Guest Column: Roots of the Grand Jury

If it’s not a runaway, it’s not a real grand jury
Roger Roots[1][excerpt from his Constitution Society column here]

constitution_societyI. INTRODUCTION

The doings of American grand juries are notoriously misunderstood and unknown by most sectors of the public.[1] Generally, the grand jury process escapes obscurity only when indictments are made public and when, for whatever reason, grand jury “leaks” are disclosed in the news media.[2] In theory, the grand jury is supposed to act as a check on the government — a people’s watchdog against arbitrary and malevolent prosecutions.[3] By and large, however, federal grand juries rarely challenge federal prosecutors.

Today, critics are nearly unanimous in describing the alleged oversight function of modern grand juries as essentially a tragic sham.[4] The Framers of the Bill of Rights would scarcely recognize a grand jury upon seeing the modern version conduct business in a federal courthouse.[5] In modern federal grand jury proceedings, the government attorney is clearly in charge and government agents may outnumber the witnesses by six-to-one.[6]

A “runaway” grand jury, loosely defined as a grand jury which resists the accusatory choices of a government prosecutor, has been virtually eliminated by modern criminal procedure. Today’s “runaway” grand jury is in fact the common law grand jury of the past. Prior to the emergence of governmental prosecution as the standard model of American criminal justice, all grand juries were in fact “runaways,” according to the definition of modern times; they operated as completely independent, self-directing bodies of inquisitors, with power to pursue unlawful conduct to its very source, including the government itself.[7] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #10

From Part 1: Dorothy. Weaverville, Northern California, Segment

Justice[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, due for publication 12/25/15.]

The Trinity River was running higher than normal for the season, making it doubly difficult to locate smaller runoffs that might be productive… not to mention for setting up his equipment.

Clarkson Hodges, civil engineer, author of The Hidden 4th Branch (about the natural grand jury and its proposed American recovery)—and as a way to help make ends meet and occupy time he couldn’t be spending with his son (thanks to a less-than-pleasant-or-even-halfway-fair divorce deal)— had developed a gold extraction system that was beginning to pan out. 🙂  At least with sales of the extraction machinery itself.

Here he was on the cusp of a personal gold tremor, if not rush. Meaning he can now pay the cable bill and even make a dent on the back rent. Half of what he made from the county surveying job went straight to ‘her.’

Why all this hardscrabble in his life?

Frugal, not saintly, Kelly (40-something) enjoyed an occasional stop at the brew pub, dated irregularly, was known to play a pony or two, but kept to a budget—that included regular donation to his community church. Continue reading