Brian’s Column: Independents Rising

From chapter of the same name in American Gumption-Catharsis
By Brian R. Wright

Note: This column is a transcription from Chapter 5: Independents Rising of my book on the Hendrickson Discovery, American Gumption-Catharsis, which argues that filing educated—according to Pete Hendrickson’s book, Cracking the Code—can be THE way to man up for psychological independence. End the universal immediate threat to the species of collective-brain syndrome (CBS) and collective-brain psychosis (CBP).

Context is the irrational response on Quora to Jeremy Lee’s arguments on the nature of the tax…

The negative commenters are all over the map with ad hominem, ridicule, appeals to authority, evidence-bereft assertions, irrelevancies, and just ordinary logical contradictions. Every fallacy in the book. Like talking to those who get their info from the national anchors.

And here’s the remarkable shared irrationality:

Virtually all the leading proliberty pundits, from Paul Craig Roberts to Jacob Hornberger—to the extent they don’t simply ignore the Discovery—exhibit the same mix of fallacious ‘thinking’ as the Olivias, Jeffs, and Bruces when they dismiss CtC-educated facts and logic.


I have a feeling the comprehensive answer to this simple question is potentially HUGE for the Discovery movement, as well as to right virtually every wrong in the world today and hold evil at bay indefinitely. So please bear with me for a page or five of analysis.

Consensus Mind (also Collar Mind, the ‘Collareds’)

Jon Rappoport coins the term ‘consensus reality,’ referring to the real-world side of the same phenomenon. In the old days of Ayn Rand and her then protégé, Nathaniel Branden, coined the term, social metaphysics, which is the psychological affliction of…

“…one who holds the consciousness(es) of other men, NOT objective reality, as his ultimate psycho-epistemological[1] frame of reference.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Everyone Wants to See Atlas Shrugging…

… but no one wants to BE Atlas Shrugging
By Brian R. Wright

When: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 and Thursday, January 31 ’til noon.
Where: Livonia, Michigan; Southeast and South Central Michigan.
Context: Polar Vortex, unprecedented arctic cold temperatures and winds
Note: Michigan is east of Chicago and on top of the word “Chicago” in the vortex map on the right. The US Post Office cancelled delivery operations in 10 states, Michigan being one.

Company: We do mobile swallow studies in southern Michigan, using a driver-technician, speech pathologist, and medical physician—travel to rehabilitation facilities in a Ford Transit 250, with a 500 lb. rolling Fluorscope machine and gear to diagnose and help patients swallow better. I’m the lead driver-tech, and was NOT scheduled to go out on 1/30 or 1/31. NOR WOULD I HAVE CONSENTED TO GO ON 1/30 ALL DAY OR 1/31 A.M… AT GUNPOINT.

Incident: Our company in central Illinois, of all places, schedules the Livonia, Michigan, team to go to three facilities on 1/30, where the HIGH temperatures for the day are -10º and sustained winds are above 20 mph (wind chill -45º. Further, the company schedules local studies on 1/31 where the morning high is -15º (!) and sustained winds are above 10 mph (temps were headed toward zero at around noon).
Coincident: Everyone on the Michigan swallow teams for 1/30 and 1/31 a.m.—one driver-tech (50-something guy), two speech paths (young mothers, 30-somethings), and two MDs (one single woman, 40-something; one man, ~74)—complies with the company dictated schedule without a peep [note: the woman MD on the Wednesday was likely gung ho to go because that’s her ‘certifiable’ nature].

My Deep  Philosophical Question of the Moment

Why? Continue reading

Donut Wholes: Brian Wright Campaign for State Rep, 2018


This column is my campaign brochure, and the three-panel brochure is located here:

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts… Can’t Lose!

Some will recognize this Dillon Panthers’ team cheer from the NBC series, Friday Night Lights. These fighting words express why I’m running… to help us to:

  • SEE thru the ‘Barrier Cloud
  • IGNITE our independent spirits
  • WIN by discarding our self-chains

“We have met the enemy and he is us.” Political problems start and end with the individual. If YOU choose to think for yourself, WE win… no matter who takes office.

High Level: Independents Rising

In 2016, I wrote a novel, The Truman Prophecy, which foresees a benevolent, abundant future for human beings of independent consciousness—Independents. We achieve this “Billion + Points  of Light” society per The Wizard of Oz (1939) analogy:

  1. Toto retracting the Wizard’s curtain,
  2. Dorothy chastising the Wizard,

  … and The Truman Show (1998) analogy:

  1. Truman realizing and rejecting being a ’Collared’ slave living for others.

So 1) Truth, 2) Justice, 3) Liberty. You can’t have one without the others. The key is easy, and we can all do it: lose the inner chains, the self-removing mind-control collars that clamped on our necks in kindergarten… and “Indie up.”

