, especially on campuses; Chance’s column was hugely inspiring to the embattled individualist crowd. Rudy keeps that issue of the Wayne Engineer as a prize to this day.

They were both young and idealistic at the time, with passion for these highly individualistic ideas amidst a seeming collectivist-hippie morass[1] that was early 70s American culture. The Detroit Objectivist Commune was shortlived—for the same reasons most communes don’t work out: conflict between the ones taking responsibility for household matters and those preferring the free ride option.

Maybe a year, 18 months. Poor ‘Angelo the Greek’ who had already white-flighted with his family to Farmington Hills had really wanted to sell the home to someone. He rented to the commune instead… thus losing that much more time in value as the neighborhood declined.

Rudy and Chance then made other living arrangements, with Chance then graduating, getting married, taking that more corporate road. While Rudy continued working for the university as he developed his hobby of cooking healthful dishes in the pursuit of healthy lives; he met Diana at a Unitarian church social, and they married in 1978. Rudy and Chance stayed friends, largely via libertarian and Libertarian Party functions.

What really supercharged Rudy’s interest in good food for good nutrition began with the writings of Robert Ettinger, The Prospect of Immortality (1964), followed by Man into Superman (1974). The Cryonics movement—where an individual contracts to have his body cryogenically preserved upon clinical death—was blossoming in the 1980s, especially in Michigan where Ettinger was from. Rudy always thought of cryonics as a last-ditch effort… a Hail Mary! pass, if and only if you couldn’t arrange for physical immortality before naturally checking out.

Implying taking care of oneself, in spades.

In 1982, the Pearson and Shaw book Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach was published. It was totally leading edge and outside the mainstream of science, technology, and medical practice of the era. The book, which advocated several nutritional approaches and supplements to enhancing body and mind, had a motivated following. Rudy, Chance, and friends among it.

Another key work came along in 1986, Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler. Its main subject was the emerging field of nanotechnology and what it promised for humankind… along with inherent hazards. Rudy remembers how liberating these early works were to the imagination.

Few devotees of the early life extension movement had any idea how much power the deep global state and its financiers wielded behind the scenes, even then: technology suppression, funding and militarizing key inventions, preventing access by the general public to the new abundance and life-enhancements promised by nanotech.

Epitomizing the infusion of the national security state with the life extension and enhancement movements is inventor Ray Kurzweil. His first widely known book on AI: The Age of Intelligent Machines (1992). He continued in the transhumanist vein with The Age of Spiritual Machines (2000) and The Singularity is Near (2006). Since 2012 Kurzweil works fulltime for Google [that is, for ‘Intelligence’] on “new projects involving machine learning and language processing”—aka robotics and state-centralized mind control.

In any case, somewhere in the heady techno-optimistic ‘80s, Rudy began spending every spare hour in adult education, private cooking classes, learning the ropes of fine historic Polish and Polish-American cuisine, building his knowledge slowly and steadily. The idea being to build an enjoyable diet rich in antioxidants and other health-enhancing ingredients.

As Edison had once stated:

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

With the fall of communism in the late 1980s, particularly in the country of his ancestors, Poland, cities developed their own distinct ways and identities—including unique blends of food and drink. Turned out that the country was well-known for its edible flowers, herbs, wild game, and mushrooms.

Polish Americans being one of the highest percentages of ethnic groupings in the US, Rudy saw a fertile market for unique new ethnic food ideas. He had no interest in becoming a TV personality, rather keeping a lower profile and publishing a book or three of his recipes—sprinkled with mild-mannered humor and homilies—for local patrons. The second book, Somewhere over the Kishka (1995) was a big hit that caught everyone by surprise.

[The Kishka cookbook was reminiscent of the book by Robert Fulghum, All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (1988). The author of that book, when asked about his occupation, usually replied, “What I like to do is think about ordinary things then express what I think by writing or speaking or painting, whichever seems appropriate.” Thus, Kindergarten is a series of short essays about ‘ordinary things.’ Rudy’s cookbook shared that quality of casually chatting about everyday matters, relating it to food.]

Anyway, to make a long story short, Rudy became a bestseller—first in the Detroit-area Polish-American community, then nationally, becoming a celebrity. He started making public appearances, etc. In the course of gaining notoriety, he was allowed inside the curtain of Big Food.

Regarding genetically modified (GMO) crops and foods, at first Rudy was fine with what sounded as if the technology was ‘men of the mind’ über alles. Man into superman stuff; Randian superheroes, all positive vibes.

Then, shortly after his book was published, he read about how the government was giving GMOs a free ride and a green light, not bothering for a moment to verify the technology’s safety… much less its efficacy.

In its 1992 Statement of Food Policy, the FDA asserted:

“Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”

In a 1999 statement, Biotech-giant Monsanto’s director of corporate communications, Phil Angell stated:

“Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.”

So there it is, one hand washes the other. Good deal. Dubzha, dubzha. The public be damned; no one is looking out for whether GMO foods are safe. The fox is in the hen house. Basically, the industry is protected by its own insiders and former employees who hold government regulatory or decision-making positions. Big Food is Big Government. And vice versa.

