Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 3 of 3

Final Process and Project Notes and the First-Cut Letter Template

Breaking_Free_w_911Continued from Part 2.

Before I get to the actual 9/11 truth letter template I’m going to propose as the central format for the entire project across the Truth Community, let me say a few more words about the preparation and process. This letter template is just that, a template, actually a suggestion to facilitate—by not requiring a lot of heavy lifting as a writer—individual action. Each individual should feel free to deviate from the template based on his own preferences or personal style. The important thing is to get cracking without too much prep time.

Process/Project High-Level

My vision for the project is that each activist/letter (email) writer begins and completes his or her own outreach in the span of two to four weeks. This period includes:

  1. learning about and buying into the project thru the “After 9/11 Truth” columns or my book of the same name.[1]
  2. making groupings or distribution lists of your contacts.
  3. sending the letters (typically emails).
  4. gathering data from the responses to feed the campaign.

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