As described in the positions section,  Michigan’s success lies in “People Taking Charge” of their government via First Principles’ grand juries.

Diane McGilvery, former two-term mayor of Whitehouse, Ohio, has written the core book on American First Principles, What is the Foundation?, and my companion piece is  The Accountability Project, for practical rollout of people’s grand juries in Michigan. Continue reading

The Religion of FLOW (Increment 2: Final Outline)

FLOW (Fellowship for Liberation of Our World)
What I have in mind to get started [updated 20180812]
By Brian R. Wright

Note: I’m choosing to build this column as a description in stages. This column builds on the former one, which is the 1st Increment of the column here. The former column is kept solely as development reference; full FLOW description is the final stage — brw

Some recent instructive face time with one of my more insistent muses has caused me to realize that I need to ‘get on the stick,’ as my peers would tell me in high school. I couldn’t even answer her briefly as to what in fact FLOW was or is, much more why anyone would want to join up… or how she would benefit from it.

Recent dreams here, here, and here have provided some light along the path, then the reinvigoration of my Falun Dafa practice has supplied what heretofore had been missing for the breathing sacred being, i.e. you and me. I sketched what you see on the right in less than a couple of minutes while waiting to shower—it’s the initial FLOW chart, 🙂 so to speak, everything is anticipated there, just not positioned exactly where it will turn out.

Yes, I am building FLOW as a faith or religion with the same features of any of the Abra-hamic ones: Judaism, Christianity, Islam—although sans ‘God.’ Akin to Buddhism, except supporting the apotheosis of each individual’s independent consciousness and Being … in accordance with the laws of Nature and the sacred nonaggression principle. Also, like, say, Unitarianism, tho without any doors open for state-worship or altruistic-identity politics. Rational, spiritual, creative, and benevolent: Ayn Rand, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Rappoport, and Bagger Vance meet one another for a common purpose: our mutual spiritual well being.

A religion has two general aspects: doctrine and practice. I’ll summarize each first, then expand with narrative to where I am now in the integration.

Twenty-Five Words: FLOW Doctrine

Just as flow in nature is enhanced by removing obstacles, FLOW leverages the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa to dispel barriers to independent conscious-ness, and fosters an individual’s inner peace, outer peace, and creative abundance.

Falun Dafa, briefly explained here in a flyer I composed for its DVD, is the missing link I was looking for to breathe life into the FLOW system, make the FLOW idea and practice much more alive for people. [The ideas behind FLOW are vibrant, but they are, after all, mind constructs, which can become the tail of mental illusion wagging the dog of one’s soulful reality… which is, after all, the general human affliction we’re trying to reverse.]

Why Falun (wheel) Dafa (great law)? Because it’s a very simple set of exercises that integrates a focus on justice for the individual in society. Truth, Tolerance, Compassion: these are the pillars Falun Dafa wants its adherents to cultivate. The meditative practice is from Chinese antiquity, and was founded in modern form by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China near the time of the democracy protests there. It acquired 10s of millions of followers, and, on account of these followers protesting general mistreatment by the government, it became the target of a horrific Chinese state persecution that continues to this day.[1]

Significant philosophical thinking with individualist political foundations complement the Falun Dafa spiritual entry-assist for FLOW, and will be outlined in planned documentation. Continue reading

The Religion of FLOW (Increment 1)

FLOW (Fellowship for Liberation of Our World)
What I have in mind and why I’m launching this year
By Brian R. Wright

Note: I’m choosing to build this column as a description in stages. This column builds on the former one, which is the Starting Segment here.— brw

Some recent instructive face time with one of my more insistent muses has caused me to realize that I need to ‘get on the stick,’ as my peers would tell me in high school. I couldn’t even answer her briefly as to what in fact FLOW was or is, much more why anyone would want to join up… or how she would benefit from it.

Recent dreams here, here, and here have provided some light along the path, then the reinvigoration of my Falun Dafa practice has supplied what heretofore had been missing for the breathing sacred being, i.e. you and me. I sketched what you see on the right in less than a couple of minutes while waiting to shower—it’s the initial FLOW chart, 🙂 so to speak, everything is anticipated there, just not positioned exactly where it will turn out.