Rudy kept learning, seeing from the inside how from the beginning—GMOs were first introduced into the American food supply with a tomato in 1994 (which failed ‘at market’) and by 1999, 100 million acres worldwide were planted with GMO seeds—the issue of GMOs was never raised among the foodie faithful. He could count on one finger the number of chefs/cooks who stated misgivings about working with GMO ingredients.

As we entered the new millennium, Rudy saw how the Food Cartel was causing pain, suffering, illness with all its chemicals and < >cides that saturated the products in the typical American supermarket. Even without GMOs.

It didn’t take much to track down the causes and effects of this smorgasbord of unhealthful components. It wasn’t stomach surgery. J He and Diana, personally, started buying organic whenever possible. Organic means substantially freer from the toxins found in normal foods.

He and Diana also rather quickly gave up eating (most) meat. Partly as a nod to other sentient beings but mainly for the health benefit: These were laid out convincingly in th book/video Forks over Knives (2011), by Colin Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn:

As world-renowned health-researcher pioneer T. Colin Campbell, PhD, puts it, “I have never seen a more effective, universal medical cure for most human disease than eating plant-based, whole foods; the results are truly astounding.” His counterpart in the practice of Western heart medicine, surgeon Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD, came to the conclusion in his practice that eating meat, dairy, and oils injures the lining of our blood vessels, causing heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. In the book he states: “Heart disease is the great paper tiger of our time. A whole-food, plant-based diet will cut 80% of our health care costs in America, practically overnight.”

Forks over Knives was truly a lifesaver for many. And once they got going, it wasn’t really that hard for the Zabalas to let go of most meat, as well as dairy products.

“Remember, Diana, how we were raised to treat milk as nature’s ‘perfect food?’ Au contraire. More like the state of Wisconsin’s perfect liquid… liquid gold.”

All along, Rudy kept a journal of his discoveries, noting all the hazards. Also which companies and government officials were suspects in specific acts of poisoning of the general public without its knowledge. These terse observations would become text boxes in his lighthearted commentary accompanying the latest Cleveland borscht recipe.

Naturally, because of the influence of major Food Cartel companies, Rudy’s national exposure suffered, especially on TV. But he more than made up for the loss in conventional channels by using the Internet and social media. Besides, it wasn’t about the money.

It was about doing well by eating good, and vice versa. “Hey, sounds like a book title. Think I’ll use it,” he said to himself. J

Getting specifically to the threat of GMOs, his epiphany came from watching Jeffrey Smith’s Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives (2012):

“Never-before-seen-evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn. Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs).”

Rudy made sure everyone he cared about knew about this film, and he located a source from which he could buy multiple copies of the DVD at a discount. Whole Foods was even beginning to carry it! Perhaps the tide of knowledge was turning to subdue the Forces of Darkness that have been profiting from human misery for so long.

Also on the Web, Rudy located the Institute for Responsible Technology. He then put in a call to his ol’ buddy Chance:

“Hey, Chance, how are you?”

“Good,” Chance replied, “is that you, Rudy? How’s my favorite chef-philosopher?”

“Well, you know, I’ve never been a chef, I just play one in books,” cautioned Rudy. “But, I’m good. Hey, I need to visit with you. Rumor has it that you’re on the move with a new book and social movement… something to do with truth, justice, and the Independents.”

“That’s right, the book is called The Truman Prophecy.”

“Listen,” announced Rudy, “I want to be part of the fulfillment process, especially do something to fight the threat of GMOs.”

“Perfect,” said Chance. “Let’s meet.”

They decided on a local, independent tea house in Berkeley, about halfway between them. Rudy had followed most of Chance’s latest thinking via Chance’s ‘wholistic libertarian commentary and review’ Website. He’d glanced at the Toto prospectus and was an enthusiastic ‘investor’ in Chance’s 9/11 book, After 9/11 Truth.

Chance got right down to business:

“Basically, what I’m looking for is someone to ramrod the Clean Food Toto Affiliate and initiate Chapter 1. It’s pretty much in the same condition as the Clean Skies Toto, which I’m going to repeat the template part here:

“I’d like you to find someone to help you, maybe Diana, maybe someone younger,” said Chance. “We need to move fast, yet without hurry or worry.

“First I want you both to become fully familiar with the prospectus and with the implementation of the 9/11 Affiliate/Chapter. The 9/11 work is now available as part of The Truman Prophecy, identified as Part 2: Toto, Curtain #2: Linchpin.

“Per the prospectus, a fully operational Toto Affiliate has the following elements:

  1. A short explanatory booklet of the Toto truth
  2. A personal letter of persuasion of the Toto truth
  3. A list of obvious official story contradictions
  4. A questionnaire of 10-12 Toto truth questions

“As we roll out any Affiliate/Chapter, most will lack items #1 and #3. Item #1 is the more important, but builders can use good substitutes such as a great video or another booklet or quality articles, such as the Jeffrey Smith video, Genetic Roulette.

