Human Interest: Trip Report: The Magic Fillmore

‘The Sixties’ shows its good nature in classic venue
by Dave Spencer

… I walk in with great reverence, am silent, feeling as if I am in the presence of Jerry Garcia himself.

Greetings to all!

I must say this trip to the west coast has been incredible, especially my trip to San Francisco. Before I indulge in this story I want to give props to my host and friend Gregg Millitello and his way-cool son Michael. Fellas, I had the best two days of living up there. Michael, you da’ man! I want to see you in ten years because you are going to make it happen son, what ever it is you choose, you are a stand up cat! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Constitution Solution

Another reason to always listen to your mother
by Brian Wright

This one continues again from the previous two columns that resulted from general consternation over O-Slammer-Care… I mentioned to Mom that the Constitution is simple: no federal authority for health care. She said she agreed with me on this one. “It isn’t in there. Government officials should know and make available the Constitution to their constituents.”

And then the light bulb went off!
— bw Continue reading