Yes, I am building FLOW as a faith or religion with the same features of any of the Abra-hamic ones: Judaism, Christianity, Islam—although sans ‘God.’ Akin to Buddhism, except supporting the apotheosis of each individual’s independent consciousness and Being … in accordance with the laws of Nature and the sacred nonaggression principle. Also, like, say, Unitarianism, tho without any doors open for state-worship or altruistic-identity politics. Rational, spiritual, creative, and benevolent: Ayn Rand, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Rappoport, and Bagger Vance meet one another for a common purpose: our mutual spiritual well being.

A religion has two general aspects: doctrine and practice. I’ll summarize each first, then expand with narrative to where I am now in the integration.

Twenty-Five Words: FLOW Doctrine

Just as flow in nature is enhanced by removing obstacles, FLOW leverages the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa to dispel barriers to independent conscious-ness, and fosters an individual’s inner peace, outer peace, and creative abundance. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Fifth Dream (1/13/18)

Anyone want to run with something like this?
By Brian R. Wright

Here’s the dream:

“0300 – 0700, it seemed that long—just chewing on the scenes. Associated with Pete Hendrkickson, doing some talk re: CtC ideas or living independently.

“The notion of burning waste paper comes up as a concept for energy [dream was envisioning one such system in a CtC person’s basement]. Using subterranean holes connected to one another, somehow smoldering and generating thermal energy, and the gasses are managed somehow. But it’s a very DIY implementation an individuals in Pete’s entourage become their own all-American redneck Buckminster Fullers.

“Got me to thinking [Jon] Rappoport-like of urban farming, prepping, just taking off the mental barriers to build self-reliant true enterprises that build a society in the ashes of the current toxocracy.”

So the immediate question is how would such a system work in waking light?

Let’s imagine we have a regular basement, say room sized 10 x 12 feet with six lined burn holes capable of processing waste paper [or some other readily available fuel]. We would need a source of ignition and air flow. Also, an automated conveyor system to direct the fuel to the burn holes… nope, this is already getting into never-never land. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The 2018 Grand Truth Convergence (GTC)

All fronts of truth, justice, and liberty to coalesce in one big lifting wave
By Brian R. Wright

Note: My original title for the column was Rockin’ New Year’s Prophecy 2018; I started it in a burst of energy on New Year’s Eve 2017. But didn’t finish so it lan-guished a day or two, but picks up with crucial insights toward the end. Please read thru, tanx. — bw

Unlike so many weekly columns, this one is springing from brow and heart as the legendary Ray Bradbury would write a short story. That is, as if all you have to do is turn on a spigot. Why? Because all the connections for the previous year have cascaded into this special day almost by revelation. I KNOW what the near-term future holds… give or take a nuclear war or false flag 9/12 by the elites. You bet I do. I wrote The Truman Prophecy after all, by channeling one Hiram T. Chance. That prophecy is coming for breakfast; it’s just that I was off a year or two. Plus I envisioned an incorrect causal mechanism.

Tsk tsk, details. The main ideas and resolutions will be forthcoming in spades. Let me also give voice here at the outset with a major shout out to my beleaguered allies in the truth and justice brigades. You know who you are—Michael, John, Kevin, Jack, Christopher, Richard, Mark, Rudy, Barbara, Pamela, Able, Jane, Susan, Robin, many more—not all on the front lines dishing out insights and changing minds toward Global Spring, perhaps, but of the fully informed ‘Independents Rising’ ‘tude, with eyes still gleaming. [Ex-CIA operative, Robert David Steele, sees an imminent, sweeping truther convergence following the obvious false-flag hybrid Las Vegas mass casualty event in this excellent analysis here.]

Kindle UP!

Note: while I’m at it right up front. I’ve provided all my books here at the $1-$2 Kindle price range, to make it a snap for anyone to thumb thru them on their Smartphone Kindle app. What I’m asking most of all for fence-sitters on my Truman Prophecy novel is to download it from Kindle for a dollar, read it, then post a 4- or 5-star review on its Amazon page. Also Tweet and Facebook. The fact is, the TP is more applicable than ever. It just needs a bit of recatalyzing.

Okay, here’s the lowdown

The reason I’ve started with the shout out to my fellow truthers is I know how it is and I feel your pain. Also, thereby, realizing the release we shall certainly all be feeling when we are no longer the disdained and scorned and ostracized.[1] In this very upcoming year, our ship will reach shore with abundant healing. All the negatives that have been accumulating bear the seeds of their own undoing. Let’s briefly chronicle 2017’s worst and dimmest. On second thought, let’s not, we all know the story and know where to find the details: It’s a boring lot: wars, threats of wars, secretly creating/funding/leading the terrorists we build into a threat, false-flags, environmental and biological assaults too awful to mention. Continue reading