Brian’s Column: Destruction of 9/11 Evidence

Spirit of ’76 Requires Truth of ’01
Or at least evidence not destroyed w/o penalty
by Brian Wright

Global Outlook, Issue 13As this critical Independence Day 2010 passes, Americans are at a turning point in history. For several generations, this Land of the Free that our forefathers risked all to create has been systematically turned toward tyranny. One might ask, “Qui Bono?” Well, it’s always the same small cast of rich, powerful psychos, isn’t it?

Men with hearts of common criminals, yet possessing cunning minds to deceive their way into unconstitutional power over normal (nonaggressive) humanity. In the West today, we can identify them as the ruling class, the banksters, the Pathocracy… and it’s becoming clearer every day precisely who they are. The showdown between these “legal” criminals and the people looms: nowhere more critically than in the ongoing movement to ascertain the pathocrats’ role in the 9/11/2001 attacks. Continue reading