“Item #3 shouldn’t be hard to construct from the information you already have, especially from, say, the Responsible Technology site.[2]

“Item #2 is an essential, so why don’t you find your second and get together to write the letter, using the 9/11 Toto letter for a model.

“Finally, a questionnaire will need to be written. Eventually, we want to have clean obvious facts posed in the form ‘Did you know that?’ followed by the questions (undisputed facts) with boxes next to them.

“The questionnaire will be an iterative process. What we want is ironclad questions/facts that show: a) GMOs are dangerous, b) GMOs are unnecessary, and c) specific individuals and organizations are responsible for the high-crime assault of GMOs who must be indicted by a grand jury(s) for assault.

“The questionnaire starter kit below is condensed from a page “DANGER: Genetically Modified Crops Are Getting into Everything and Everyone” on the Thrive site (

The Clean Food Toto Questionnaire—Starter Kit

Monsanto’s mutated seeds have taken over 90% of the U. S. soy crop and 95% of the corn. Wheat and fish are next on their agenda. Despite valiant and growing resistance around the world, GMO’s are still on the rise.

  1. GMO’s are bad for our health – In 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called for a moratorium on GM foods stating that “there is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation.”
  2. Animals exposed to GMO’s suffer lethal consequences – Lab rats, mice and chickens exposed to GMO’s, as well as sheep grazing on GMO crops, are often smaller. Most of their babies are dying and they are showing up with cancer, bleeding stomachs, black patches and major irritation in both their intestines and livers.
  3. Some GMO seeds can’t reproduce – Monsanto has created a “terminator” seed that is unable to reproduce. This makes it impossible for farmers to save seeds and replant crops. They must rebuy seeds from Monsanto instead.
  4. GMO’s threaten evolution and freedom –Millions of years of natural evolution and diversity of seeds are being wiped out in a generation – what we believe is a clear intention to control food worldwide.
  5. GMO takeover of farms is a major factor in suicides – Between 1997 and 2007, 182,900 farmers in India took their own lives.
  6. GMO’s can contaminate other crops – GMO’s can cross-pollinate and spread their altered genes to other plants. These altered genes have the potential to spread far and wide, and make it into everyone’s food.
  7. Pregnant women and babies are at great risk – Among others, biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute warns that “children are the most likely to be adversely effected by toxins and other dietary problems” related to Genetically Modified foods.
  8. GMO’s are not solving the global food crisis. – They are making it worse. A four-year study by 400 scientists concluded in 2008 that monoculture and genetic modification of crops are creating significant problems and that small-scale organic farms are best qualified to feed the world.
  9. Organic is better – No pesticides and herbicides. Organic foods are not sprayed with petroleum based toxins that poison farm workers, pollute our soils, water and air, and are bad for our health.
  10. Organic fosters better farming practices – in order to keep healthy crops, organic farmers use more natural farming techniques such as crop rotation, composting and the interspersing of crops for natural predator resistance and soil health.

Chance had a draft of this chapter in hand, from which the above list was drawn. Rudy was truly impressed and said so.

“Thanks,” replied Chance. “I’ll be back in touch with you in December and early 2016. You’ll have the book available shortly to help you construct your Clean Food Toto elements.

“Yes, Chance,” Rudy said, “this will be a good opportunity for me to use my celebrity for a life-saving and planet-saving cause. I already have in mind a young woman, Brandy Roberts, who will be perfect to head up this Toto Affiliate/Chapter. She lives right here in Birmingham and is friends with my wife. We’ll get started tan pronto que possible, as they say south of the border.

“Incidentally, she’s an admirer of yours and would really like to meet with you on a more personal basis,” smiled Rudy.

“Geez, that’s quite flattering and please thank her. Maybe sometime we can fit in a tea or coffee. My whole social life has tanked ever since I realized I had to something special, of a leadership nature, to thwart those damned Commanches swarming out there in the hills. I guess we’re at war; it sure would be nice to think of living in peace.

“One thing I need to leave you with, Rudy, is that this new Trans-Pacific Partnership qua global corporate takeover of everyone, is particularly scary with respect to poison food technology. Per the watchdog Food and Water Watch organization:

“American consumers are pushing to block the use of artificial and potentially risky processes and ingredients, like antibiotics and GMOs, but the TPP could trump these democratic efforts to improve our food supply,’ said [Wenonah] Hauter [Food and Water Watch executive director]… Agribusiness and biotech seed companies can now more easily use trade rules to challenge countries that ban GMO imports, test for GMO contamination, do not promptly approve new GMO crops or even require GMO labeling.”

“So assuming the criminal-traitor class in Congress and the White House pass this act of tyranny—which the smart money is betting on—the next stage will undoubtedly be abandonment of free speech and discussion. Be prepared.

“On the good side, all signs point to the Global Mob being overextended and terrified of the growing resistance.”

“They’d better be,” Rudy resolved.

[1] It would take several decades before either Rudy or Chance realized how left and right had been played against each other by the State and Intel, by tricking the American antiwar minions toward drugs and collectivism and forcing the American economic freedom partisans toward corporate dominance over natural persons.


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