Brian’s Column: The Good Ol’ Bars

Whither gentlemen’s pubs in Motor City ‘burbs?
by Brian Wright and John Worster

Hey John Boy,

I thought of you last night as I was heading home from golf. The gang had holed up briefly at Baker’s on Milford Road, a decent venue, but I wasn’t done. Had this urge to find a decent martini bar, one without valet parking and charging $10 for the privilege of pouring you a special one. (There’s one in Novi, I think. But, nah, no way I can afford that, besides I didn’t feel presentable in the Hawaiian shirt.) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Something Old, Something New

Human rejuvenation technology on the doorstep
by Brian Wright

Strange (but completely understandable) that the mainstream media (MSM) has not drawn more attention to a recent development in life extension science and tech. In the June 2010 issue of Life Extension Magazine, under a modest title: “Immortal Stem Cells for Anti-Aging Therapies,” Dr. Gregory Fahy and Saul Kent interview Dr. Michael West about a stunning breakthrough in regenerative medicine: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ending the Great Recession

… in five easy pieces
by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeWell, okay, they won’t be so easy to get going,
but once the first step is made, the rest should follow in quick succession. Note, I’m leaving up the image and link to Pete’s revolutionary book on restoring freedom from the federal state. It serves as a reminder that freeing all political prisoners is Job One in any restoration of economic health.

In a previous column contemporaneous with the 2008 election and ascendancy of the Big O—when politicians were talking about bailing out this auto company and that investment bank—I … Continue reading