Guest Column: Michigan’s Big Brother Helper Arlan Meekhof

Meekhof Emboldens Orwellian Surveillance State in Michigan
By Shane Trejo [Original column here in West Michigan Politics]

meekhofThe Michigan Republican establishment has been desperately trying to improve their public relations in lieu of a recent Hillaryesque streak of crushing scandals.

From the Todd and Cindy’s sexcapades to the rape of Democracy by changing the ballot rules in the middle of the process to the immense environmental calamity in Flint, the establishment is truly giving the Democrats a run for their money.

However, a chance for redemption recently emerged. A YUUUGE no-brainer was sitting the legislature and gave Republicans the perfect opportunity to save face. A binding resolution  was proposed last year by Rep. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) that would have put the question on the ballot in November allowing voters to approve common sense language in the state Constitution that would give explicit privacy protections for electronic data and communications.

If HJRN was approved, voters could have amended the state Constitution to read as follows: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Local Government inAction

You wouldn’t think fixing a ramp at the recycle center would be a big deal

NoviOkay this is a column about an incident that writes itself. Describes my recent interaction with the local government facilities, city of Novi, Michigan. I’m not the most active citizen, but have attended a couple city council meetings and try to do my civic duty. As a Libertarian, I do not want activist government but I certainly would like to see responsive government. Which means if there’s a dog running loose or a child being brainwashed against his will at the high school: “Could you please quickly send someone over to fix that?”

I’ve already written a piece on predatory local government, from the next county over, that is Wayne County and the Northville, Michigan, police. Who because of an ambiguity of driving a car registered and insured (all paid up, by the way) in my then recently deceased mother’s name, I was rousted by a girl cop and her magic license plate twanger. This wonderful little bureaucop even emphasized she could take me to jail—twice!—for such an egregious offense. I’ll let you read all about it in the column I wrote here, which had a semi-happy ending thanks to my own passionate oration in court against such outrageous behavior being well-received by an actual human judge. Continue reading